Honoring the Past – Welcoming the Future
febrUARY, 2018


st. Stephen

Lutheranchurch – elca

Pastor Gail Sowell

424 N 3rd Avenue, PO Box 95, Edgar, WI 54426

Telephone: 715-352-2491 (St. Stephen Office)

715-352-2492 (Pastor Gail Home/Cell/Emergency)

Church Web Site:

Joint Mission Statement:

Saints united to be the body of Christ in the world,

freed by grace to live faithfully,

witness boldly, and serve joyfully

Pastor / Pastor Gail Sowell
St. Stephen Office / 715-352-2492
Secretary / Sherry Gayken
/ 715-355-9039
Outside Custodian / Steve Doran / 715-393-5080
Inside Custodian / Rachel Doran / 715-393-5076
Organist / Charlotte Otto / 715-443-2007
Handbell Director / Marla Berg / 715-302-4768
Altar Guild / Millie Borchardt/
Marge Copeland/Deb Pilgrim / 715-352-2451
Media Team / Sherry Gayken, Michael Maurer, Dale Pilgrim, Mark Schreier, Vern Spaulding, Kristin Zietlow, Rod Zietlow (VolunteersNeeded)

All services begin at 6:00 PM,

with soup suppers starting at 5:00 PM

(no soup on Ash Wednesday)

(sign-up sheet in the back for February 28 and March 14)

Ash Wednesday, February 14: St. Stephen

Wednesday, February 21: St John

Wednesday, February 28: St Stephen

Wednesday, March 7: St John

Wednesday, March 14: St Stephen

Wednesday, March 21: St John


Pastor Gail’s Ponderings for FEBRUARY, 2018

“Tears are the unspoken words of the heart.” This was said by the daughter of a dying woman, surrounded by some 15 family members, including exes and steps on every side. They all grieved. They all wept. They surrounded her with love.

We, too, are surrounded with love. On every side, inside and out. The immortal, invisible, eternal love of God, of Jesus. The amazing grace of the Rock of Ages—how great he is! For me, it’s truly a privilege to be able to receive a phone call from a casual acquaintance, asking me to pray for his dying wife just because he knew I was a pastor.

A season of repentance and prayer is coming up. Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent, is on February 14th. Valentine’s Day seems a good time to focus on love—but for the Christian Church (the body of Christ, the communion of saints, the fellowship of believers) the love I ask you to pursue in Lent is a love in service for others.

You know my passion for the hungry and suffering of the world. I ask you this year to share it and to give as you are able to an area of special need. My focus is on Malawi, because the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Malawi is our sister synod. The following information is provided by the ELCA World Hunger’s 40 Days of Giving. Their goal is to raise $203,000 during Lent to serve the 18 million people of Malawi. “Faced with some of the highest rates of HIV, malaria and other preventable diseases, the health care needs in Malawi are great. Since rural families can be days away from the nearest health care facility, our partners [The ELCM] have transformed four-wheel-drive vehicles into mobile clinics stocked with test kits, supplies and medicines. Special programs focus on malnutrition, maternal and neonatal care, HIV and AIDS, and malaria. Your gifts will help train local health care professionals and provide much-needed medical supplies to ensure that these programs continue to save lives.”

As I’ve done several times in the last few years, I will match the giving of St. John and St. Stephen, up to $500 in each congregation. Please make your checks out this time to me, Gail Sowell, marked for “Malawi.” (It’s a lot easier than keeping track of giving to each congregation. If you need a receipt for tax purposes, let me know.)

Lenten services will rotate between congregations, beginning with Ash Wednesday atSt. Stephen at 6:00 pm, no soup supper. All Wednesday midweek services after Ash Wednesday will be held in the basement, to conserve heat and provide a more family-like atmosphere. Supper begins at 5:00 pm, worship each week at 6:00 pm. During Holy Week, Maundy Thursday’s service (no supper) will be at St. John at 6:00 pm; Good Friday worship at 1:00 pm St. Stephen; 6:00 pm St. John; Easter morning Sunrise Service atSt. Stephen at 6:00 am, followed by breakfast at 7:00 am,and regular 10:30 am worship; Easter worship at St. John at 9:00 am.

Please walk the Lenten journey with us and join us for the special days in Holy Week. In order to truly celebrate the resurrection on Easter, we all need to mark the events of Thursday and Friday.
















