From Major Michael Stansberry to Guidance Counselors and School Leaders,

My name is Major Michael Stansberry and I am the Commanding Officer for

Recruiting Station Des Moines.

We are responsible for Officer and Enlisted recruiting across the great

states of Iowa and Nebraska.

There are a few things that I want to make sure that you are aware of with

regards to our current military and where we are

going...... specifically in regards to the Marine Corps.

1) The entry standards are not getting any easier. Please advise the

students at an early age that the physical, mental, and moral requirements

for enlistment are getting more and more competitive. They need to stay

focused on some kind of physical activity and need to do well on the ASVAB.

I see a lot of exceptional young men and women

disqualified for tattoos, piercings, gauges, excessive drug use, police

involvement, etc.

Bottom line - The military is rapidly shutting the door on what used to be

"if you aren't going to college or don't have a job, you can fall back on

us". Just not the case anymore. The military needs the most qualified men

and women out there making decisions on behalf of our country.

2) Although we may be reducing our forces in the near future. We will not

decrease our requirements for females. Our National leaders are asking our

military to be more a reflection of society...... meaning diversity and

females in hard-working jobs (previously only allowed to males). You may

see my recruiters in your schools looking hard for qualified females and

this is why. It is extremely difficult to find the right females for this

job so please be patient with the Marines, this has us all very stressed

out. Especially, with the new pull-up requirement for females. Please

start passing the word to coaches and PE teachers that females will need to

focus on pull-ups if they plan to have a career in the Marine Corps.

3) Make sure to ask your recruiters about the NROTC scholarship (4-year

Full ride to most universities) when they stop in, if you haven't already.


the same program that I did, and a great opportunity to get their college

degree with zero loans on the backside. Please note that this scholarship

is extremely competitive. 3.8 to 4.0 GPA, strong physical fitness,

leadership potential, and community service all play factors. The word

needs to get to the students in the Freshmen and Sophomore years to set the

foundation. My message to the students is "the military isn't for everyone,

but why not keep as many doors open as possible!"

4) With over 1000 schools throughout Iowa and Nebraska I apologize that I

have not been able to meet most of you in person yet. I hope, in the next

year, to close that loop. If you have any questions or concerns, please

don't hesitate to call or email me back. Especially, if you are struggling

to establish positive relations with my recruiters, which I trust is likely

not the case for most of you.

I would love to come out and talk to students about leadership and

scholarship opportunities if you so desire. I will also engage with the

parents about the military as well if you need me to...... I know they drive

a lot of your policies and procedures and I have thick skin.

Thanks for your time and attention.


Major Mike Stansberry

Cell: 515-491-8744