Show your school sprit by wearing your Lyon Elementary Rock the ROAR shirt every Friday and to all field trips. Shirts will be gray with white lettering.

Please fill out the order form completely, enclose payment, and return in an envelope marked “Lyon Shirts.” Your order will be delivered to your child’s classroom to take home when they arrive.

Front Back


Submit your order with payment by September 5, 2014.

T-Shirt Order

Student’s Name: ______Teacher: ______

Please specify the total number of each size you are purchasing. Enclose order form and exact amount in envelope and return to your child’s teacher. If you would like to donate/sponsor a shirt for a child, please enclose amount with your purchase.

Youth Sizes: $8.00 each

XS (4-6) ____S (8-10): ____ M (10-12): ____ L (14-16): ____

Adult Sizes: $10.00 each (XXXL = $12.00 each)

S: ____ M: _____ L: ____ XL: ____ XXL: ___

XXXL ($12.00):___

Total # of Youth T-shirts: ______X $8.00 = ______due

Total # of Adult T-shirts: ______X $10.00 = ______due

Total # of XXXL Adult T-shirts: _____ X $12.00 = ______due

Total Amount Due Enclosed: $ ______Donation $______