Macbeth Quote Illustration Assignment

  • To demonstrate understanding of character, symbol, setting, mood, and motive.
  • To translate a textual idea into a visual medium.
  • To think critically about a text.

Part I: You will be assigned one quote from Macbeth.You will create an illustration or other visual representation of that quote. The quote illustration should be placed on its own 8.5”x11” paper. You will be illustrating the symbolic meaning of this quote. Not the literal!

For example, for the quote “Look like th’ innocent flower, But be the serpent under ‘t,” you should not illustrate a snake hiding under a flower. That is the literal meaning -- you should not draw a picture of a snake underneath a flower.

Copy the quote underneath your drawing (or incorporate it into the illustration), and cite it correctly:

“Sample quote that doesn't really appear in Macbeth” (1.6.30-31).

You can draw an illustration or use a collection of images from the Internet or magazines and newspapers. You may not use one or two images from the Internet or magazine to illustrate (a collage means a lot. No words!!!)

So do not just put a baby and an evil woman side by side to illustrate good and evil. Think beyond the obvious – what does the quote mean and where do you see that idea today? How can you use color and shape to illustrate meaning? What symbols are important to understand? What ironies are present? Also, think about how this quote is significant to the meaning of the work as a whole. This may give you some ideas. (And it goes without saying I do not want to see any pictures of Ian McKellen or Patrick “Sexy Beast” Stewart on your illustrations!)

Use the majority of the page and incorporate color, if possible.

Part II: Separately, you will write a brief explanation and analysis of your quote. Your explanation of the quote should contain:

  • A clear expression of context/situation
  • An explanation of any rhetorical or literary devices used
  • It’s role or purpose in the play or scene. Think: FUNCTION.
  • Any connections to other parts of the play (like motifs or themes) along with an explanation of why it matters.

Your explanation of the quote should be about 400-500 words.

The written portion MUST be double spaced/MLA.


__ / 3 Illustration depicts the symbolic, rather than literal meaning of the quote

__ / 3 Quote, including proper citation, appears clearly printed on illustration

__ / 2 Illustration is either original, or a collage of various sources

__ / 2 Illustration demonstrates creativity, neatness, and attention to detail

__ / 10 total points

__ / 5 Analysis reveals an understanding of the thematic significance of the quote.

--- / 5 Analysis is thorough and well thought out connections were made to the other scenes/acts


--- / 10 total points

This assignment is worth a test grade of 100 points.

Goodman—AP Lit