Lutheran School Committee

March 15, 2011

7:30 PM


Present: Denise Rueger, Paul Kanzenbach, Betty Hochmuth, Bob Rutter, Phil Pawlenty

Opening Devotion: Gen. 22:1,14

The Lord never fails to provide for us, just as He provided for Abraham.

Old Business:

February Minutes – No changes.

Finance Report – Checking account has a balance of $9100 and savings account has a balance of $4100.

Tuition (2nd, 3rd child) – Current rates are $2900 for 1st child; $2900 for second child; and $970 for third. Lengthy discussion was held concerning how we help meet our financial obligations for the ministry, yet keep the school affordable to non-member families. It was decided to Keep the 2nd and 3rd child tuition rates the same at this time. (Motion: Bob; 2nd: Betty; Motion Carries)

Entryway Rugs – Rugs have not yet been bolted to the floor. Bill and Judy purchased some new grip strips to put underneath the small rug in front of the double doors. We will wait to see what happens with that endeavor before proceeding with the bolting.

Singing @ Hope – Went well. We had almost 50 of our own congregation members attend. The congregation and Pastor Oberer were extremely grateful.

New Business:

2011-2012 School Calendar – Two options were presented for next year’s calendar. One calendar contained a spring break to coincide with the public school’s schedule. The second calendar did not have a spring break, but contained other days off that aligned with the public school. It also contained the same number of instructional days as the public school, whereas the first option did not. Motion to make the second option the calendar for the 2011-2012 school year (Motion: Denise; 2nd: Phil; Motion Carries).

School Registration – A date was set for school registration for the 2011-2012 school year. July 7 from 3-5 p.m. and 6-8 p.m.

Marketing – Designs for a sign are being formulated. Another marketing possibility would be to run a TV ad for a targeted audience over a small period of time. It sounds like the rates are reasonable. Paul will talk to Mike Bateson to further explore this possibility. There was a WELS school commercial template that was developed which we may be able to make use of.

Betcher Memorial – Bill Betcher is looking for ideas of a memorial project that would benefit both the church and school.

Emily’s Call – Brief discussion was held regarding options for our school in the event that Emily accepts her call.

Wise Penny Check – SPLES has received another check from Wise Penny. The $500 amount will go into the tuition assistance fund. A thank you will be mailed out.

Budget Committee Rep- Corey McDonald would like an LSC representative to sit on the budget committee for next year’s budget. Paul will ask Darren if he would like to serve on that committee. Paul also plans to attend.

School Laptop – Motion approving the school purchase of a laptop not to exceed $1000 in the next 30 days, unless there is a financial incentive to purchase at a later date. (Motion: Betty; 2nd: Denise; Motion carries)

Additional Items:

Next meeting will be April 10 at 6:00 p.m.

Closed with Lord’s Prayer