01202 528893
Where everyone can be great, not just good!
Building Work 2
The building work continues at a pace with our new look lobby almost completed and the new offices are being built as we speak. We have lost a bit of space in the old hall but we will have it all back long before Easter.
Parents Evening
You should have received a letter about parents evening on Wednesday 4th March. There is a new on-line system for you to make your own appointments ( which we are trialing this year). If you do not have access to the internet just give the office a call and we will book a time in for you! The school number is 01202 528893.
A comment left by a parent on the schools interview website reads
‘This site is really easy to use and navigate around. Brilliant system as you instantly know the time allocated as you have personally chosen it.’
For any nursery parents who cannot book a session please see Mrs Sherlock
Non uniform days
We will be holding two non-uniform days in the next couple of weeks. Friday 6th March will be Taylor Day, when we (especially year 6) celebrate the life of Taylor Fish. For those that did not know Taylor; he was a wonderful pupil whose life was suddenly cut short by a brain tumour two years ago. We would ask that all pupils come to school in non-uniform and bring a donation (however small or large) for the Brain Tumour trust and we will be holding a celebration assembly that morning. Trust Taylor bandanas are available for sale in the school office at a cost of £4 each.
Red Nose Day/Charity Day
The second non-uniform day is comic relief and again we ask that children come to school in non-uniform ( bringing a donation). At the same time 4 houses will be holding special events to raise money for their chosen charities; so if your child wants to bring a bit of extra cash to buy a cake etc that would be wonderful: The four houses involved are Green Lizards, Blue Bears, Yellow Lions and Black Mambas. / Newsletter
Volume 15 Issue 26th February 2015
Year 1 Assembly
Well done to the year 1’s who performed their first Year group assembly that had parents in the audience. Thank you to everyone who came, and I am sure that you enjoyed it as much as me! It is brilliant that we can share a lot more of what we do in school now that we have room, and the technology!!
Year 3 Rama and Sita
Also congratulations to year 3 who performed an excellent version of the story of Rama and Sita (the story behind the Diwali festival). The children spoke out really well, with super acting and dancing! Thank you to everyone who came; the hall was packed.
If your child turns 3 before the 31st March then they will be eligible for 15 hours of free funding from after Easter holidays. If your child qualifies then please speak to the school office.
Scarlet Fever
We have been made aware that there has been a recent increase in cases of scarlet fever. This is a common childhood infection and symptoms include sore throat, headache, fever, nausea and vomiting and after 12 to 48 hours a red, pinhead rash. Children suspected of having scarlet fever must not attend school until the appropriate antibiotic treatment has been started for 24 hours. If you have any concerns please contact your GP.
The following pupils have gained a
Charlotte Palmer
Also, the following pupils have gained their
Shai-anne Honey Jazmin Young Eryn O’Connor
Ellie Berndt
Back to school / 24th / 25th / 26th / 27th
March / 2nd
Year 5 visit / 3rd / 4th
Parents evening / 5th / 6th
Taylor Day
School Nurse drop-in 9am / 10th / 11th / 12th / 13th
Red Nose Day & Charity Day
16th / 17th / 18th
Year 2 visit / 19th / 20th
23rd / 24th / 25th
Easter Disco / 26th / 27th
Year 6 residential starts
Mar/April / 30th
Year 6 return / 31st / 1st / 2nd
Break up / 3rd
Good Friday
2014-2015 Inset Days
Spring Term Monday 1st June
Monday 5th January to Thursday 2nd April 2015
Spring Half Term – Monday 16th to Friday 20th February 2015
May Bank Holiday
Monday 4th May 2015
Summer Term
Monday 20th April to Wednesday 22nd July 2015
Summer Half Term – Monday 25th to Friday 29th May 2015