Media Release

Parent or Guardian,

As you may know, your child has been a participant, is currently participating, or will participate in Junior Achievement in the near future. To promote JA, we routinely collect quotes, take photographs, or take video footage of JA students. To reproduce this media, our policy requires us to have a media release of the individual appearing in the media on file. If the individual is a minor (less than 18 years of age), the parent or guardian of the individual appearing in the media must have completed the photo release.

To grant Junior Achievement of Wisconsin permission to reproduce media of your child, please complete the media release below and return via fax or mail to the Junior Achievement office. If you have any questions, please contact the JA office at 920-458-0007.

Statement of Release

For sufficient value received, I, ______, grant irrevocably to Junior Achievement of Wisconsin, Inc. (“JA”), and those acting under its authority:

(1) the right to use my name, picture, likeness, voice, video, age, residence information and statements (collectively, the “Materials”), at any time or times, for advertising, trade, publicity, informational or promotional purposes, in all media now known or hereafter discovered, worldwide and on the Internet and World Wide Web, without notice additional compensation, unless prohibited by law.

(2) the right to reproduce, edit, excerpt, use, re-use, publish, display, copyright, and distribute the Materials or any portion of them, individually or in conjunction with other photographs, images, text, and/or captions for advertising, trade, publicity, informational or promotional purposes.

I agree that materials or anything derived there from will be owned solely by JA or its assigns. I understand and agree that JA has no obligation to use the materials, and further has no obligation to use my name or any other form of attribution in any use of the materials.

I hereby waive the right (including any “moral rights”) to review, inspect or approve advertising, trade, publicity, informational or promotional content developed by JA using the materials. I agree that JA may in its discretion use any or all of the materials, including any portions or excerpts thereof.

I release JA from, and agree not to sue JA for, any claim or cause of action, including any claims for libel, slander, invasion of privacy, right of publicity or misappropriation of intellectual property rights, arising out of or related to JA’s use of the materials or exercise of the rights I have granted in this release.

Signed (student):______Age:_____

Address:______City:______State:____ Zip:______

Parent or guardian signature (if minor):______Print name:______

Address (if different):______City: ______State: ______Zip:______

Junior Achievement of Wisconsin, Inc.

1441 N Taylor Drive, Sheboygan, WI 53081

(p) 920.458.0007 (f) 920.803.1761

Mission: Junior Achievement will ensure that every child in

Wisconsin has an opportunity to obtain an understanding of the free enterprise system.

To learn more about Junior Achievement, visit us online at