23Ringle Robert




02/26 – Wendell & Arlene Roddy


Lasagna/Spaghetti Dinner

Sunday, February 11, 2018

11:30 AM – 1:30 PM


Home-made Lasagna

Spaghetti w/Meat Marinara Sauce

or Chicken Alfredo Sauce


Garlic Bread



Coffee, Milk, Juice

Adults $8.00Children 8 and under $4.00

Carry-outs available ALL are Welcome 

A Thrivent Action Team Project

Sign-up sheets in the back for food donations; also workers needed for both Saturday, February 10th, and Sunday, February 11th (beforehand, during, and clean up)


Barbara J. Missar, 92, born December 2, 1924 Fenwood, died on Friday, November 10, 2017 at Arborview Court Assisted Living in Wisconsin Rapids. A memorial service was held on Thursday, November 16, 2017 at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Plover.

Adeline I. Pilgrim, 88, born May 31, 1929, died Sunday, January 21, 2018 at Aspirus Hospice House, Wausau. On October 1, 1955 she married William Pilgrim at St. Stephen. He preceded her in death on November 6, 2013. Survivors include her three children, Dale, Debbie, and Dean, grandchildren, and great-grandsons, Funeral services were held at St. Stephen on Thursday, January 25, 2018.

Funeral services were held at St. Stephen on Wednesday,January 31, 2018, for Linda Williams, born February 15, 1967, who passed away on Wednesday, January 24, 2018. Survivors include her husbandBrian, children, and grandchildren.

Thank you to everyone for the generous donations to both the Giving Tree (Homme Youth) and the joint Socks/Hats/Mittens project. Both were a tremendous success!! Each project received an additional $250 for beingThrivent action teams.

Thank you especially to Marge Copeland and Sherry Gayken for separating the many items, transporting, and availability on distribution days.

All recipients were extremely grateful !!

ST. STEPHEN ANNUAL MEETINGwasheld on Sunday, January 28th. Some of the key points were:

2017 Income and Expenses reviewed;

2018 Budget approved.

Discussion had about the Bell Tower Project – louvers and speakers. A committee was formed to look into options/get quotes. A motion to establish a Bell Tower Fund was passed.

Julie Haanstad elected as the Financial Secretary for a three-year term.

Endowment Committee officers re-elected.

A joint photo directory is planned for May 2018. A volunteer is needed to coordinate this project.

Suggestions are needed for Memorial Fund donations – speak with Charlotte.

Need ideas for outreach evangelism … joint project(s) with St. John.

Thoughts were received about the topic of partnering with St. John for the Breakfast in the Park held Saturday of the Edgar Carnival.

Confirmation program changes were noted – point system.

Lori Guralski is “retiring” as Sunday School Superintendent at the end of this year… volunteer needed to take over beginning in the fall (and teachers also!).

First Communion Sunday – March 4.

February 11 Lasagna/Spaghetti Church Dinner. Food items and individuals’ help needed. Thrivent Action Team Project.

Ash Wednesday/Lent/Holy Week/Easter Schedule stated (printed in this issue of Newsletter). Signups for soup, sandwiches, and desserts.

Security Active Shooter presentation by Caption Sean McCarthy of the Marathon County Sheriff’s Department will be had in April.

Rod will check into automatic withdrawal for giving.



Tuesday evening, February 20th, at 5:30 PM.

A NEW CHURCH PHOTO Directory is being planned for this coming year. It will contain BOTH St. Stephen and St. John membership. Each congregation will have two scheduled photo days: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday from 2:00 PM to 9:00 PM, and Saturday from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. You may have your pictures taken at either location. This will take place one week in May.

Every family unit will receive a free 8x10 picture (the same one that goes into the directory). There is no cost to the church for any of this, but of course Life Touch hopes you will purchase additional prints. 10-12 pictures will be taken at each sitting.

A volunteer coordinator is needed IMMEDIATELY to be the contact person for Life Touch. Almost all scheduling will be done on line, so the coordinator needs to have a computer. Life Touch will contact every member by phone (robo-call) to give available options. Another robo-call will be received to remind you of your appointment. Coordinator responsibilities will be necessary, but minimal.

Speak to Pastor Gail if interested.

MEMORIAL FUND – suggestions are needed for items or projects for the Memorial Fund monies. Speak to Charlotte Otto about any ideas you may have.

ST. STEPHEN MUSICAL MINISTRIES will visit Golden Living Center - Three Oaks, Marshfield, on Thursday, February 15th.

ST. STEPHEN NEWSLETTER – The deadline for the February Newsletter is Wednesday, February 28th.

SENIOR DAYis held the third Wednesday of each month at St. Stephen at 1:00 PM – next date Wednesday, February 21st. Senior Day is open to all seniors of St. Stephen and the surrounding Edgar community.



