Loveand Relationships on the Spiritual Path

Searching for Love in a World of Illusion

Part 3 Soul Mates, Karmic Partners and Resolving the Past

Soul Mates

A soul mate is “a mate of the soul,” partners for the journey. They may be mastering the same type of karma and developing the energies of the same chakra.Soul mates have a complementary calling or mission in life. They join forces for a period of time or even a lifetime—for a marriage, a business, a book or invention or some other project.

A soul-mate relationship does not necessarily result in marriage; however, such a marriage is often a very loving, harmonious and productive match. You have only one twin flame but you may have more than one soul-mate relationship in your many lifetimes.

Karmic Partners

A karmic debt is felt at the soul level. The soul knows when there are karmic ties that need to be undone, negative energy to balance, the wrong corrected and the hurt healed. We may not know exactly what transpired in a past life (and most often it is not necessary to know the details), but we sense the need to resolve through love.

These relationships may be intense, and there may be a great attraction and even a great love. They may also be very difficult.Resolution through love is the key.It is not necessarily a tragedy when people have difficult circumstances or karma to work through. It is a tragedy when they do not use the opportunity these challenges provide for love, forgiveness and healing.

Resolving the Past

Sometimes the only way the soul can overcome an intense karmic record is by the intense love and mutual service expressed through the relationship of husband and wife. Prayer and the violet flame may allow the balancing of enough karma so that a marriage is not necessary which is better. Our souls know why we have come into embodiment. Each of us knows that righting the wrongs of lifetimes is the only way to get back to the perfect love we seek.

No matter what the situation, providing love and assistance, service and helpfulness to everyone we meet, combined with liberal use of the violet flame, is an excellent way to balance karma, free ourselves from these burdens, and promote our progress on the spiritual path.

The Painful Facts of Divorce

Divorce is the surgery of pulling apart two who have become one. Take the situation to the altar in prayer. Do your best to be as harmonious as possible. Treat your spouse as you would like to be treated. Over-communicate rather than under-communicate. Do so in a courteous and respectful way. Even if you feel the other party is at fault, at all costs try to avoid assigning or implying blame.

Try to make your way through the process without making more karma. Give extra violet flame to transmute any residual karma and to dissolve patterns of emotional attachments.

Do your best to stay centered and attuned with your higher self. When important meetings are to take place, say a prayer for all participants to meet in the heaven world the night before to discuss what is to take place and to reach the highest resolution, and ask that this resolution be brought to their outer awareness during the meeting. Ask the guardian angel of each member of the family, including your partner, to help everyone through this difficult time. Find the time to keep your spiritual practices going.

Talk with a counselor or good friend. Keep your cool when talking to your spouse and when participating in legal proceedings.If you do find yourself in legal proceedings, make sure to get a good lawyer. The aim is the best possible upbringing for your children and to balance your karma with your former spouse so you are free to move on both physically and spiritually.

When speaking with your children, always speak favorably of your former spouse. You may have your difficulties and disagreements, but don’t share these with your children. Speak the truth, but find something positive or hopeful to say whenever possible. If you cannot find anything good to say, better to say nothing than belittle or run down the other parent.

The Violet Flame to Heal Relationships

The violet flame is key for getting through past karma and fulfilling your mission. The violet flame is a manifestation of the Holy Spirit, a spiritual energy given by God to man for the acceleration of consciousness. It transforms negative energy into positive energy—anger into love, irritation into peace, suspicion into trust.

The violet flame can dissolve mountains of karma. Meditate on the violet flame, see yourself standing in violet light, the energy passing through you and dissolving all negativity. You can also visualize the violet flame around another person. If you have a difficult situation with an acquaintance, friend, co-worker or family member, visualize the violet flame around both of you. See it transmuting karma and negative momentums from the past, clearing up misunderstandings, smoothing the rough places and removing all barriers to the best resolution.

Even more effective is to combine these visualizations with the science of mantra. When you invoke the flame physically through the spoken Word, its action is stronger and comes into physical manifestation more quickly. Devotion is the key to the power of mantra and prayer.Decrees are a part of a system of scientific prayer called the Science of the Spoken Word. The primary purpose of this science is to put you in contact with your Higher Self. The following is a simple mantra:

I AM a being of violet fire! I AM the purity God desires!

The violet flame can consume the layers of negative energy and karma that stand between you and the one you are supposed to be with in this life—and your ultimate reunion with God and your twin flame.

For Further Study on Love and Relationships

1-800-245-5445 USA

Soul Mates and Twin Flames: The Spiritual Dimension of Love and Relationships, Pocketbook by Elizabeth Clare Prophet

Marriage as an Initiation on the Path [10-7-76, 1 hour 33 min.] Available on CD on Demand—profound lecture on the responsibility of marriage, the attack on marriages today and how to invoke the ring of fire to protect your marriage

Twin Flames in Love I [Tape Album, Available on CD on Demand 3-10-78, 3-11-78 12 hours] —very complete teachings on the meaning of marriage and relationships—twin flames, soul mates and karmic marriages

Twin Flames in Love II [Tape Album, 7-5-82, 4 hours 30 min.]

Family Designs for the Golden Age Elizabeth Clare Prophet [Audio CD 11 hours 15 min]

The Story of Your Soul—Recovering the Pearl of Your True Identity by Elizabeth Clare Prophet

Sacred Psychology series by Dr. Marilyn Barrick

Heart Head and Hand booklet of decrees

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