Lusaka Water and Sewerage Company
Peri-Urban Department
Job Description
of the Customer Services Assistant (CSA)
Job Title: / Customer Services Assistant (CSA)Grade:
Division: / Commercial
Department: / Peri-Urban Department
National Identification Card No.:
Reports to / Accountable to: / Foreman in charge of the Local Office
Based: / At the Local LWSC Office
Number of people supervised:
Remark: /
- Preferably the CSA resides in the area where he or she is stationed.
- The CSA works closely together with the Community Development Officer (CDO).
Objective of the Position:
The main tasks and duties of the Customer Services Assistant (CSA) can be summarised as follows:
- The Customer Services Assistant should be seen as a Company employee who works in the peri-urban areas directly for and with the customers and other residents. The CSA is the link (interface) between the Lusaka Water and Sewerage Company (LWSC) on the one hand and the community, the Kiosk Operators and the Local Authorities on the other. The CSA, however, can also act as the link between the Kiosk Operators and the customers of the kiosks. In other words the CSA is an expression of the objective of the LWSC to decentralise its services.
- Although the CSA has a technical background and carries out a number of technical tasks, he or she is also trained in dealing with customers and with representatives of the local community. Residents should consider the CSA to be their local LWSC representative whom they can approach if they have queries, complaints or suggestions. Through the introduction of the CSA, the LWSC will be able to improve its presence and visibility in the peri-urban areas.
- The CSA will also be responsible for the monitoring the Kiosk Operators who are selling water at the LWSC kiosks.
- The CSA works closely together with the Community Development Officer (CDO) of the Peri-Urban Department of the LWSC.
Tasks and Duties
The Customer Services Assistant is responsible for the following tasks:Technical tasks:
- Maintain a detailed list of technical works that have to be carried out in his or her block area.
- Carrying out minor repairs (replacing taps at the kiosk, repairing leaking pipes, etc.).
- Carrying out disconnections and reconnections.
- Reporting major repair (for example leakages) and maintenance requirements that require the intervention of the Regional Office (to the WatSan Engineer).
- Identification, reporting and disconnection of illegal connections.
- Monitoring of the condition of the distribution network.
- Reporting prolonged interruptions in supply, low pressure and poor water quality.
- Identification and reporting, to the Foreman,all acts of vandalism.
- Identification and reporting of illegal sale of LWSC water.
- Reporting on any developments taking place in the area with a special emphasis on developments concerning water supply and sanitation, roadwork, drainage work, health and hygiene education, etc.
- Carrying out technical surveys for new connections.
- Installing new connections.
The Customer Services Assistant is responsible for the following tasks:
Customer care and customer services tasks:
- Informing customers.
- Recording and reporting all customer queries, complaints and suggestions.
- Maintaining direct contacts with the Residents Development Committee (RDC).
- Assisting the Peri-Urban Department and the CDO in the sensitisation and education of customers.
- Assisting the CDO in customer database updating.
- Communicating and working together with the local communities on all issues relating to water supply sanitation and public health.
- Providing advice to customers with regard to the proper use of water, payment systems, applications, etc.
Tasks and Duties (cont.)
The Customer Services Assistant is responsible for the following tasks:
Administrative tasks:
- Meter reading.
- Delivery of Water Bills.
- Delivery of Reminder Notices.
- Monitor and manage the distribution of notices, reminder notices, registration notices and bills.
- Update and countercheck the disconnection list in relation to the number of noticed distributed.
- Take note and compile a list of customers to be reconnected and ensure that reconnections are done on the day of payment.
- Identification, reporting and disconnection of illegal connections.
- Updating the record of registered customers.
The Customer Services Assistant is responsible for the following tasks:
Community participation:
- Work hand in hand with the Community Development Officer (CDO) in community mobilisation, educational campaigns and sensitisation.
- Assist with the facilitation of community participation and consultations with community leaders.
- Organising meetings with the RDC and with the community in close consultation with or at the request of the Community Development Officer.
The Customer Services Assistant is responsible for the following tasks:
Monitoring and supervision of Operators and kiosks:
- Monitoring of Operators and water kiosks and seeing to it that hygienic standards are observed.
- Recruitment and training of Tap Attendants (Kiosk Operators).
- Ensure that Operators follow the rules and guidelines specified in their contract.
- Preventing (together with the community) and acting against vandalism.
- Report on defaulting Operators.
- Mobilise the community.
- Report all illegal activities.
- Report to the Foreman the complaints, queries and suggestions of Operators.
Each CSA is Responsible for a Block
In order to render the company more visible, each CSA is responsible for his or her own block within the area managed by the Local LWSC Office. Making a CSA responsible for a section and for the performance of the LWSC within that section, will facilitate supervision and the introduction of performance-based remuneration.The Local LWSC office, using characteristics such as the number of water connections, the number of kiosks, distances (etc.),will determine thesize of the block for which the CSA is responsible.
Required Tools and other Materials
Most of the time the CSA will walk within his or her section, wearing a LWSC Uniform. If necessary (when carrying a toolbox or if the distance is long), the CSA will use a bicycle provided by LWSC.In order to enable to the CSA to carry out all his or her tasks, he or she will be provided with the following items:
- Means of transport (A bicycle)(Only if required).
- A toolbox with the necessary tools.
- A “Documents Toolkit”.
- A uniform (LWSC protective overall and protective shoes and gumboots).
- A LWSC Registration Card.
- A bag for papers, water bills, sensitisation material.
- A raincoat.
- Protective gloves.
- Measuring tape (40 metres).
- 2 pipe wrenches (one heavy duty).
- A set of dies for making threads.
- 2 shifting spanners (one heavy duty).
- One hacksaw.
- Thread tape.
- One small hammer.
- One pipe vice.
- One pick.
- One shovel.
- One bucket.
Other Relevant Documents
The Peri-Urban Department will make available to the CSA, all relevant documents which can assist the CSA is the successful fulfilment of all his or her tasks and duties.See for more information on the Peri-Urban Department also the attached document entitled:
“Mission, Objectives, Function and Organisation Structure of the Peri-Urban Department.”
List of Abbreviations
CSA:Customer Services Assistant
CDO:Community Development Officer
LWSC:Lusaka Water and Sewerage Company
RDC:Residents Development Committee
LWSC Job Description/Customer Services Assistant June 2006