Highcliffe School Student Bulletin

Monday 6th – Friday 10th October 2008: Week B

Thought For The Week:
“For it is in giving that we receive.”

St. Francis of Assisi

News Topic of the Week:

Ore investigates a conkers crisis

‘See http://news.bbc.co.uk/cbbcnews/hi/uk/default.stm

Christmas Shoebox Appeal: This week in assemblies you will be asked to take part in this year’s Christmas Shoebox Appeal, organized by Rotary International. It is a simple and effective way of making a child’s Christmas happier than it would have been this year. All you have to do is wrap a shoebox in Christmas paper and fill it with suitable small gifts. All students will be given a letter and leaflet giving all the details. The deadline for bringing into school completed boxes is Friday 7th November. Please take part – the more of us who make up boxes, the more children we can help!

Reminder to 6th Form Mentors: Please see Mr Bryden at 8.35 on Monday in the Library to arrange mentoring. Thank you. Mr Bryden.

Year 7 and parents Mathematics booster sessions: The sessions will be held from 3.15pm – 4.15pm (rather than 3.30pm-4.30pm) due to the new school day, on the following dates:

7th October / Fractions
14th October / Decimals
21st October / Percentages
4th November / Long multiplication
11th November / Algebra

Hope to see you there!

Reminder to all students: Aerosol deodorants are NOT permitted in school for any lessons, including PE. Only stick or roll-on deodorants are permitted.

School Show - Into the Woods: The 'Costume department' would be very grateful for any donations of last year's fashionable 'gypsy' type skirts, (layered, flounced long skirts) both adult and child sized for this forthcoming production. Please bring to room V11 in the sixth form, and leave on the teacher's table! Thank you very much! Mrs Moore and Mrs Bunnet.

Talent Show Auditions: These are taking place after school this week in the Performance Hall. If you signed up, please check the notice board outside Ex2 to see when your audition is.

'Blood Brothers' theatre trip: all Expressive Arts and Drama students attending the Mayflower theatre on Thursday October 9th should meet in the Performance Hall at 12.25pm. We will be back at school at approximately 6.30pm. Mrs. McGrath.

Year 11 Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award: Reminder! Please bring your expedition presentations and record books to Miss White in Ma6 as soon as possible.

Monday 6th October:

World Challenge will be selling sweets and drinks outside the Data and Examination office at break time.

All students in Year 9 who have places on the trip to the Skills Festival on Wednesday 8th October must remember to come to school in their uniform and with a packed lunch. They will also need to bring their books for lesson 1. They need to meet Mrs Finch and Mr Dean by the buses when first lesson has finished. They will be back in time for the end of the school day.

Online fantasy shares competition - there will be a meeting at break time in IT1 on Tuesday 7th October to register all those interested in taking part. All years welcome to register their teams of 4.

Thursday 9th October Science Club in SC10 from 3.15pm - 4.00pm. Flame writing and coloured flames! All welcome to come along!


Music clubs running this week…

Shout & Vocalis choir on Tuesday’s after school for lower and upper school

Guitar Club meet Tuesday lunchtimes

Harmonius Funk Jazz Band on Wednesday’s after school for all wind players

For the Musical rehearsals please check your rehearsal schedule


Year rugby @ Arnewood – overall winners

Year 7 netball v Grange – won 6-5

Year 8 netball v Grange – lost 3-11 loss

Year 9 netball tournament – 4th place

Year 11 netball tournament – 4th place

Year 9 rugby v Ringwood – won 51-5


Nine animals are arranged in three rows of three:

By drawing three squares can you put them all in separate cages?

Answers to be submitted by Friday 10th October 2008 with name and tutor group to the Brainteaser Box in Ma6.


6th – 10th October 2008

Monday / Year 10 fitness
Year 10/11 basketball
Tuesday / Year 10/11 girls basketball / Years 7/8 netball v Wentworth (A)
Year 7 rugby @ Grange
Years 7, 8 & 9 girls’ football club
Wednesday / Year 11 fitness club / Year 10/11 rugby v Arnewood (H)
Year 7 netball @ Arnewood
Year 10 football v Rossmore (A)
Year 7 football club
Years 8-11 netball club
Thursday / Year 8 basketball / Year 9 & 10/11 netball v Wentworth (A)
Year 10/11 girls football v Thomas Hardye (H)
Year 8 rugby v Arnewood (H)
Year 9 rugby v Arnewood (A)
Friday / Year 7 basketball