M&F Chapter 7 - Dating & Mate selection
Life Skills:
  • Lifelong Learning
  • Complex Thinking
  • Effective Communication
  • Collaboration
  • Responsible Citizenship
Curriculum Tie:
  • Adult Roles And Responsibilities
  • Adult Roles And Responsibilities
Time Frame:
8 class periods that run 90 minutes each.
Group Size:
Large Groups / Summary:
Theories and stages of dating. Single life and reasons for marriage.
Primary Core Objective:
Adult Roles And Responsibilities 200107-0501
Identify and discuss the purposes of dating. National Standard 13.2.5
  • List the purposes of dating (socialization, recreation, and mate selection)
  • List personal qualities that will contribute to positive dating
Career Connections:
  • Life Management Skills
Power point projector. VCR for "Manners" video. All handouts provided on FHS 2400 CD.
Background For Teachers:
Reading of chapter and familiarity with Adult Roles curriculum.
Student Prior Knowledge:
Reading of chapter and experiences with dating are helpful so these lessons can be relevant.
Intended Learning Outcomes:
Students will determine acceptable dating behavior for both sexes. Students will create a fun and creative date that is inexpensive. Students will become familiar with many of the topics to be discussed when considering marriage. Students will know the correct reasons for marriage and characteristics in a person that are less risky for divorce. Students analyze the importance and process of mate selection.
Instructional Procedures:
Print all lesson plans and handouts provided on FHS 2400 CD. Lesson #1 - Dating survey/Theories. Lesson #2 - Stages of Dating. Lesson #3 - Creative Dating. Lesson #4 - Manners. Lesson #5 - Dating Panel from another high school. Lesson #6 - Single Life. Lesson #7 - Points of Discussion. Lesson #8 - Reasons for Marriage/Mate Selection.
Assessment Plan:
Students will have completed the reading tests before coming to class. A final Exam will be given on the chapter. These are all located on surweb.org/testing/community.asp. Search for M&F. Teacher will need to establish a password for her students. Then they can complete all reading assignments and exams on the internet. Teachers can print out a hard copy for students also by clicking on the picture of the printer, go file - print.
Student will complete Mandatory Assignments for State Test (313) #9 – Set personal rules related to dating that support personal values. (315) #1 – Develop a personal list of characteristics desired in a marriage partner. (315)#2 – Develop a personal philosophy of marriage based on points of discussion.
The Marriage & Family Experience (8th edition) by Strong
Created Date :
Sep 20 2003 22:10 PM