MABA (Mason Athletic Booster Association)
Minutes: Monday, April 16, 2012
Attendees: Kelly Thomas, Fred Rausch, Tom Lewis, Denise DeLotell, Dawn O’Connor, Lisa Mullen, Andy Rabas, Traci Etherington, Kathleen Bryan, Laura Fewell, Mary Otte, Dan Engen, Teresa Zeltwanger, Lisa Liddell, Chris Carter, Anthony Pilone, Mary Sue Mumma, Heather Hogan, Jeremy Collins, Bhanu Mathur, Scott Stemple,
President Kelly Thomas called meeting to order.
Introductions: Heather Hogan: Cheer rep; Jeremy Collins: Wrestling rep
Motion to approve March MABA meeting minutes.
Unanimously approved.
Athletic Director Report: Scott Stemple
OHSAA is hosting a booster summit, an all day seminar and addressing legal concerns, compliance issues, bringing in OHSAA legal resources. Scott, Cathy, Dick, Tom Lewis are attending next Tuesday, April 24, 2012. They are looking at tournaments being run around the test, independent contractor issues, who is being hired to work tournaments, etc. many other issues. If any issues develop that need to be addressed here in Mason, they will be brought to MABA and discussed. Results will be brought back to May meeting.
Room Request: in your request, stress you want the room to be a comfortable temperature.
Treasurer Report: Tom Lewis
Cash: Checking: $30,900 School Acct: $7500
$9185 General Fund Carry over: $13,800
Kroger is changing their card benefits as of May 1. There are no Kroger cards. Each person must register their Kroger Plus card online and connect it to their respective groups.
There are no longer benefits to your group on gas purchases. Each shopper can only use one card and cannot split their purchases between several booster groups. There will be more information at a later date.
Motion to approve April Treasurer Report.
Motion unanimously approved.
President Report: Kelly Thomas
Between now and May 21, please email to Kelly or Doug Hillen names of interested persons for Board positions. Elections will occur at the June 21, meeting.
Open Positions: Vice President, Secretary, and Associate Treasurer.
Committee Updates:
Mission Committee: Kathleen Bryan
Recommendations will include going forward with a website to disseminate information to parents and community at large. There is a cost involved but committee feels it is imperative to have a communication tool. Committee asked booster reps to give website information – Booster name, booster rep’s name, website name, webmaster name, contact person. If your group did not give this information to Kathleen at the April meeting, please email her asap. Kathleen Bryan: .
Motion to approve $500 to purchase a website for MABA communication.
Unanimously approved.
Document discussed.
MABA needs a “Play Book” for all booster groups in order that groups understand what the rules are and how they are followed.
Until we move to copyright with logos, colors, etc. there cannot be repercussions from not following rules. Scott stated there are no fundraisers to occur without administration’s, specifically building principals, approval. There are currently no limitations on logos, colors, designs, etc. so vendors are not currently restricted.
Currently, booster groups are contacting community businesses asking for sponsorship, money, food, etc. for events. This is being done without MCS approval. This is not acceptable.
Kelly will schedule a meeting for all committee heads to ensure committees are not duplicating information.
There must be more discussion on community sponsorship and what needs to be put in place from a bigger picture.
No Group can use the school’s tax ID #. You must use your own EIN. No group can accept a check made out to Mason City Schools.
Sports Update:
Baseball – GMC Champs
Boys LAX – young team, 3 seniors, beat defending state champion first game of the season.
Monthly Topic: How is publicity handled by each group?
Scott – coaches have two areas they report in terms of results: 1. league 2. Dan Hilen
Dan compiles all results and deals with PR. Cincinnati Enquirer and Pulse Journal may be at the event but this is getting more rare. Send Dan Hilan email if you want a particular event/athlete covered.
Dan tries to use the comet connection and put information on our website.
Get your email to Dan.
Please email denise at with ideas fornext months Topic of the Month.
Please email Kelly or Doug names of interested board members. Elections will be held in June.
Motion for adjourn.
May 21: Next meeting
June : Final Meeting of school year.