School News

February 2016

In chess news, Adam Gardiner was successful in the second phase of the Community Games trials and has won himself a place on the Malahide U13 Chess panel. He joins Finn Ellingboe (who will be captain) and William Hackett who have already secured their places. Well done boys!

Further congratulations go to Amelie Kearney, Ethan Lee and former pupil Zoe Ellingboe on making the under 16 team. Congratulations all round.

Love is in the school for St Valentine’s Day

Fabulous pictures by 5th6th Class

The FAI have been in the school for the past 6 weeks taking 1st-6th Class for soccer coaching. Cricket has now started for 1st-6thClass. Senior Infants and 1st Class are enjoying tennis lessons with a coach from Malahide Tennis Club.

Congratulations to Sarah Burns, 5th Class, on being selected for the under 12 development squad for the Dublin basketball team.

Well done to Jana Al-Zaibag, 5th Class,who won an amazing 3 gold medals for 50m fly, 50m back crawl and 50m breaststroke and a silver medal in 50m frontcrawl at a recent gala in the NAC.

Congratulations to Adam Hildebrand 4th Class who recently got his red belt in Taekwondo. Also congratulations to Aiden Drescher-Caffrey who won a silver medal in his age group at the Taekwondo National Championships.

Thank you to everyone in 1st & 2nd Class who baked for the recent cake sale. The fabulous cakes were enjoyed by all and €308 was raised!

There will be a non - uniform day on March 16th with a St. Patrick’s Day theme.

Please bring in €2 on the day.

Around the Classes

Junior Infantshave been learning all about the vet’s surgery. In science they are learning all about floating and sinking.

Senior Infants have painted some amazing pictures of animals.

They are learning to tell the time.

They are also practicing hard for their upcoming show – ‘Cinderella’

1st Class have been learning all about ‘sound’ in science. They explored how to play various percussion instruments in music and discussed the different sounds they heard. They have also designed their own musical instrument made of toilet roll holders, greaseproof paper, rice and pasta.
They have also been learning sign language.

2ndClass celebrated "Chinese New Year". They decorated the classroom and made Chinese lanterns. They learnt facts about China and how silk is made.

Our Flat Stanleys are returning from all over the world. They have had great adventures. When they are all back we will invite parents in to see our display.

3rd Class

In art 3rd Class have made name plaques from clay.

This is their first year in the Student Council elections and they have been busy writing their speeches.

4th Class got their pen licences and said goodbye to pencils!

In history they have been learning about the Vikings.

5th Classare learning about Irish festivals. In science they are looking at electricity and have made an electrical circuit. In art they have made post boxes!

6th Class have been learning all about the different phases of the moon and the effect on the planet. In history they are investigating the 1916 Rising and are currently creating a play based on these events. In poetry they explored the theme of bullying in a poem by Enda Wiley and they artistically represented the theme of this poem in picture form. In science they created magnetic matchbox cars.

The new Student Councilfor 2016/2017 has been voted in.

3rd Class: Mia O'Neill, Gerard Jaksland, Beatrice O’Chonghaile.

4th Class: Natalya De Castro, Chloe Bryan, Hugh Given.

5th Class: Matthew Clarke, Jana Al-Zaibag, Gina Murray.

6th Class: Morgan Hopkins, Ammanuvel Alias, Ethan Crosbie.

We wish them all well in the year ahead!