17 JANUARY 2008
Mrs Jane Neal-Smith (JS) London Met University (Chair)
Mrs Janice Fisher (JF) CAA (Secretary)
Capt Colin Adair (CA) First Choice
Ms Elizabeth Albone (EA) Easyjet
Capt Graham Cruse (CGC) Easyjet
Ms Alison English (AE) GB
Mr Martin Evans (ME) GAT
Ms Alison Fowler (AF) First Choice
Ms Jacqui Gough (JG) BA
Ms Donna Gregori (DG) BA
Ms Jane Heslop (JH) Monarch
Mr Rick Heybrook (RH) Loftwork
Ms Helen Reynolds (HR) XL
Ms Marie Russell (MR) Eastern Airways
Ms Sarah Skelton (SS) Plane Training
Ms Lyn Spicer (LS) Flightline
Capt Rob Calvert (RC) CAA
Ms Karen Bath (KB) CTC
Ms Krysia Calak (KC) XL
Ms Gillian Cant (GC) Eastern Airways
Ms Heather Derbyshire (HD) GB
Mr Dave Turner (DT Monarch
1. Welcome
1.1 JS welcomed all to the fifth meeting. Capt Graham Cruse was attending the meeting in order to present his proposed presentation for the forthcoming conference. GC introduced himself and the rest of the Group gave brief introductions.
2. Minutes of Last Meeting
2.1 RH had given apologies for the last meeting, minutes to be amended.
2.2 Jacqueline Dobney, who was an accredited CRMI and a First Officer for London Executive Aviation, a business jet operator, had shown interest in joining the Group. It was agreed to invite her to the next meeting and suggest she give a brief presentation on CRM in the GA environment. CGC suggested, that at a later stage, she might wish to be considered for a place on the CRMAP.
Action – JF to email an invitation
2.2 Access to the RAeS website was still difficult. JS to coordinate a navigation plan for the website access.
Action – JS to advise.
3. Terms of Reference
3.1 Only one suggestion for a Mission Statement had been received from MR and JF circulated this. A general discussion took place about these and CGC made comment that this should be a living document and that one or two members should be empowered to maintain and develop the document.
3.2 HR suggested that the Keynote Address for the Conference should include the purpose of the Group.
3.3 CGC gave some useful text and this was written down and taken away for further work by the Working Group..
3.4 EA reminded the Group that General Aviation needed to be added to the ToRs. Also it was suggested that we include the necessity of keeping details up to date, extraordinary meetings as required and procedure for nominated replacements for occurrences such as maternity leave.
3.5 A Working Group for the Mission Statement will consist of ME, MR, JG and LS.
Action – JF to email existing draft ToRs to Group
Action – Group to respond to JS before 26 February 2008
4. Dates for 2009
4.1 Thursday 15 January 2009
Thursday 16 April 2009
Thursday 16 July 2009
Thursday 15 October 2009
5. Icebreakers and Exercises
5.1 SS had gathered a set of exercises and icebreakers that could be added to the DVD. As the majority of examples of CRM were bad CRM, these were not included. The majority of submissions had been icebreakers rather than exercises and a lot were general training games and did not have objectives and teaching or learning points. A number of comments were made on these submissions. The general agreement was that exercises should relate to airline operations.
Action – SS to send out amended material by 18 January 2008
Action – Group to respond to SS by 25 January 2008
6. Conference
6.1 The remainder of the day was taken up with discussions about the forthcoming Conference. Firstly the DVD was reviewed and was agreed to be an excellent production and thanks again were extended to British Airways. Discussion took place about the best way to use the DVD in a workshop format.
6.2 CGC gave a demonstration of his presentation for the training of new CRM instructors.
6.3 The ensuing presentations for facilitation and cabin crew Notecs were described. Suggestions were put forward as to use of these in conjunction with the DVD but JF and CGC were concerned about various issues including complexities of tasks, limited time and room space availability.
6.4 The purpose of the Conference did not appear to have been clearly defined and it was agreed that the Conference should be delayed until this had been decided. Once a focus had been agreed, the content of the Conference should reflect that focus.
6.5 The original Conference date of 6 March 2008 to be postponed. The new date would be 27 May 2008. The booking for the conference room at CAA on the 6 March to be retained and used as a practice/run through day for the amended schedule of presentations. These would need to be agreed in principle prior to that date. The next meeting of the Group on 17 April would go ahead as planned and could be used as a further practice day as required. Several members to be available for the late afternoon period of Friday 23 May to ensure that the technical systems would be in place for the Conference.
Action – JS to define Conference focus and advise further action
Action – JF to issue FODCOM advising of change of date
7. Any Other Business
8. Date of Next Meeting
8.1 Thursday 6 March 2008.
HFCCSG 4 Meeting 5 – 17 January 2008