LTL 400 Creating City Manifests
To create a City Manifest for Delivery you need to go to your PD menu. Once in your PD menu you need to select ME in the Option line for Manifest Entry. This takes you to the following screen.
Here you enter all the necessary information. Trailer number. In the Next and Final lines you enter your terminal Alpha code. So if you are in Richmond it would be RIC for Next and RIC for Final. In the Function line it will need to be the letter N. If you are unsure what to type at any time just press F1 to look at the help menu. (see below) Manifest type place a ? in the line and it will bring up a window to make a selection for different types of manifests. For City manifests it will be PUD for manifest type. In the service line you leave it blank. Route will be your route code for the route you are creating. Tab down to the space below and type your PRO numbers in for the route. Once complete just press enter and the system will show you it is complete.
DCK= Dock Manifest
PM= Pickup Manifest
PRM= Pre Manifest (planning purposes only)
PUD= City Manifest
RM= LTL Manifest (Line Haul)
TA= Tendered to Agent
Above is the help screen F1. Remember when looking at the help screen just press enter to go back to your prior screen.
Look at the bottom of the above screen shows you the manifest number and trailer and weight.
Once your manifest has been created you need to dispatch your city driver press the F3 key to go back to the PD menu. Select option 29 to work with Delivery Manifests and press Enter. This will bring up the city manifest you have created. (see below 1st picture) In order to know what you need to put in the OPT line you need to press F1 to see what options you have. For this you need D for Dispatch this Delivery Manifest.
Some of the codes you will be helpful
A= Arrive the delivery manifest
ADD= Add more bills to this undispatched delivery manifest
D= Dispatch this delivery manifest
F= Finalize Delivery Manifest
X= Display delivery manifest
Once you have selected Option D and then Enter for dispatch delivery manifest the following screen will appear. Dispatching this manifest will send the route to Cheetah.
Anything with a ? you can place a ? mark in that line and it will give you options to select from.
Fill in the appropriate blocks with tractor number for Power. You can also see all the tractors currently at your terminal by placing a ? in the line and pressing Enter.
F1 for help will bring up your options to place in Manifest Print Option.
Once you are complete will all of the blocks press Enter and it will tell you a dispatch number was assigned and to press Enter again.
Type F3 and it takes you back to the PD menu and option 29 again will show you the Delivery Manifests you have completed and if they are dispatched you will see the drivers name in the field as well. (see below)