For Immediate Release: Solar Sea Water Desalination
A Solar Powered Sea Water Desalination System
And So Much More
The answer to California's future water supply sets to the west, both in terms of source water and in energy. The largest body of water on this "Blue Planet" is the Pacific Ocean but because of its salinity is unusable as a domestic water supply. The cost of conventional energy to desalt it is immense. However there is one energy alternative that is free, not only in availability but also of environmental pollution, the Sun.
The Living Water Solar Powered Sea Water Desalination System is an environmentally friendly technology (at this time, held as proprietary). It can desalinate sea water to the highest quality water known to man. It can be sized to meet any demand load that may be required. At this moment it is the only truly viable long term solution for both California's Water and Energy related needs
Fossil fuel over time will present innumerable prohibitive costs both financial, and environmental because of the generation of CO2 and other gasses and thermal pollution. In terms of thermal pollution and long term waste disposal, the nuclear option posesses dire consequences. In the early 90s Metropolitan Water District, So. Cal. Edison, General Atomic and Bechtel were planning a nuclear powered desalination plant, tentatively to be located along side the power generating stations in Huntington Beach. This plant would have dumped a theoretical zero loss waste energy load into the Pacific that could raise the temperature of one acre foot of sea water from its mean temperature of about 58 degrees to the point of boiling in less than 15 minutes. However, the environmental impact was not the reason that the project did not proceed, it was the inevitable, decreasing availability and rising costs of nuclear fuel. Coupled with the greenhouse effect, thermal pollution and the problem of nuclear waste disposal it is easy to see that nuclear is not the answer.
The solar solution is the only solution, as it utilizes the energy that comes from the sun every day, rather than that which is mined from deep beneath the Earths crust. Earth Stewardship has become an individual and societal imperative and we all must do our ever so small part to preserve this planet. Contrary to the belief of many, because one has access to vast resources, doesn't mean that it is wise to squander them. Environmental litter, be it paper, energy, or whatever, does impact the quality of life of our neighbors human, plant, animal and otherwise.
Please visit my website: for information on a modest but extremely cost efficient solar powered water purification system, for missions, small community, village and relief applications.
I have also developed a weather tight roofing system incorporating a full range of solar powered residential appliances. They include: home water purification, water and space heating, photovoltaics, solar lighting and more.(at this time, held as proprietary)
The Living Water Solar System
David Wetzel, P.O. Box 981,
Laguna Beach, California, 92652,
Ph# (949) 494-6340 Cl# (949) 813-8658
For Immediate Release: Developing Village, Pure H2O
An Extremely Cost Efficient
Solar Powered Water Purification System
For Missions, Small Community, Village and Relief Applications.
Water quality affects not only the health, quality of life and vitality of a community but also the mortality of all living things. 78% of ones body weight is water and to maintain a robust state of being, whether from the food we eat or the liquids we drink, the water we consume must be healthful, invigorating and wholesome.
Every year throughout the globe, millions of lives are lost to grinding poverty and starvation, mostly due to severely weakened immune systems caused by water supplies that are insufficient or in most cases contaminated beyond repair. Here is an urgently needed solution to the dire water problems.
By integrating function into form, Mr. David Wetzel has designed, built and patented a solar powered water purification system to satisfy water supply needs in village, small community and emergency relief applications around the world. The Living Water Solar System (LWSS), using only free solar energy and an available water supply, is the most simple, efficient, reliable and affordable water purification system in the world. In fact the first proof of concept of this system is still operational and has been in continuous, reliable use for more than 25 years, with almost no maintenance required at all.
The mission? To scale up the technology to satisfy the greatest most common and urgent need of humanity, Safe and Plentiful Drinking Water for All.
For remote village, impoverished or relief areas, the following least cost, local work project version is formed on site in molded concrete by the indigenous population for permanent installation. Concrete materials and labor being available nearly everywhere on earth, these systems can be made with local resources and labor. Pictorial instructions overcome the need for user literacy skills, allowing the units to be fabricated, installed and operated reliably and safely in remote locales around the globe. Not only will the people be able to fabricate their own potable water supply systems, but create much-needed jobs, community involvement and a sense of pride in having developed their own precious life source potable water supply. This is a technology that will over time, ease if not eliminate much of the grinding burden of disease and poverty.
The system, being a modular array can be added to and grown to produce substantial streams of the highest quality, most refreshing drinking water that money, shells, or "good will" can buy. By the end of the first year, assuming that only common concrete cement is used and that only one unit comes on line every two days, the hundreds of units produced from a single tool, will be producing in the neighborhood of 180 gallons per day. By the end of 10 years a field of 1800+ LWSS units will be producing over 650,000 gallons a year and will continue to do so for generations to come. An additional 365 more unit gallons per year, will be coming on line every second day thereafter and if quick set concrete cement is used, two or more units can be produced in a single day and these figures could be increased by the correlating factor.
Once in a lifetime for a lifetime of pure drinking water and health. Is there any health insurance this affordable anywhere? Even the poorest of populations can afford it. In fact the poorest among us are those who can least afford not to have it. Who can afford to live without the Living Water Solar System?
Ministry and Missions
The roll and impact that the LWSS will have in ministry and missions is incalculable. As a team of missionaries goes forth to plant the seeds of God's Love in the peoples hearts, the LWSS technology will underscore the depth of His Love, by watering their souls.
What greater gift is there than that of LIFE and LIFE, more abundantly. Do you have the desire to lend a helping hand to those in need? It is my desire and goal to have this system in operation in every place around the globe where scarce or contaminated water supplies are a source of harm to mankind. Will you help me make this dream come true and save thousands if not millions of lives? This is a private non-incorporated mission and no matter how great or small, your generous financial gifts of support will help to share this mission throughout the world. Now That's,
And So Much More To Come.
