Booneville School District

School Board Meeting

January 9, 2018

The Booneville School Board met for a regular monthly meeting at 6:00 P.M. in the board room of the administration office on Tuesday January 9, 2018.

In attendance were Jane Woolley, presiding officer; Bobby Haynes, Andy Napier, Todd Tatum, Tyson Washburn, Mike Farris, Eric Jones and Superintendent John Parrish.

The minutes of the January 12, 2017 regular monthly meeting were approved as read.

The financial report was presented by Mr. Parrish.

Administrator reports were given by Mrs. Barbette Smithson, Mrs. Jyme Beth Diffee, Mr. Scotty Pierce and Mr. Trent Goff.


Discussion was held on the School District Facilities Master Plan. Suggestions were made through public input for possible future projects to be added to the Master Plan. These suggestions included:

1) Construction of a new administration building

2) Additional public parking around the elementary school

3) Construction of new baseball and softball fields

A motion to approve a resolution adopting the Booneville School District Facilities Master Plan was made by Mike Farris and seconded by Bobby Haynes.

Motion carried with unanimous consent.

Mr. Parrish presented a report on board member training hours. All board members have completed the required hours for training.

A motion was made by Andy Napier and seconded by Todd Tatum to approve a Petition for Transfer for Samuel Hartman Jr. to attend Magazine School District.

Motion carried with unanimous consent.

A motion was made by Eric Jones and seconded by Todd Tatum to adopt the attached Proposed Budget of Expenditures with Tax Levy for Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 2019 to and including June 30, 2020 and to approve all related election documents.

Motion carried with unanimous consent.

A motion was made by Todd Tatum and seconded by Andy Napier to employ First Security Beardsley as Financial Advisor for a period of three (3) years effective as of the date of adoption.

Motion carried with unanimous consent.


There was no old business to discuss.


Mr. Parrish gave the board information on The Book of the Month being implemented into the Pre-K grade level. Books will be purchased monthly for each Pre-K student in order to facilitate and encourage reading. Pre-K funds will be utilized for the purchase of these books.

Mr. Parrish also updated the board on the covered band bleacher project. The architect has looked at the current bleachers and has determined that a cover placed over those bleachers would block the view of the field for spectators sitting in the section next to these bleachers. Currently the architect and district administrators are looking at other alternatives for this project.


Jane Woolley declared the meeting into Executive Session at 6:40 p.m.

Jane Woolley declared the meeting out of Executive Session at 7:10 p.m.

A motion was made by Andy Napier and seconded by Mike Farris to table the Superintendent Evaluation and contract until a later date.

Motion carried with unanimous consent.

With no further business to discuss, a motion to adjourn was made by Mike Farris and seconded by Todd Tatum. The meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m.

The next regular monthly meeting is scheduled for February 13, 2018 at 6 p.m.


Jane Woolley, Board PresidentAndy Napier, Board Secretary