Kidz Paradise Child Care

‘Excellence in Child Care – Home away from Home’

Our Philosophy

  • Our objective at Kidz Paradise is to provide a warm, compassionate environment where every child can feelcomfortable and secure.
  • We are hopeful to cultivate a sense of trust and partnership between parents, children and the educators that may evolve through being able to communicate various needs and knowing that these needs will be valued. It is important to develop a consistency between child care practices at home and those at our facility to enhance the children’s general feeling of security within themselves and to develop strong relationships with the grown-ups in our day-care.
  • The growth and development of each child is observed carefully in our facility. Guidance and support, provided through our programming, attempt to nurture the total development of the children at their own rate. We aim to guide your children in becoming an effective learner through crafting an atmosphere that is challenging as well as stimulating. Essentially, our intention is to assist your children to advance all the necessary skills now and in later years. Children learn through play, and the day-to-day program includes creative practices such as stories, painting, music, and language combined with play both indoors and outdoors, which boosts the social, physical and intellectual skills.

Vision Statement

To challenge and teach each child socially, emotionally, cognitively and physically so that they can be a productive and independent student when they move into their new adventures in the education system.

Mission Statement

At Kidz Paradise we believe that a quality education in a loving atmosphere embraced with creative, fun, caring teachers will provide your child with the kind of care that they would get from their own family. Our mission is not only daily care but a nurturing environment in which they can grow and learn surrounded by people that care about their well-being.

Our mission is to challenge and educate each and every child: emotionally, socially, cognitively and physically.

Emotionally Our teachers are here to encourage your child to learn and develop the many feelings they have within themselves. We want your child to feel comfortable to open up about their feelings. And help them to discover ways to deal with the many emotions that they will encounter.

Socially Kidz Paradise is a place where your child is encouraged to learn and socialize with others. We want your child to learn, practice and facilitate manners that are being taught at home as well as at the center. Meal times are one of the very bestopportunities for your child to be themselves and socialize with others.

Cognitively We are here to teach your child the basics (math, science, history, social studies, etc.) so that they are well prepared for higher learning. The learning process is endless and there is no better time to start the climb then when your child is young.

Physically Physical education is a very important part of the growth of your child. Your child needs to get exercise, so we spend at least one (1) hour daily on physical education. Each classroom has a time set aside for walks, playground time or indoor physical activity. If weather doesn’t permit us to be outdoors our teachers have inside physical activities for your child.

There are weekly themes set for the center. You will see them on the monthly calendar that will be sent home. These themes are completed and handed out a month before, so that they teachers can plan their time accordingly. Each teacher is responsible to complete and post their lesson plans weekly. Each classroom will have an area set aside to post daily activities and/or other important messages for the parents. In addition to daily messages, which you can find on the boards, personal notes may be left in your child’s cubby, folder or lunch box/back-pack.

Language Arts
Our teachers will use poems, flannel boards, puppets, finger plays, music and other various methods of storytelling to engage your child to the wonderful world of literature.

Each month your child will practice a group of thematic poems or finger plays. Language and familiarity with the structure of language are prerequisites to early literacy. Your child will be encouraged to discover their talents as authors and illustrators by utilizing what they have mastered. Each child will receive small group and individual instruction throughout the day in this area as they explore several valuable pieces of children’s literature more thoroughly.

The alphabet will be explored daily through the use of variety of mediums. Your child will learn the difference between capital and lower case letters. (I.E. sandpaper, boxes, clay, noodles, flashcards, books and songs)

In addition to these experiences the teachers will develop lessons that explore a variety of age-appropriate themes. Research has shown that background knowledge is the single greatest predictor of reading comprehension. The early academic experiences provided by the center should be helpful in preparing your child as they begin their transition into other academic programs.

These two (2) subjects will be presented by providing your child with hands-on, concrete exploration. The math activities include exploration of a variety of manipulatives for counting, sorting and patterning. Each of these areas is also tied into language arts.

The science curriculum includes the study of various forms of life and objects of nature through careful observation. Daily your child will be lead into discussions about the weather and nature outside of our windows.

Dramatic Play
This area allows for creative play where your child an enact real-life scenarios. This can include playing dress-up, kitchen area, community helpers and other areas that they see on a daily basis either at home, at the center or just out in our community. While engaged in this type of play, your child will process the world around them.

Art allows your child to investigate an assortment of paints and papers to develop endless creative expression. In addition to these mediums, crafts may include projects using feathers, pom-poms, felt, tissue paper, glue and glitter. Children are encouraged to use scissors, crayons, markers and pencils to create whatever they desire. All of these mediums are ways to strengthen your child’s fine motor skills as well as developing their creativity.

