Loxley Primary School

Y3- Staff and Parents Communication Sheet

Half Term 2

Dear Parent,

The following information will help you support your child’s learning this half term in their class with Mrs Nash & Mrs Bennett.

Subject / Topics
English / ·  Fiction: Mystery and Adventure- Jack and the Bean stalk.
·  Persuasion: Linked to our Amazon topic
·  Reports: Cross curricular links where possible.
·  Poetry: Shape poetry- Linked to Christmas.
Maths / ·  Number-Addition and subtraction, including money problems
·  Measures – length including perimeter
Science / The world around us
Computing / Combining text and graphics – Identifying the features of magazine covers posters. Using text and images to create our own magazine covers / posters. Designing and creating Christmas cards.
Topic- Geography / Why is the Amazon amazing?
Locate a country (and name the oceans) within each continent on a map of the world. Locate the Amazon in South America and name some physical landmarks. Describe a rainforest (physical features). Describe major cities (human features).
Music / Exploring Rhythmic Patterns – Playing rhythm games. Learning raps. Accompanying learnt songs with rhythm using tuned and untuned percussion.
R.E. / Christianity- What do we know about Jesus?
Design and Technology / Pneumatics: Investigating pneumatic mechanisms
Art / Art work linked to rainforest topic
P.E. / Games – Ball skills
Gymnastic – Stretching and curling
French / Days of the week, colours and numbers
Homework / Maths – Target cards sent home each Monday, to be tested the following Monday
English – Spelling tests are carried out on Fridays when the new word lists are issued.
-Written English homework will be set on a Thursday, to be returned by Tuesday at the latest.
Reading – Books need to be in, ready to be changed on Mondays. Please encourage your child to read every night recording it in their journal.

Other Information:

·  PE - Both indoor and outdoor P.E. kit should be in school every day, consisting of shorts/ tracksuits bottoms, short sleeved T-shirt and plimsolls. We do PE on Mondays and Thursdays.

If you have any questions or queries then do not hesitate to contact us.