JANUARY – Jenny Schreier

QUILTING– quilting sessions are held in the church basement on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of months October thru May – from 1:00 – 4:00 PM. A GREAT ! HUGE ! THANK YOU to all individuals who donate and contribute to make this project a successful accomplishment. MANY more hands are needed! Sewing may also be done at home.

JOINT WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY OF ST. STEPHEN AND ST. JOHN–is held the 2ndTuesday of each month in the St. Stephen Church basement (unless otherwise noted) starting at 1:00 PM. The date for February is: Tuesday, February 13th. The Bible Study lesson is from the Gather magazine. Every woman that is a member of St. Stephen and St. John is a member of the women’s group. All are WELCOME and encouraged to participate (along with family and friends).

The Business Meeting for the Women of St. Stephen will be held 15 minutes prior to Bible Study (at 12:45 PM).

CHEQUAMEGON CONFERENCE SPRING RALLY (NORTHWEST SYNOD) – (St. Stephen’s present Conference) will be held at St. John Lutheran on Saturday, April 7th. More information to be coming shortly.

SWO WOMEN OF THE ELCA CONVENTION – Saturday, April 21st, Bethany Lutheran, Rice Lake, for ALL women of the NW-WI Synod.

SPRING EVENT (EAST CENTRAL SYNOD) – First English Lutheran Church in Wausau will host the Spring Event for the Women of the East Central Synod – Wisconsin River Valley Conference (St. Stephen’s former Conference). More information should also be coming shortly.

PASTOR GAIL on VACATION – March 15 – 18. This includes one Sunday – volunteers are needed to assist with worship that Sunday (March 18th). Speak with Sherry.

SUNDAY MORNING FELLOWSHIP HOSTS needed (to bake or buy). Sign-up sheet on coffee table in back. Donation jar is also on the table – donations welcomed and encouraged to cover coffee/hot chocolate expenses.

Northwest Synod Assembly – June 2-3, 2018

UW-Eau Claire, Davies Center –

Bishop Election

Registration coming soon!

ForNorthwest Synod information, visit their website:

Malawi, Africa – The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Malawi is one of the fastest growing churches in the Sub-Saharan Africa region. The ELCM was established November 21, 1982. The establishment was done by indigenous lay people who became Lutherans as they worked in the neighboring countries of Zimbabwe, South Africa and Tanzania where Lutheranism had already existed and rooted.

In 1999, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Malawi and the Northwest Synod of Wisconsin - ELCA covenanted together in a companion synod relationship.


Dear Brethren,

Once again the Lord has given us the season of Advent when we celebrate the coming of the Son of Man.

On behalf of the Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Malawi (ELCM), I am writing to wish you wonderful time as Christmas is just around the corner and very soon Immanuel (God with Us) will beborn.Being ELCM partner/companion, the church felt it should extend its best wishes to you. As we walk together and appreciate your support, we would like to let you know that you are part of the partners who are contributing to the growth of the Lutheran Church in Malawi. Despite thousands of miles that separate us, but the love of Christ makes us being close. And we look forward to walk together again beyond the year of 2017.May the light of Christmas be your sun that you may never walk in darkness. ELCM offers you the season's gifts of joy and unending testimonies.

Christmas is a sign of stars, angels and love divine come down from heaven unto our hearts. May Christmas come down unto your heart.From ELCM to your congregations, sending love and plenty of Christmas cheers to you and all congregants.Isaiah 9:6 and reads, "For to us the child is born, to us as son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." May this Christmas and New Year bring you peace and joy.

Yours in the name of the soon coming Lord and Savior,

Mphatso Thole,Communications Department

EvangelicalLutheran Church in Malawi (ELCM)

First Communion – Pastor Gail has set the schedule for First Communion events this year – these will be joint events with youth from St. John and St. Stephen. Any youth from St. Stephen that are interested in receiving First Communion should contact Pastor Gail immediately.

Traditionally at St. John, 5th graders are welcomed to their First Communion the first Sunday in February. However, due to other commitments this year, First Communion will be Sunday, March 4th.

Training will be on Wednesday, February 21st, immediately following the midweek Lenten worship service (approximately 6:30 PM) at St. John’s – please attend worship so you’re there on time!

Before the youth come to the altar for the first time, they and Pastor Gail need to meet to discuss the meaning and practice of Holy Communion. At least one parent, grandparent, or baptismal sponsor should be present. It would be nice if the group or family could bake the communion bread for the special service—any volunteers?

Please let Pastor Gail know if you are interested ASAP -- or if you are interested, but these dates don’t work out for you. And plan to invite family and friends and baptismal sponsors to join you for March 4th!