Construction/Engineering Area
Construction/engineering areas have several containers of an assortment of blocks and various other building materials so that your child can build and created things that they imagined in their minds or have seen elsewhere.

Social Studies
This area has been designed to allow children to explore the world around them. Areas that identify your child’s neighborhood, city, surrounding states, the USA as well as other countries. Along with these concepts, your child will be exposed to community helpers, multicultural traditions as well as celebrations practiced around the world.

Sand/Water Table
Filled with sand, water, pasta, dirt or other mediums of manipulation this table is a messy, fun way to pour, measure and configure these mediums into a creative masterpiece. These mediums let your child explore the wonderful world of science as well as math.

Center Policies

Non-Discriminatory Admission Policy
Kidz Paradise fees and tuitions are in compliance with the Department of Public Welfare, Office of Child Development and Early Learning (PA OCDEL).

Notice of Non-Discriminatory Policy of Students
Kidz Paradise admits students of any race, color, national, and ethnic origin (including limited English proficiency) to all the rights, privileges, progress and activities generally accorded to make available to students at the center. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, age, handicap, color, national and ethnic origin(including limited English proficiency) in administration of its educational policies and admission policies. Admissions, the provisions of services, and referrals of clients shall be made without regard to race, color, religious creed, disability, ancestry, national origin (including limited English proficiency), age or sex.

Program services shall be made accessible to eligible persons with disabilities through the most practical and economically feasible methods available. These methods include, but are not limited to, equipment redesign, the provision of aides, and the use of alternative service delivery locations. Structural modifications shall be considered only as a last resort among available methods.

Any individual/client/patient/student (and/or their guardian) who believes they have been discriminated against, may file a complaint of discrimination with:


Enrollment Procedures

  1. Parents or Guardians may complete the enrollment packet and pay the non-refundable registration fee of eighty-five dollars ($85.00) per family. The enrollment packet contains, but is not limited to, the following:
  2. Parent Fee Agreement
  3. Emergency Consent Form (ALL areas MUST be filled in)
  4. Child Health Assessment Form (filled out and signed by a physician)
  5. Pennsylvania State Law requires that your child have a physical examination within thirty (30) days of a Childs start date.
  6. Lotion Form
  7. Media Consent Form
  8. Child Information Sheet
  9. Transportation Permission Form (If Applicable)
  10. IEP or IFSP Information Sheet (If Applicable)
  11. The parent is then responsible for arranging with the director for:
  12. Payment of Tuition Deposit
  13. Payment of Registration Fees
  14. Tuition Payment Schedule (See Tuition Schedule in Handbook)
  15. CCIS Co-payment (If Applicable)
  16. CCIS Add-on Fee (If Applicable)

Hours of Care The center is open weekdays (Monday-Friday) from 6:00AM till 6:00PM. Any changes to these time frames due to holidays or inclement weather will be communicated to the parents via newsletter, calendar or memo. (Please keep in mind that no child should be in the care of Kidz Paradise for more than 10 hours a day. If any child is in care for more than ten (10) hours, a late fee will be applied to the families account and a notice will be sent home.)

Kidz Paradise will publish a Center Annual Calendar listing the dates which Kidz Paradise will close for the day or close early. This calendar will run with the fiscal year, July through July.

For inclement weather information, tune to Channel 69 News WFMZ, the Kidz Paradise Childcare and Learning Center Facebook Page, and registered email account with Kidz Paradise.

***Enrollment Fee***
Eighty-five dollar ($85.00) non-refundable registration fee per family due upon enrollment.
Thirty-five dollar ($35.00) non-refundable yearly application fee per family posted to accounts annually to any client registering prior to September 1st of the previous year.

Tuition Rates(Applied Weekly)
Full Time:Twenty-five (25) hours or more per week
Part Time:Anything less than twenty-five (25) hours per week

Infants(6 Weeks to 12 Month Old) Full Time: $210.00 Part Time: $170.00

Pre-Toddlers(1 Year Olds) Full Time: $200.00 Part Time: $160.00

Toddlers(2 Year Olds) Full Time: $190.00 Part Time: $150.00

Preschool & PreK(3 to 5 Year Olds) Full Time: $175.00 Part Time: $140.00

School Age Kids(Kindergarten thru 5th Grade) $100.00 per week $35.00 extra per day for full time care during the school year $15.00 extra per day for early dismissals

Summer Camp(Kindergarten thru 5th Grade) $145.00 per week (Summer Camp Activity Fees may apply)


Payment Policy

  1. Tuition is posted to all accounts the Monday prior to services rendered
  2. If payment is not received by the end of the business day on Thursday (6:00PM), the week prior to services rendered, there will be an additional thirty-five dollar ($35.00) late fee applied to the account.
  3. Any account with a balance other than $0.00 by the end of the business day Friday, will receive a notice of suspension of care for the coming week due to non-payment.

