Unit 2: Biology and Behavior Chapter 3


Unit 2 Enduring Understandings

  • Biology , genetics and environment all contribute to who we are as individuals
  • Neurons are the basic building blocks of our nervous system
  • Mental illnesses and neurological disorders can result from a variety of problems with the nervous system, not limited to chemical imbalances
  • Perception varies from individual to individual

Unit 2 Psych Lingo

You are responsible for the vocabulary listed at the beginning of each chapter. There will be a VOCAB section in every Unit test. If you complete the packet, take supplemental notes, pay attention, ask questions AND STUDY you have nothing be worried about!

Chapter 3 - The Nervous System

______communicate with each other to send and receive messages from other parts of the body, and we have ______billion of them, mostly in the brain.

Neurotransmitters are______, and there are three types

  1. ______
  2. ______
  3. ______

The Central Nervous System Consists of ______

The Peripheral Nervous System is responsible for ______between the CNS and all parts of the body.

  • Sympathetic system prepares the body for______;
  • AKA the ______or flight response
  • Parasympathetic system ______the body AFTER action
  • AKA ______and digest

The Brain

Three parts of the brain and their functions

Hind Brain: Three areas and their functions:

Midbrain: Main area and function

Forebrain: Four areas and functions

Why are the functions of the cerebrum and cerebral cortex so important?

Video: Phineas Gage. What happened to him and how did it effect his behavior? WHY?!?!?!?

Language abilities – remember Genie?

  • For most people language functions are in the ______hemisphere
  • What do Broca’s Area and Wernicke’s Area do?

Aphasia is ______

Left vs Right BrainHemispheres

While it is not necessarily true that people are “left or right brained”, often people do possess certain qualities or abilities associated with each hemisphere. RESEARCH: What qualities/abilities do people have that are Left/Right brain dominant?


Before taking the L/R brain indicator, which do you believe YOU are? What L/R qualities do you possess?

After taking the test, was it accurate? Explain


“The Truth of Addiction”: According to the video, what is the “truth” about addiction? What are your thoughts about this idea? OREOS?!

Brain Happiness Debate: According to the “debate”, what happens in the brain when we are happy?


Heredity is the______

  • Heredity is vital to the transmission of ______traits and also to some ______traits, such as
  • ______
  • ______
  • ______
  • Also some psychological disorders may be related to heredity, like:
  • ______
  • ______
  • ______

What are some traits that you share with other members of your family?

Physical TraitsPsychological Traits

Nature vs Nurture

Nature vs Nurture is the debated role of ______in determining who we are as people.

  • The “Nature” side of the debate argues that ______
  • The “Nurture” side of the debate argues that ______

The most common way to sort out the roles that heredity and environment play in determining a trait is to do a ______study

These studies focus on ______members

Explain the Twin Studies, Adoptee Studies, and Twins Reared Apart Studies. Do you think these are VAILD studies and address the question of Nature vs Nurture?

RESEARCH: Complete the chart below by doing YOUR OWN study of Nature vs Nurture. Use valid and reputable sources to create the argument for each side. CITE YOUR SOURCES!