EDGAR FINE ARTS ASSOCIATION will present the Cody Clausen Trio Sunday, February 18th @ 1:00 PM in the Edgar Public School Auditorium.


Low-to-moderate income taxpayers – emphasis on age 60+

Appointments required - call 715-298-5734.

UW Extension, 212 River Drive, Wausau:

Tuesday & Wednesday mornings – February 6 thru April 11th

7:45 AM – 12:15 PM.

Kannenberg Plaza – Thursday, February 22nd from 8:00 AM - Noon; and River Towers – Thursday, March 1st, from 1:00 PM – 4::00 PM accept walk-ins.

Luther’s Revolution: 500 Years of the Protestant Reformation

Monday, February 5, 2018 @ 7:00 PM

Zion Lutheran Church, 700 N. Second Ave., Stratford, WI

This talk is free and open to the public. All donations are appreciated. Registration is not required.

Martin Luther created a storm that not only challenged the church, it changed European culture. Prof. Jeff Kleiman will discuss this topic at 7 pm Monday, February 5, 2018, at Zion Lutheran Church, 700 N. Second Ave, Stratford. “Luther’s Revolution: 500 Years of the Protestant Reformation” is part of the History Speaks in Your Town series presented by the Marathon County Historical Society and the Continuing Education office of UW-Marathon County. Jeff Kleiman is a professor of history at the University of Wisconsin-Marshfield/Wood County.

The Roman Catholic Church was the only form of Christianity in Europe when Martin Luther initiated debate on the issue of indulgences, thought to guarantee divine pardon. Such debates about doctrine were common during the medieval times. Usually, this verbal sparring took place among church leaders, in academic settings closed to the public. In Luther’s time, the debate moved into the public arena. His thoughts sparked a firestorm that forever changed the direction of European – hence Western – culture. Jeff Kleiman will outline Luther’s legacy and events that sparked the Protestant Reformation, now marking its 500th anniversary.

For more information, please call the Marathon County Historical Society at 715-842-5750.



4 5th Sunday after Epiphany
9:30 AM Sunday School
10:30 AM Communion Worship
Greeter: Marge Copeland
Deacon: Mark Schreier
Lector: Kristin Schreier
Projector Operator: Vern Spaulding
Color: Green / 5
Pastor Gail’s Day Off / 6 / 7 8 9
In Isaiah it is the one God who sits above the earth and numbers the stars – it is that God who strengthens the powerless. So in Jesus’ healing work we see the hand of the creator God, lifting up the sick woman to health and service (diakonia). Like Simon’s mother-in-law, we are lifted up to health and diakonia. Following Jesus, we strengthen the powerless; like Jesus, we seek to renew our strength in quiet times of prayer. / 10
Church Dinner
Preparation for tomorrow’s dinner
11 Transfiguration of Our Lord
NOSunday School
10:30 AM CommunionWorship
11:30 AM – 1:30 PM Church
Lasagna/Spaghetti Dinner
Greeter: Marilyn Spaulding
Deacon: Dale Pilgrim
Lector: Keith Paul
Projector Operator: Sherry Gayken
Color: White / 12
Pastor Gail’s Day Off / 13
8:30 AM
12:45 PM
Ladies’ Business Meeting
1:00 PM
Ladies’ Bible Study / 14
6:00 PM
Ash Wednesday Communion Service @St. Stephen
Dale Pilgrim
Clarence Werner
Projector: Sherry
/ 15
1:00 PM
St. Stephen Musical Ministries @
Golden Living Center-Three Oaks, Marshfield / 16 / 17
Rice Lake
18 First Sunday in Lent
9:30 AM Sunday School
10:30 AM Communion Worship
Greeter: Ruth Paul
Deacon: Mark Schreier
Lector: Roy Guralski
Projector Operator: Rod Zietlow
Color: Purple / 19
Pastor Gail’s Day Off / 20 / 21
1:00 PM Senior Day
5:00 PM Soup Supper @ St. John
6:00 PM Lenten Worship @ St. John
6:30 PM First
Communion Training / 22 / 23 / 24
Pastor Gail at Via de Cristo planning
25 Second Sunday in Lent
9:30 AM Sunday School
10:30 AM Communion Worship
Greeter: MaryAnn Aschbrenner
Deacon: Mark Schreier
Lector: Colleen Dvorak
Projector Operator: Kristin Zietlow
Color: Purple / 26
Pastor Gail’s Day Off / 27
8:30 AM
Counting Committee / 28
5:00 PM Soup Supper @ St. Stephen
6:00 PM Lenten Worship
@ St. Stephen

Check your Sunday weekly handout announcement page for updates.