Semester VII - Mechanical Engineering
(Pune University)
Lt. Col. Ashok Kumar C.P. (Retd.)
M.Tech (Mechanical)
Principal & Head, Department of Mechanical Engineering
G.S. Moze College of Engineering,
Balewadi, Pune – 411045.
Member SAE INDIA, The Engineering Society.
Maharashtra, India.
Prof. A. B. Auti
M.E. (Heat Power)
Assistant Professor,
G. S. Moze College of Engineering
Balewadi, Pune - 411045
T.P.O. and Student Welfare Officer
Co-ordinator, Renewable Energy Club.
Member, SAE INDIA, The Engineering Society
Maharashtra, India
Lt. Col. Ashok Kumar C.P. (Retired), A. B. Auti
(Semester VII – Mechanical Engineering, Pune University)
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First Printed in India : September 2006
Reprint : September 2007
Second Revised Edition : July 2008
Reprint : October 2009
Second Reprint : August 2010
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ISBN 978-81-8407-857-2
Published by
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Price Rs. 465/-
Scope of the book…
Unit 1 :
Introduction to Mechatronics : Mechatronic system, measurement systems, control systems and response of systems.
Measurement systems : static characteristics
Flow measurement : Rotameter, anemometer and comparison of characteristics of different flow meters.
Pressure measurement : Mcleod gauges, comparison of characteristics of different pressure measuring devices. (Refer Chapters 1 and 2)
Unit 2 :
Level measurement, strain measurement – strain gauges, theory, types, strain gauge circuits, temperature compensation, load cells.
Temperature measurement : RTD, Thermocouples, pyrometers.
Displacement and position sensors : LVDT, optical encoders – transnational and rotary. (Refer Chapters 3 and 4)
Unit 3 :
System Models : Mathematical models, introduction to mechanical, electrical, fluid and thermal systems. Rotational and transnational systems, electro – mechanical,
hydraulic – mechanical systems.
Control Systems : open loop, closed loop systems, transfer functions, feed back and feed forward control systems and their applications. (Refer Chapters 5 and 6)
Unit 4 :
System Response, modeling of dynamic systems, dynamic response of first order, second order systems to step, ramp and impulse inputs. Transfer functions, Bode plots, stability of systems.
Control Actions : On – Off, proportional, proportional + integral, P + D . proportional + integral + derivative control actions.
Control systems Components :
Transmitters,controllers/pressure/flow/level/temperature/limit/proximimity/magnetic switches and relays. (Refer Chapters 7 and 8)
Unit 5 :
Analog signal processing, introduction, principle, passive circuits, operational amplifiers - characteristics and specifications. Op–amp circuits for inverting, non inverting, difference amplifiers, integrator, differentiator, comparator and sample and hold applications (no analytical treatment.)
Digital Signal Processing : Timing diagrams, sequential logic, flip flops, D flip flop, JK flip flop, master slave flip flop. Applications of flip flop, decade counters, Schmitt trigger, 555 timers. A/D and D/A converters. (Refer Chapters 9 and 10)
Unit 6 :
Programming Logic Controllers : Relay logic, basic structure, input/output processing, timers, internal relays and counters, shift resisters, ladder diagram and programming, selection of PLCs, introduction to microcontroller. (Refer Chapter 11)
We are very much thankful to Shri Rambhau Moze, the President of Genba Sopanrao Moze college of Engineering, Pune, for his kind co-operation and encouragement.
We extend our thanks to Prof. N. P. Zinzad and all our collegues of
G. S. Moze College of Engineering for their constant guidance and encouragement during the publication of this book.
We would like to thank Mr. Sachin Shah, Proprietor of Tech-Max Publications, Mr. Chandroday Kumar and the team of Tech-Max Publications, who have taken considerable pains and shown extreme co-operation during making of this book.
We also want to thank Irani Behram, Nagarjun Veeranki, Prashant Patel for their kind support.
Last but not the least, we want to thank our parents and family members for giving us warm wishes for completing this book.
- Authors
Dear Students,
It gives us great pleasure to present to you this book on
“Mechatronics” written specially for you.
This text book has been written strictly as per the revised Syllabus prescribed by Pune University for Fourth Year Mechanical Engineering students.
An attempt have been made by us to write this book in a simple and lucid language with neat and self-explanatory diagrams which could be easily understood by an average student. We have also kept in mind the examination requirement of the students.
The unique features of this book are :
(1) Self explanatory diagrams and pointwise explanation of each topics.
(2) A special introductory topic on Laplace Transform has been provided for easy understanding of Control System portion for students.
(3) Solutions of University Paper on Mechatronics for Mech Sandwich Branch has been provided.
(4) Complete symbols of JIC/ISO has been provided for familiarization with PLC ladder diagrams.
Every care has been taken to make the book error free. However if you find any mistake please do let us know, because that will help us for further improvement of the book.
- Ashok Kumar C.P.
- A.B. Auti
– Authors