Present: A.Nuttall (in the Chair), I. Crew, P.Wrigglesworth, L. Walton, K.Tye, Dave Knight, R. O’Neill

Apologies: K.Thompson, S.Dunn

1. Minutes of the last meeting.

These were agreed. Proposed David Knight Seconded Rob O’Neill

2. Matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting.

The toilets and showers have been deep cleaned. New shower curtains, shower mats, hoses and shower heads have been installed. Southern Drains will be employed to clean the drains. Another extract fan may need to be installed. It was agreed that cleaning the showers once a week would be added to the cleaners’ contract with appropriate remuneration.

A second recycle bin has been obtained from the Council.

A functions calendar is now displayed on the Management Noticeboard.

Action point: Rob to arrange for Southern Drains to visit.

3. Treasurer’s Report

Reports for this month will be given with next month’s report.

4. Suggestions from the Suggestion box

One member suggested that we purchase stools with backs. This will be looked into.

5. Reports from section heads

Kevin Tye

December is always a busy time of year and we held five events - two of which were many times over subscribed and went a long way towards helping the bar break all previous December records.Specifically the Christmas Dinner Dance was spectacular for many reasons - not only were we entertained by global superstar Rod Stewart; but over the last few years the rooms have become a canvas for the unveiling of Sally's latest creative Christmas landscapes, decked in claret and blue this has got to be her best ever and we really do hope that this is not to be her swansong. Complimented by the precision organization of Lorraine, caterer's, infrastructure, place names, table plans, right selections to the right diner.....you name it Lorraine has it covered. So a big thank you to the superb team that is Sally and Lorraine and to all those who supported them. And finally a massive word of thanks to Keith and the bar staff; a superb record breaking evening and a new p.b. for Keith, he managed not to run out of Prosecco.

We also hosted a really well attended Christmas Dance, about 120 people enjoying live music from Crystal Balls, well we enjoyed the live music as soon as the band could be persuaded to play the music we liked rather than what they liked which they did. And the floor was absolutely rammed.

And in mid week we continued with the Pub Quiz and the Bingo; both of which met participation expectations given the time of year

Onto New Years Eve. 160 tickets were sold in less than 48 hours. 160 tickets and a wait list of 24. Mercifully we saw enough returns in the days before the event that we were able to match sellers with buyers. Now everybody was happy and everybody who still wanted a ticket was able to attend. Again, thanks to Keith, the bar staff and the dedicated glass collectors who worked their New Years Eve for Lowlands; I don't remember any bottlenecks but as someone said the next day, "I'm surprised you remember anything at all"

Peter Wigglesworth

Both snooker teams are doing ok. Pete is attending a course to become a snooker coach and when this has been achieved he will offer coaching at Lowlands.

Steve Dunn

. All 12 senior teams are running smoothly. No outstanding performances, but equally no disasters. Junior teams are progressing well in the Olympus youth shield and junior sessions will recommence this Friday, after Christmas break.

David Knight

All winter tennis is going well. Attendance at Full members on a Wed has improved. Dave has been promoting the session.

Rob O’Neill

A fire alarm has been installed .ADT have run the cable link between the intruder / fire panel . We are now just waiting for First Respondence to connect it into the panel ( have emailed them today 8/1/2016

Peter long has replaced the faulty sensor that controls the car park spot lights

Keith Thompson

December saw £12,698 through the tills (bolstered by ticket sales)

New staff taken on Josh Kesselman now in training. Abbie O’Brien will start training soon.

New credit car/Debit card terminal now installed and proved.

6. Website

As the Developer of the website was closing down his hosting and support we had to migrate the new site to another host Just Host. This has been done but not without a considerable amount of problems. Thanks go to John Philipson for getting everything up and running. A new site will be created in due course.The sub-committee will meet on Monday 18th to discuss plans.

7. Update on music player/ Patio/Blinds

·  Music Player

It was agreed that the club would open an Amazon Prime account and play music through a tablet connected to the music sound system. The tablet will be locked away securely when not in use.

Action point: Dave Knight to project- manage this development.

·  Blinds

The blinds have been selected. Lorraine is meeting the supplier on Friday 15th to choose the material and colour which will be neutral. It was agreed not to replace the stage curtains.

·  Patio

Lee Morgan will be asked to quote for this job.

10. AOB


Loyalty cards will be introduced using a data base kept in the Cloud and linked to the tills. This will be the master data base and it will be updated and copied to the new website. The loyalty card will be used to gain entrance to the club and will replace the current fob system. It will also be used to buy drinks at the bar at the discounted rate for members. Lorraine Walton will project manage this development. One company will produce the cards and another will programme them.

Action point: Lorraine to project manage this development.


·  M.C.C

David had received an invitation from the MCC offering Lowlands members a special reduction for a year’s membership of the MCC at Lords. They will promote any incentives and offers from us to their members.

Action point: Kevin to investigate further.

·  Shed

A new shed needs to be acquired. The current shed is falling apart and is full of things which are no longer needed. It is 20 foot by 10 foot and we think we could have one half the length. We will get a metal shed. Several have been identified. We may be able to use the skips for the patio construction for the shed when it is demolished. The contents of the current shed will be assessed.

Action point: David to project manage this development.

·  Locking and keys.

David is concerned about the numbers of keys held outside the Management Committee. Ian read out the list of key holders most of whom help to lock and open the club or need access to the club. Ian will check if some can be retrieved. The level of security covered by the alarm system was checked. David felt uncomfortable that table tennis players can be left to lock the back door if their matches run over 11.15 and the appointed person locking wishes to go home even though the alarm has been set. It was agreed that only the appointed locker should be the last person to leave the club. This information will be passed to the table tennis section.

Action point: Ian to retrieve any keys not in use.

Action point: Ian to contact table tennis section

Meeting closed at 9.35 pm

Next Special meeting is Tuesday 9th February to discuss fees for 2016-2017

Next full Management Meeting is Tuesday 23rd February 2016 at 7.30pm