LV.1 – Séries ES-S An Independent Woman. 2002.


  1. Where is the scene set?4 pts

The scene is set in London, in a pub (in a bar).

  1. Give the main character's name and marital status. 2 pts

The main character's name is Bridie and she is single/ unmarried/ not married.(l .7-8)

  1. What did she come there for? Circle the right answer.2 pts

a/ to meet a friend.c/ to meet a man she had met recently.

b/ to meet her boyfriend.d/ to meet a man she had never seen.

Réponse d

  1. Say whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE.

Justify your choice by quoting from the text. (0 si pas de justification).20 pts

a/ She has already talked to the man.

TRUE: line 9/15/31-32.

b/ She thinks she knows what the man's job is.

TRUE: line 2 .

c/ She is impatient to meet him.

TRUE: lines 3-4/31-32

d/ She is happy with her life as it is now.

FALSE: lines 7-8.

e/ The place where she is waiting is noisy and crowded.

FALSE: lines 18-19/ 19-20.

  1. How does she react when she first notices the Indian in the bar and why? 4 pts

(30 words)

She is surprised by the presence of the Indian in the bar. Indians are everywhere in London,

but don't usually go to pubs or bars.

  1. Show in your own words that clothes and appearances are important for Bridie.

Use the text to justify. (40 words)6 pts

She likes wearing expensive clothes and going to high-priced shops (l. 5).

She carefully chose the brand of her clothes (l. 9) and the colour of her varnish for the meeting

(l. 30).

2 pts pour 'expensive shop'. 2 pts pour 'brand'.2 pts pour 'varnish'.

  1. What kind of man does she expect to meet? (20 words)6 pts

She expects to see a doctor who is rich, handsome and smart. She also expects him

to be a white Englishman.

2 pts pour 'rich' ou équivalent.2 pts pour 'handsome'.

2 pts pour 'white Englishman'.

  1. What is her state of mind in the passage from l. 29 down to l. 36. ? (30 words)6 pts

She is getting more and more impatient (she's growing impatient) because she thinks

the man is late. She keeps wondering whether she is in the right place or not.

She fears he may not come.

Accorder 6 pts si le candidat formule 3 idées sur 4.

(impatience de Bridie / hésitation sur l'endroit / peur d'avoir fait une erreur en acceptant le rendez-vous / peur qu'il ne vienne pas).

  1. At one point, the little Indian speaks to her (from line 37 to 49). How does she feel?

Tick the right adjectives and justify.16 pts

 confused flattered

 frightened embarrassed

 offended fascinated

Réponses: offended (l.40: 'She snapped'/ 'this was really too much'/ 'The cheek of it.' ) /.

frightened (l.42: 'she began to feel afraid) / confused (l.44: 'what was going on?') /

embarrassed (l.46-47: 'what would Pat think?').

4 pts par adjectif et justification. 0 si pas de justification.

  1. How can you explain the fact that he knows her name?4 pts

He knows her name because they spoke to each other before, maybe on the phone.

  1. Why didn't she realize that he was an Indian when she talked to him?6 pts

He did not mention the fact that he was an Indian. He said his name was Pat,

which is typically British. He had an English accent. (1 pt pour chaque idée)

  1. Couldn't she have realized before who the Indian in the bar was? How?4 pts

She could have realized it before if she had paid attention to the way the Indian was

dressed and noticed the paper he was reading. (1 pt paper/ 1 pt dressed).

  1. What does her reaction reveal when the Indian man comes up and talks to her? 4 pts

She is shocked, confused and frightened. This mixture of feelings reveals that she

has typical racial prejudice.

  1. Translate the following passage into French: from l. 38 (“She turned around…”)

down to l.41(“…picked up.”).16 pts

Texte anglais / Traduction proposée / Points
She turned around and the little Indian man she had seen earlier / Elle tourna la tête : le petit homme d'origine indienne (ne pas accepter "le petit indien") qu'elle avait remarqué/ aperçu/ vu plus tôt / 2
was standing behind her. / était derrière elle. / 2
With her being perched on the stool he barely reached her shoulders. / Elle était juchée (perchée) sur son tabouret si bien qu’il lui arrivait à peine à l'épaule. / 2
“I'm waiting for someone,” she snapped. / “J'attends quelqu'un", répondit-elle d'un ton sec. / 2
This was really too much. The cheek of it. / C'en était trop. Quel culot/toupet! / 2
Where was Pat? Why was he late? / Mais où donc était Pat? Mais pourquoi était-il en retard? / 2
The little Indian obviously thought / Manifestement, ce petit Indien pensait / se disait / 2
she wanted to be picked up. / qu'elle cherchait une aventure, (accepter : cherchait à se faire draguer). / 2


Traitez l'un des deux sujets, au choix. (300 mots)

a) Write a continuation to the story. (You may write a dialogue.)

b) This kind of situation is called a blind date : in your opinion, what could the risks involved be?

Guide pour l'évaluation de l'expression personnelle en anglais

Baccalauréat séries L LV2, ES LV1, S LV1 et S LV2

Suggestions du groupe d'anglais de L'Inspection Générale des Langues Vivantes

Candidat : copie N° ______

Réalisation de l'exercice
et traitement du sujet
4 points / Recevabilité linguistique
6 points / Total des points
0.5 point
  • présentation inacceptable
  • écriture illisible
  • consignes non respectées
  • hors sujet
  • contresens
/ 0.5 – 1 – 1.5 point
  • inintelligible
  • lexique indigent
  • erreurs récurrentes de grammaire élémentaire

1 – 1.5 – 2 points
  • recopiage du support
  • hors sujet partiel
  • sujet compris mais traitement plat et superficiel
  • construction vague
/ 2 – 2.5 – 3 – 3.5 points
  • compréhension possible malgré des erreurs fréquentes
  • lexique limité
  • syntaxe peu élaborée

2.5 – 3 – 3.5 points
  • existence d'une problématique
  • effort de construction
/ 4 – 4.5 – 5 points
  • erreurs occasionnelles
  • vocabulaire adapté
  • syntaxe adéquate

4 points
  • enchaînement des idées
  • développement organisé
  • références culturelles
  • conviction, humour
/ 5.5 – 6 points
  • erreurs rares
  • vocabulaire riche
  • syntaxe élaborée
  • capacité à nuancer

Dans un esprit d'évaluation positive, on n'hésitera pas à bonifier – en seconde lecture et selon une échelle + 0.5 / + 1 / +1.5 – les copies qui se lisent relativement facilement, avec intérêt, voire avec plaisir.
On tiendra compte du soin apporté à la présentation et à la rédaction. On valorisera tout particulièrement les copies dont les auteurs ont réagi au sujet proposé en s'engageant et en exprimant un point de vue personnel.


Questions / Points
Total compréhension / 100
Expression / 100
Total / 200