In All Things, Giving Thanks.
After infusing over 1/2 of a million dollars of his own resources in R&D, Mr. Wetzel at this date has fallen short of completion by about $50,000. Donors are sought for Angel *"Grant/Loan" capital resources for scheduled disbursement. Of immediate and urgent necessity is $10,000., about 30 days thereafter an additional $15,000 will be needed, for Master Tooling modifications and in another 30 - 60 days the final $25,000 will be needed for the first production run and promotions. Your generous financial support will imbue vitality into this mission and ensure that your gifts will be shared throughout the world.
A small but very important note. If one is Donating or Tithing to store up Treasures In Heaven, then a private not incorporated ministry such as this is the way to go. If one is Donating or Tithing for a Tax Write-off, then a 501(c)(3) corporation is the way to go. If one is Donating or Tithing for both, Treasures In Heaven and a Tax Write-off, concerning the Treasures In Heaven element, I would like to suggest that Matthew 6: be consulted, so that none will be disappointed.
*The "Grant/Loan"principle is described as follows.
It is anticipated that within the span of 5 years from delivery of the first production run of the Living Water System for rural village, developing communities and disaster relief, the project will have achieved 2nd Objective self-sustainability.
As early as possible during that 5 year period but after achieving 2nd Objective self-sustainability, all patrons will receive, in return for their gift, 10 times the original amount plus the repayment of their initial "grant/loan" gift. In the unlikely event that during that 5 year term, the project does not achieve 2nd Objective self-sustainability, the amount will be treated as a "no strings" grant. After achieving 2nd Objective self-sustainability, all contributors of $10,000 or more will be given the opportunity to sponsor a complete license, with equipment, to the rural village, developing community, missions or relief organization of their choosing. Further all contributors of $100. or more will be matched in shares when the Utility Scale, Solar Powered Sea Water Desalination Plant System (a multi-billion dollar project) becomes available to investors.
David Wetzel, P.O. Box 981,
Laguna Beach, California, 92652,
Ph# (949) 494-6340 Cl# (949) 813-8658
Inventors Biography
David Wetzel, the inventor of The Living Water Solar System, was raised in a home which encouraged his natural creative inventor talents. In grade school he took a special interest in science and by sixth grade he had discovered his aptitude for engineering.
As a teen, Mr. Wetzel admired Leonardo da Vinci, Benjamin Franklin, Nicholi Tesla, Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, Henry Ford, and a host of other inventors and innovators. Mr. Wetzel began preparing for his career as an inventor by making balsa wood gliders and planes and ornate laminated skateboards. This led him into the scienctific study of the dynamics of weather, gravity, magnetics, electrical, thermal and solar energy, the hydrologic cycle, aerodynamics, hydrodynamics and the natural interplay of energy harmonics between materials, and geometry.
As a soldier with the 4th Infantry Division in Viet Nam, he was decorated with a Bronze Star and promoted for his mastery and excellence as a Ballistics Meterologist. Later he was transfered to the 101st Airborne Divisions Tactical Operations Center aka. "war room" where he was assigned the postition of Combat Air Controller. Again for his excellence, "above and beyond the call of duty", he was decorated with a second Bronze Star with Oak Leaf Cluster.
As a citizen, David Wetzel was awarded meritorious service recognition by the City of Laguna Beach, for directly saving eight of his neighbors homes in "The Great Laguna Beach Fire" of 1993. His ingenuity and quick and courageous actions stopped a domino effect that had already taken out 366 homes and due to the heavy 60-70 mph Santana Wind conditions, was hungry to take out as many as 10,000 more.
As activist and member of Veterans For Peace, when Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast, he heard the cry for help and within a few days he and a team of more than 100 combat veterans with trucks and vans loaded to capacity, converged to help distribute relief supplies throughout the devastated region.
As a civilian, Mr. Wetzel became a prodigious Inventor and Machinist. As an engineer/machinist for McDonnell Douglas AeroSpace and Solar operations in the early to mid 1970s, he invented, designed and built many important advances in tooling and technology, including the nuts for the Space Shuttle program. Every time the Space Shuttle launches, the nuts with explosive bolts are called into service to hold the massive Solid Rocket Boosters and Shuttle assembly erect for launch.
During that same time period, his father, Grant was the West Coast representative for Hach Co., the first and foremost manufacturer of water test equipment. He was continually bringing home samples of water from his various clients. The samples demonstrated a very rapid rate of decline in water quality. David saw this as a wide open opportunity to make a difference. He formulated a plan to develop the most cost-effective, high-performance and energy-efficient water purification system under the sun. David diligently researched all the various forms of water treatment throughout history. He studied water filled copper vessels sitting in the sun, freezing and electrodialysis of water, micro-filtration, reverse osmosis and multi-effect boiling, etc. Solar Distillation proved to be the best solution. David then researched every solar distillation system he could find in prior history, gleaning only the best design features, he fabricated the tooling to build his revolutionary new design. He prepared and made the tooling ready to construct the first unit on the next morning, but that evening he was blessed with a dynamic 3-D vision of something entirely different than anything he had ever seen before. The geometry was so elegant and efficient that he knew that this was the design that he needed to produce. Hence, the birth of the Living Water Solar System.
On the roof of the family home is the original unit that has been in continuous and almost maintenance-free operation for nearly 3 decades. Over the years, David has made a number of modifications and refinements to the original design. Now he has developed concepts for a full range of solar powered residential appliances. They include: home water purification, water and space heating, photo voltaics and solar lighting. He also has concepts for disaster relief, village projects and a full utility scale Solar Powered Only, Hybrid Sea Water Desalination plant design. In All Things, Giving Thanks.
Ph# (949) 494-6340 C# (949) 813-8658