CMC Meeting

Saturday August 16

Love INC Office Conference Room


  • Welcome and Prayer
  • Upcoming Events

·  Building Dedication and Open House, Sat 9/13 1-3pm

§  Dedication at 1p, open house until 3pm. Light refreshments will be served.

·  Gala Dinner and Auction, Fri 10/17 (Sue Needles and Carol Cook)

§  Gather donations of silent auction items

§  Promotion and selling: $65 per person or $500.00 for table of 8

§  Promotional materials are available on the CMC portal

§  Theme: “Refresh, Restore, Rejoice” based on Philippians 4:4

  • Gap Ministry Update & Ministry Needs – see reverse side
  • Breakout Discussion: The Defining Difference Six Core Principles
  • Next Steps

·  PRAY for the Ministry

§  Continued support for the students that completed our Mange Your Resources class

§  Financial support for our new ministry space

§  A consistent supply of servants to share the love of Christ to those in need

·  RECRUIT servants for the Back-to-School clothing distribution

·  PROMOTE the upcoming Gala and Open House fellowship opportunities

·  SCHEDULE meetings & informational sessions to get folks energized & involved

§  Love INC Sundays

§  Presentations to leadership

§  Presentations to Mission boards


·  ATTEND the next CMC meeting on Saturday, Oct 25

  • Closing Prayer

Ministry Update

God works in amazing ways!

Gap Ministry Metrics

Key Ministries / Delivered/Served
in 2013 / Delivered/Served
In 2014, as of 8/12 / Outstanding
as of 8/13/2014
Beds / 501 / 206 / 390
Dressers / 294 / 173 / 298
Kitchen Tables / 129 / 62 / 127
Starter Kits / 245 / 131 / 87
Clothing / 221 / 66 / 134
Next distribution in Aug
Car Repair / 11 / 5 / 10
Home Services/Repair / 63
Includes MHP & Immanuel projects / 5 / 36
Includes Many Hands Project
Thanksgiving/Christmas / 111 / n/a / n/a

Ministry Growth

  • We moved in 6 weeks because of you! About 70 people served over 400 hours to get us packed up, moved to Waukegan, painted the new space, set up our computer network & office furniture, and more! From signing the lease on 5/15 to the phones on & ringing by 6/30, God blessed us immensely.
  • Many Hands Project youth mission event served over 30 homeowners (many seniors) during one week in July. They raked leaves, mowed lawns &, most importantly, connected with the families they served. So many were blessed by their efforts!

Current Ministry Needs

  • Back-to-School clothing distribution Aug 25-29 (serving clients 27-29). Servants are needed to help move & set up clothing, be personal shoppers for our client families, and bring the bins back at the end of the week. Please share this opportunity within your church groups.
  • Reinvigorate the delivery teams Now that we are in our new space, we need to start getting inventory out the door & into homes where it can be loved and well used! See the On-going Ministry Needs sheet for more info.

On-going Ministry Needs

We need your help!

  • Clearinghouse / Help Center Office Support

§  Phone Ministers

o  Call clients during Help Center hours 10a-1p to complete their intake interview, understand their needs and pray with them, as needed.

o  Servants are currently needed on all weekdays

§  Sorting Team

o  Sort clothing & household donations and prepare to share with our families in need

o  Pack household starter kits for our delivery teams (or deliver them too!)

§  Times are flexible, based on servant availability.

  • Expand the Furniture Ministry: 5-4-1 Plan

§  Teams of 5 hours + 4 people + 1 time each month serve delivering furniture

§  Our servants have been dwindling, but the need is still growing!

o  We need additional people & churches to say “Send me!” and commit to an on-going furniture team one Saturday per month

§  Use the flyer to help you recruit! Share this through your congregations, men’s ministries (although we are not limited to just guys!), youth groups, etc.

  • Household Starter Kit Ministry: 4-3-1 Plan

§  Teams of 4 people + 3 hours + 1 time each month serve delivering starter kits

§  Delivery household starter kits (packed by weekly ministry room servants) to our clients in need on any day that works best for your team!

  • Board Member

§  Leadership and ability to cast vision for Love INC to the community, church, and businesses

§  Provide oversight of the ministry

§  Willingness to invest both with finances and time to expand the Kingdom work of Love INC

§  Commitment level about 15 hours a month, including the board meeting on the 2nd Thursday of the month from 6:45 to 9pm

Contact Spark for more information - or 847-782-8630

\\VOLUNTEER1-HP\MasterDocuments\CMC\CMC Team Meetings\2014 meetings\2014-0816 CMC meeting agenda 3Q14.docx