University of Macau

Macau Association of Comparative Law

International Conference

11 November 2011



9.30 – 9.50 Welcome Speeches

Prof. Tong Io Cheng, Professor of Law and Associate Dean, University of Macau

Prof. Paulo Canelas de Castro, Associate Professor of European Union Law, University of Macau, Jean Monnet Chair

Prof. Salvatore Mancuso, Associate Professor of Comparative Law, University of Macau; President of the Macau Association of Comparative Law

9.50Photo group taking

10.00 – 11.15 1st Session: Comparative Law: methodologies and development

Chair:Prof. Salvatore Mancuso, Professor of Comparative Law, University of Macau; President of the Macau Association of Comparative Law

Prof. Mauro Bussani, Professor of Comparative Law, University of Trieste, Italy: Comparative Law Beyond the Trap of Western Positivism

Prof. Rostam J. Neuwirth, Associate Professor of Law, University of Macau: Law and the Mind: A New Role for Comparative Law?

Prof. Sean Donlan, Professor of Comparative Law and Legal History, University Limerick, Ireland: The Ubiquity of Hybridity: Norms and Laws, Past and Present, and Around the Globe


11.15 – 11.30 Coffee break

11.30 – 12.45 2nd Session: Comparative Law in the International Legal Framework

Chair:Prof. Mauro Bussani, Professor of Comparative Law, University of Trieste, Italy

Prof. Muruga Perumal Ramaswamy, Associate Professor of International Law, University of Macau: Comparative International Law: Emerging Trends and Methods

Prof. Salvatore Casabona, Associate Professor of Comparative Law, University of Palermo, Italy: “Shaken but not Stirred” Legal Systems: Some Rhapsodic

Considerations on the Category of “Mixed Legal Systems”.

Prof. Wei Dan, Associate Professor of Law, University of Macau: Analytical Comparison as a Challenge for International and Comparative Competition Law


12.45 – 14.30 Lunch

14.30 – 15.45 3rd Session: Comparative Law in an East Asian Perspective

Chair:Prof. Tong Io Cheng, Professor of Law and Associate Dean, University of Macau

Prof. Ignazio Castellucci, Professor of Chinese Law, University of Trento, Italy, Visiting Professor, University of Macau: Comparative Law in Asia

Prof. Zhang Lihong, Professor of Comparative Law and Roman Law, East China University of Political Science and Law, Shanghai, China: The Development of Comparative Law in China

Prof. Chao Wang, Assistant Professor of Law, University of Macau: Conservative Political Nature and Subservient Judiciary: An Illiberal Model of Rule of Law in Postwar Japan


15.45 – 16.00 Coffee break

16.00 – 17.15 4th Session: Comparative Law between Portugal and Macau

Chair:Prof. Rostam J. Neuwirth, Associate Professor of Law, University of Macau

Prof. Dario Moura Vicente, Professor of Comparative Law, University of Lisbon, Portugal: The Common Law of Portuguese-speaking Countries and Territories

Prof. Paula Nunes Correia, Assistant Professor of Law, University of Macau: The Macanese Legal System: a Comparative Law Perspective

Prof. Augusto Teixeira Garcia, Associate Professor of Commercial Law and Associate Dean, University of Macau: The Commercial Code and Comparative Law: aHappy Marriage?


17.15 – 17.30Conference Closing remarks

Prof. Salvatore Mancuso, Associate Professor of Comparative Law, University of Macau; President of the Macau Association of Comparative Law