Leo AstrocastNovember 2010
Monthly Astrocast
November 2010
Key Events:
New Moon (13:40 Scorpio): November 5, 2010
Full Moon (29:18 Taurus):November 21, 2010
Retrograde Planets:
Neptune: May 31, 2010 – November 6, 2010
Uranus: July 5, 2010 – December 5, 2010
Jupiter: July 23, 2010 – November 18, 2010
Venus: October 8, 2010 – November 17, 2010
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Lunations and Long-term Aspects
The New Moon this month is on November 5th in fellow Fixed Sign, Scorpio, your 4th House, which comprises your home environment, memories, and endings. If your birthday is within a day or so of August 6th this is more likely to have an effect, which could bring a new challenging situation into your life but there's an opportunity there as well which you can find through a sibling, neighbor or possibly just some brainstorming. With Venus retrograde in that same sign it's likely that a few relationship issues and perhaps some involving finances are also in progress. Ponderings with regard to past home issues could take on new meaning and provide some unexpected insights which bring about a significant change in how you see life. Your beliefs and expectations are likely to undergo a sudden change as well, but that will be beneficial in the long run. With Mars transiting your 5th House of ego definition, creativity, speculation and entertainment you should have a lot of energy for this part of your life.
The Full Moon on November 21 is in Taurus, another Fixed Sign, which represents your 10th House of career, reputation, status and public image. A Full Moon typically brings a culmination, ending or shift to a new phase, so watch for something along those lines in that part of your life, especially if your birthday is around August 23. One thing to watch out for as well is deception or disillusionment with regard to one of your relationships.
The focus of this lunation seems to be largely on the mental plane as it relates to those close to you and your income. Venus, which rules such things at the zodiacal level, is retrograde until November 17, which reverses and internalizes the energy as described in more detail here. Once she goes direct it's time to address and repair any issues that surface which are likely to relate to your attitude and thoughts with regard to one or more relationships with family members or perhaps your spending habits. Give it serious consideration and you'll encounter a major "Aha!" moment that changes you on a deep and lasting level. Debt or shared resources could be involved as well, which are a natural effect if your career is involved. As a Fixed Sign you don't exactly embrace change, but in this case it will be in your favor to suck it up and go with it.
Short-term Aspects
November 1: A situation at home or with respect to a past issue or situation may force you to confront a few things which effect a lasting change in how you see things. Ponder past situations that relate to home and perhaps work, what the lessons were, and whether you've incorporated the lessons learned into your life or whether you're stuck in the same pattern, which will inevitably invite a recurrence.
November 4: Expect disruptions and surprises which are likely to also relate to your homelife, past or present. This is a favorable time to talk about it, share viewpoints, and work toward a resolution with a lasting lesson.
November 5: New Moon in Scorpio as described above.
November 6: Don't believe everything you see or hear without proper evidence today. Be on the lookout for deception or not seeing things clearly. A certain amount of confusion or lack of mental acuity is likely, making it a challenging day if you have anything you need to accomplish that requires concentration. Sudden insights or possibly the urge to break away from a situation are likely, particularly if you feel stifled or restricted.
November 7: Venus retrograde backs into Libra which may darken your thoughts or cause problems with neighbors or siblings, especially females.Neptune goes direct, which will help you gain insights into any relationships which have seemed cloudy or undefined.
November 8: Mercury enters Sagittarius, facilitating communications with children and romantic partners. This will also stimulate your creativity and self-expression, perhaps making you a bit ego-centric. If you find yourself talking so much about yourself that peoples' eyes glaze over, take note and respond accordingly.
November 10: Home or someone in it will cause a stir with regard to your health, job or perhaps lack thereof. Some sort of conflict between home and your work is likely.
November 14: Dark and possibly aggressive thoughts are out there, but you can also use that energy creatively if you give it some thought. Today you will have the mental discipline it takes to get something done which you may have been procrastinating.
November 15: Deeper understanding with regard to family members or a situation with your home is yours if you pay attention to what's is going on around you.
November 17: Creative thoughts and problem solving will assist you in seeing challenges from a different perspective. Your self-discipline is enhanced today to take on projects or situations that require perseverance.
November 18: Venus goes direct, releasing her energy to a more positive spectrum. Your thoughts will be more optimistic as you start thinking slightly differently than before. If you're still dealing with a challenging situation with someone close to you which is affecting your home life, you can access a sudden breakthrough if you're willing to either open your eyes or adjust your attitude. Jupiter goes direct, which will help you to accept any problems and grow from them rather than resist them.
November 20: Conflict with your children or romantic interest is possible. It's a favorable time, however, to put your creativity to work or gather information relative to any speculations or how to deal with that situation which makes you feel as if you're surrounded by a stone wall.
November 21: Full Moon in Taurus as described above.
November 22: The Sun enters fellow Fire Sign, Sagittarius, which should be a favorable transit, particularly as it relates to your ability to express yourself. This is also an excellent time for creative efforts or spending time with children and getting in touch with your inner child.
November 25: Your ego and pride may be keeping you from an important lesson. Don't cut off your nose to spite your face.
November 27: Significant insights into your relationship with someone which you have had a hard time understanding could help you understand things much better. A sudden change in your attitude is possible.
November 29: Venus enters Scorpio which should have a calming and very favorable effect on whatever is going on at home. Again, don't let your ego get in the way of an important lesson.
November 30: Mercury enters Capricorn which will assist you in the workplace with your communications and also bring news and information your way which you've been waiting for.
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