Fees for Services Parents who do not arrive at the center by 6:00PM for their child will be charged a fee. Late fees are as follows:

Late Fee Penalty Charge:
The center opens at 6:00AM and closes at 6:00PM.No child shall be admitted into the building prior to 6:00am! Late Fees for any student not picked up by 6:00PM is as follows:

First 1-15 minutes:$25.00 16-30 minutes: $50.00 31-45 minutes: $75.00 46-60 minutes: 100.00

Every fifteen (15) minutes is twenty-five dollars ($25.00)

If someone has not come for the child by 6:00PM, the staff will begin to call each of the people listed on the emergency contact form to come for the child. If we are not able to get in touch with anyone on your emergency contact form we will than contact Berks County Children and Youth.

The weekly fee will be charged each week regardless of attendance. Payments are expected by the end of the business day Thursday, the week prior to the services rendered. Failure to make weekly payments will be cause for an interruption of child-care services. There is a thirty-five dollar ($35.00) late fee charge if payments are not received by the end of the business day (6:00PM) Thursday.

Payments may be made by check or money order. Please write your child’s name in the memo area if you are paying by check. Checks need to be made out to Kidz Paradise. Payments may also be made by direct withdrawal from checking accounts on the website,, through the Parents Portal. Parent Portal login information will be given to parents or guardians upon enrollment.

THERE IS A FORTY-FIVE DOLLAR ($45.00) RETURN CHECK FEE or INSUFFICIENT FUNDS FEE. If you have 2 returned checks, you must pay with a money order. If you have two failed transactions on the Parent Portal, you must pay with a check or money order.

Refund Policy In the event of withdrawal prior to two-week (2) notice there will be NO monies refunded.


  1. The center shall give careful and detailed consideration to cases of withdrawal or dismissal of students and shall have written statements,provided to parents upon enrollment, to notify of the procedure for refunding on unearned fees or charges.
  2. Tuition paid in advance shall be refunded in full if a registered child withdraws with a two (2) week notice or is requested to withdraw.
  3. Payment in Case of Withdrawal: Two (2) weeks prior written notice, or two (2) weeks tuition is payable upon the child’s withdrawal from Kidz Paradise.

Key Cards
New families are issued a key card to enter the building for picking up and dropping off children. These key cards must be used daily and should not be used by anyone other than the designated individual stated on the card. Kidz Paradise will also provide, to any designated individuals whom will be picking up your child on a regular basis, a key card. Replacement key cards are $5.00 each. If a family withdrawals their child/children, we ask that they return all key cards to the office on the last day of care.

Pin Numbers
Each parent or guardian will be issued a four (4) digit pin number upon enrollment. This pin number should be used to sign their child in and out of the center each day on the computer in the lobby. If the pin number is forgotten, the office has a master copy of all the pin numbers. This is a requirement by PA DPW OCDEL and Berks County Child Care Subsidy (BCIU CCIS).

Other Important Tuition Info

  1. Financial Arrangements: Tuition is based on the actual costs of operating the center divided by the number of children enrolled. Kidz Paradise’s budget is based upon a fifty-two (52) week school year. Tuition is payable for the days and hours reserved regardless of attendance.
  2. Credit for Absences and Vacation: If your child is absent from care for a full week, either for vacation or for illness, they will receive the first week in the fiscal year at a 50% tuition discount. Any full weeks absent after that will be allowed a 20% tuition discount.
  3. Registration Fee: A non-refundable registration fee of eighty-five dollars ($85.00) is payable when you enroll a child for the first time. A registration fee of thirty-five dollars ($35.00)will be posted to all accounts, with the exception of families enrolling after Sept. 1st of the previous year, annually in January.
  4. Holiday Credit: NO CREDIT on tuition is given for scheduled Kidz Paradise holidays.
  5. Make-up Days for Absences: We are licensed to handle a certain number of children per day, distributed among the various classrooms in specific numbers. Therefore, we cannot automatically grant opportunities to make up all days lost as a result of absences. If a child has a prolonged illness, however, we will make every attempt to allow for some extra time at the center.
  6. Overtime Charges: There will be an overtime charge for children not picked up before 6:00PM or dropped off before 6:00AM. (See Fees for Services)

Center Programs At Kidz Paradise we offer:
Infant Program:Six (6) weeks – fifteen (15) months
Young Toddler Program:Twelve (12) months – twenty-four (24) months
Older Toddler Program:Twenty five (25) months – three (3) years old
Pre-School Program:Three (3) years old – four (4) years old
Pre-Kindergarten Program:Four (4) years old – five (5) years old
School Age Program:Kindergarten – 5th grade