LSAA 2011 Conference and Design AwardsCollaborative Design of Lightweight Structures

Sydney, October 13 and 14 2011 (Thursday, Friday)

Venue - Novotel Hotel - Sydney Olympic Park
Phone: (02) 8762 1111 Web:

Accommodation arrangements are to be done privately.
If booking at the Novotel, you may ask for a discount by quoting the code LSAA12102011 – Room rate if available $210

Summary of Registration Fees:

Full 2 day Ratesa) Early Bird (paid by September 16 2011)

(incl Conf Dinner)No longer available

b) Late Registrations
Members $750 for 1st person, $675 pp for extras
Non-members $850 for 1st, $765 pp for extras

Single Day RateEarly bird and “extras” rates not available
Members $300 pp
Non-members $375

Conference Dinner and Design Awards – includes pre-dinner cocktails
(applies to all extra persons not covered by the full 2 day rate or as part of a Sponsorship Package) $175 pp for LSAA Members
$200 pp for non-LSAA Members

Summary of Registration Steps:

  1. Fill out the forms below (either the MSWord or PDF version). Make copy if insufficient room.
  2. Calculate the amount to be paid (Speakers/sponsors to apply discounts as arranged)
  3. Make out the payment – Direct Deposit is the preferred method. We ask that the Reference code be LSAAxxxxxxxxxx where xxxxxxxxxx is your contact phone number (eg. LSAA02 95706100 )
  4. Complete the form with the Reference Code used noted and submit / email the completed form to
  5. Ensure payment made in time if claiming the Early Bird rates.
  6. Registration for the pre-conference Workshop or to enter a project in the LSAA Design Awards are done separately.

Conference Registration –

Types of registration: 2Day, Dinner, Thurs, Friday, Speaker, Sponsor

Attendee Names:
1.Reg Type

Email: Phone

2.Reg Type


Firm's Name: Phone:


Suburb, Postcode, State:

Email address of person making booking:______
Mobile / LAN Phone Number:


Indicate your firms main interest:
eg. Engineer / Fabricator / Material Supplier / Client / Architect

LSAA / ACASPA Member? YES / NONumber:
Engineers Aust. Member? YES / NO Number:
Payment – Direct Deposit preferred, NO Credit Card Facility, Cheques OK:
If using Direct Deposits (preferred), please use as a Reference “LSAA plus phone number”
and then email confirmation receipt to

Direct Deposit Details: Date: Total Amount:
Reference Caption:

LSAA Bank Details (for direct deposit, email details): ANZ, Account: Lightweight Structures Association of Australasia, BSB: 013 267, Account: 3524 14135

Cheques (Made out to “LSAA”) Amount:Bank: BSB:Acc #:

RSVPto Peter Kneen, LSAA, 18A Freeman Ave, Oatley NSW 2223