Early Years Curriculum Planner
The Learning Challenge Curriculum
At Cale Green Primary School we believe that children learn when they are fully engaged and when the learning is exciting and relevant to them. To achieve this, and to prepare children for the next stage of their learning journey in Key Stage 1, the children follow a Learning Challenge Curriculum.
The Learning Challenge concept is built around the principle of involving children in planning their own learning. It requires deep thinking and encourages the children to work using a question as the starting point. Teachers and children use a ‘Prime Learning Challenge,’ (expressed as a question) as the starting point. This is followed by a series of smaller planned challenges. There is usually a new learning challenge question each week. The important thing is that the learning challenges need to make sense to the children and are within their immediate understanding.
Every Learning Challenge begins with a ‘WOW!’ This is something exciting that will grab the children’s attention and ‘set the scene’ for the learning which will follow. Each half term there will also be a specific planned outcome. This is what the children will work towards with their weekly challenges.
Please see the planning below for examples of ‘WOWs’ and outcomes.
Nursery Long Term Plan
Autumn 1 / Autumn 2 / Spring 1 / Spring 2 / Summer 1 / Summer 2Big Question
How do I get about? / Big Question
Where does the day go at night? / Big Question
How many Nursery Rhymes do I know? / Big Question
What makes a sound? / Big Question
Which colours make you feel happy or sad? / Big Question
What can I do with water?
Listen and join in with songs and rhymes about ‘getting about.’ / WOW
Read ‘Owl Babies’ in the dark and watch a ‘time lapse’ film showing night turning into day. / WOW
Open a suitcase full of props and identify the rhyme they come from? / WOW
Invite a musician to work with the children. / WOW
Use a variety of colours, textures and techniques to help children express their feelings. / WOW
Trip to Blue Planet Aquarium.
Making a wheeled vehicle with construction kits, scrap materials and making a car big enough for someone to sit in. / Outcome
Make and perform ashadow theatre play in the blackout tent. / Outcome
Perform Nursery Rhymes, record them on the IPad and show them to parents. / Outcome
A Nursery Orchestra! / Outcome
An indoor and outdoor exhibition of the work produced showing our feelings. / Outcome
Answer these challenges
Can we move water without a bucket?
What happens to the cardboard box when it rains?
Reception Long Term Plan
Autumn 1 / Autumn 2 / Spring 1 / Spring 2 / Summer 1 / Summer 2Big Question
What do I know about me? / Big Question
Why are there so many leaves on the ground? / Big Question
‘Twinkle, twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are?’ / Big Question
Who are the famous characters in our books? / Big Question
Was it once a mixed up time? / Big Question
Who can I ask for help?
Bring in photographs of babies and families. / WOW
A trip to the park to collect autumn objects and explore autumn colours. / WOW
Take a trip around the Universe. Visit to Jodrell Bank. / WOW
Dress as characters from books and take a trip the library. / WOW
Interview the big bad wolf about his crimes. / WOW
Visit from a Police Officer. Fire Officer, School Nurse.
A unique performance
‘Reception’s Got Talent!’ What are our special qualities? / Outcome
Autumn collage using items collected by the children. / Outcome
Create a class museum and hold an out of this world ‘Space Party’! / Outcome
Recite and re-tell our favourite stories to the Nursery children. / Outcome
Make our own fairy tale books containing our favourite stories. / Outcome
What would you like to be when you grow up – ‘Fancy Dress’ day?