Low Ash Primary School
LowAshPrimary School, Wrose Road, Wrose, Shipley, West Yorkshire BD18 1AA Tel: 01274 582927 – Fax: 01274 586503
E Mail: – Web Site:
Welcome Back
What a brilliant start to the year!The sun is still shining (sort of) and the children have come back to school with real enthusiasm and a fantastic attitude towards their learning.
Keep an eye on the information boards outside your child’s entrance door for details about what your child is learning about or important information about any visits etc. Should you need further information, have any worries, queries or indeed positive comments about the school,staff will be on hand by each entry door to write down any messages for teachers.
Exciting New School Website
On 2nd November we will be launching our new school website, which has been developed by Mr Burnley, our Computing and Communications Leader.
Mr Burnley wants the website to be ‘a hub of communication’, with easy access to information news and events. If you want an event advertising then our website could be just the thing – completely free of charge! Also, there will be lots more opportunities to see what’s going on in school – such as video clips made by our children of the brilliant things going on in our new ‘Creative Carousel’. The website will also be responsive to any Smart device.
So, type in November 2ndand find out what’s new!
Staffing News
We welcome Mrs Douglas back from maternity leave. Miss Haworth, will also be returning just before the October break.
Don’t forget Mrs Robinson (KS1) and Mrs Woollin (KS2) are now Key Stage Leaders, so if you need information or advice that you can’t get from your child’s class teacher, please ask to see them.
We like to respond to your requests!
In the questionnaire we sent out last year, you said you would like more information about how to help your child at home and information about what was happening in school. Therefore, we trialled new Curriculum Open Evenings on the first full week back in September and what a success they were!It was ‘standing room only’ for Years 3, 4, 5 and 6. Thank you for your encouraging comments as you left too.
Also, in response to Mrs Meer’s questionnaire at the end of last year about the ‘10 things you would like your child to experience during their time at Low Ash’, we have made the following changes. Top of your list was ‘another residential’, so Year 5 will be spending a couple of nightsnear Robin Hood’s Bay on the East Coast.
You also asked for the children to have a chance to cook. Now, in Key Stage 2, children learn about cooking and nutrition in our ‘Creative Carousel’ (Years 3 and 4 start after Christmas). Another popular request was for more clubs for younger children. There is now a Gym Club for Years 1 and 2 andDrama Club for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. Lastly, children throughout school are learning about (including respect and tolerance of) different cultures through our new ‘Our Values’ Curriculum.
Friday 2nd October / Nursery and Reception Parents’ Phonics WorkshopFrom Monday 12th October / Sign up for a Consultation Session outside the New Hall
Thursday 15th October / Key Stage 1 ‘Share a Maths Lesson’ Event
Tuesday 20th October / Year 2 ‘Fire of London’ Assembly
Friday 23rdOctober / School closes for holidays
Monday 2nd November / School re-opens after holidays
Tuesday November 3rd
3.30pm to 7.00pm / Consultation Evening 1 in classes
Wednesday 4th November 3.30pm to 5.30pm / Consultation Evening 2 in classes
Consultation Evenings
You should be receiving a letter regarding the Consultation Evenings in November very soon. As last year,you can sign up for a 10 minute appointment on either Tuesday3rd or Wednesday 4th.Also, your child’s books will be available outside their classroom for you to look through. Please use the main entrance for entering and exiting.
Reminders - PE Kit/Uniform
Please check the noticeboards for your child’s day for PE, as some children don’t appear to have the correct PE kit with them on their PE day.Please also remember that boots are not part of the school uniform and may only be worn outside. Speak to your class teacher or check the school website if you are not sure what they should have.
Following some confusion over how long children should be off school when they have had sickness, the following guidance should be followed:
-If your child has a sickness and diarrhoea bug they should stay off school for at least 48 hours, as recommended.
-If your child has been sick (vomiting) but the symptoms have quickly subsided and you think it is not a bug, please bring your child to school and we will monitor them during the day. If the symptoms return we will contact you to pick your child up.
Important Dates
Coming up
Many thanks for your continued support.
Mr Terry Woollin