Application form for TAIEX Expertise

N.B.: only type-written applications will be accepted
Beneficiary: / TURKEY
Date of submission: / 20.03.2006
Objective of the expertise:
The Undersecretariat of Treasury is in charge of forming an independent and impartial disputes solution services between the policyholders and the insurance companies, namely, Ombudsman Commision for Insurance Sector. The main objective of this study is to achieve a simple, accessible, user friendly system which will operate effectively in the interests of personel policy holders and will produce the resolution of disputes by way of mediation , conciliation or adjudication with fair results. In this study, it is needed to explore the workings of the Ombudsman systems for other countries.

Please complete and return to:

European Commission

Institution Building unit (TAIEX)

Rue de la Loi 200, B-1049 Brussels

Fax: +32-2-296 68 40


1. Details of applicant acting as main co-ordinator for the execution of Expert Mission
Title (Mr., Mrs.) :[1] / MR
First Name: / Ahmet
Surname: / GENÇ
Ministry or Institution: / The Undersecretariat of Treasury
Department: / General Directorate of Insurance
Function: / Acting General Director of GDI
Office address (street/number/office number): / Inonu Bulvari No:36 14th floor
Post code: / 06510
City: / Ankara
Office Tel: / +903122045072
Office Fax: / +903122811270
E-mail: /
Will also participate to the expert mission? / Yes No
2. Details of the participant(s) wishing to meet the expert
Title (Mr., Mrs.) : / MS
First Name: / DİLEK
Surname: / ÖZER
Department: / LEGISLATION
Function: / Head of Departmant
Office address (street/number/office number): / Inonu Bulvari No:36 14th floor
Post code: / 06510
City: / ANKARA
Office Tel: / +90 312 204 50 76
Office Fax: / + 90 312 212 88 71
E-mail: /
Title (Mr., Mrs.) : / MS
First Name: / ŞEBNEM
Surname: / KAYIRAN
Department: / LEGISLATION
Function: / Head of Section
Office address (street/number/office number): / Inonu Bulvari No:36 14th floor
Post code: / 06510
City: / ANKARA
Office Tel: / + 90 312 204 64 40
Office Fax: / + 90 312 212 88 71
E-mail: /
Title (Mr., Mrs.) : / MR
First Name: / GÜRKAN
Surname: / GEZER
Department: / LEGISLATION
Function: / Senior Associate
Office address (street/number/office number): / Inonu Bulvari No:36 14th floor
Post code: / 06510
City: / ANKARA
Office Tel: / + 90 312 204 64 40
Office Fax: / + 90 312 212 88 71
E-mail: /
Title (Mr., Mrs.) :
First Name:
Ministry or Institution:
Office address (street/number/office number):
Post code:
Office Tel:
Office Fax:
Title (Mr., Mrs.) :
First Name:
Ministry or Institution:
Office address (street/number/office number):
Post code:
Office Tel:
Office Fax:
3. Institution/Organisation from which you wish to receive the expertise :
(this information is mandatory for applicants from beneficiary Member States)
Preferred Country (choice cannot always be guaranteed) / Netherlands
Hosting Member State Authority/Institution (if known) / National Ombudsman of the Netherlands
Name(s) of individual(s) from whom you / wish to receive expertise (if known)
First Name:
Ministry or Institution:
Office address (street/number/office number)
Post code:
Office Tel:
Office Fax:
Have you had previous contact with your selected host Institution/Organisation/Expert? Yes No
4. Details of the required Expertise:
a) EU legislation concerned (please give reference to regulations, directives etc.) and chapter of the Acquis
CELEX N°/Natural number: / 31993L0013
Type of legislation: / Directive
b) What will the task of the expert concern? / Legislation Implementation
Is there any planned or currently running PHARE/CARDS/TWINNING project that is dealing with the issues covered by the request? Yes No
If yes, please indicate details:
If the task of the expert concerns legislation:
Do you already have draft legislation you wish to discuss? Yes No
Please give details of the stage of preparation of the legislation (e.g. not yet sent to Parliament):
The main law for the Insurance sector, namely "The Law on Insurance" has been drafted and sent to the Prime Ministry. In the Draft Law, the main rules and principles for the ombudsman system have been set. However, some details on the working principles, operation, etc. will be determined by secondary regulation.
Please outline the timetable for the adoption of the legislation:
In the first quarter of 2006.
A copy of the draft legislation in your own language and in English or French should be made available to TAIEX before the Expert visit can take place.
If the task of the expert concerns implementation:
Please list in detail the issues you would like to discuss with the visiting expert, such as implementing regulations, infrastructure, strategies, training and any other elements of relevance:
It’s expected that NMCP adviser will share his/her experiences related to Ombudsman system. It is planned that studies, whose context is expected to be as narrow as possible, will be done by the Treasury experts and NMCP adviser in a collaborative manner and will be conducted by answers and questions basis by both parties.
5. Other background information relating to the current situation in the beneficiary country:
Please give an outline of your current situation concerning the sector of the acquis communautaire indicated and indicate any recent developments that may be relevant in this regard:
The works on the harmonization of Turkish insurance legislation with the relevant European Community (EC) acquis are going on.
6. Draft programme for the Expertise:
1st Day 10.00-12.00 Presentation of the draft legislation about ombudsman system by Turkish experts
14.00-17.00 Presentation about the implementation of the ombudsman system in other countries by the foreign expert.
2nd Day 10.00-17.00 Answers and questions about the details of the operation of the ombudsman system (receieving complaints, efficient mechanisms for the resolution of the complaints, investigation process, decision making, providing the equality and independency,etc)
7. Further details:
Preferred date of the mission (indicate week number and proposed duration of the visit):
Year: / 2006
Calendar week: / 17
Duration (days): / 2
Language knowledge (please state the language(s) and indicate your level of competence)
1st language: English / Very Good Good Fair Poor
2nd language: other please specify / Very Good Good Fair Poor
3rd language: other please specify / Very Good Good Fair Poor
8. Authorisation from Hierarchy (Head of EU integration department or technical dept.)
Title: / MR
First name: / Ahmet
Surname: / GENÇ
Function: / Acting General Director of GDI
Office Tel.: / +903122045072
Office Fax: / +903122811270
E-mail: /
Date of consultation:
Supporting comments:
Signature (if applicable):
Please note: The information contained in this form will be made
available on-line to the Mission and Embassy of your country in Brussels.
All applications received directly from the Western Balkans will be forwarded to the
EU Delegation in the country concerned, and in the case of Kosovo to the EC-Liaison Office, for a preliminary evaluation.

Rue de la Loi 200, B-1049 Bruxelles/Wetstraat 200, B-1049 Brussels - Belgium - Office: CHAR 03/149
Telephone: switchboard +32-2-296 73 07 Fax: +32-2-296 68 40

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[1]Personal data contained in this document will be processed in accordance with the privacy statement of the TAIEX instrument

(see and in compliance with the Regulation (EC) N° 45/2001.