31 Harvard Street, Worcester MA 01609

Tel: (508) 757-1503 Fax: (508) 791-4755

With funding support from: The Department of Early Education & Care

EDU251 Child Growth & Development - 3 credits

Dean College

This course pursues the principles of child growth and development, as well as factors that influence the growth process from birth to age 12. Particular emphasis is given to application of theory to children's behavior based on the study of

their physical, social-emotional, and cognitive development. Observations and participation at the Dean College Children's Center will offer the student the opportunity to link theory to classroom practice.

Date: Thursdays, 9/11 – 12/18/14(no class 9/25 & 11/27) Time: 5:30 – 8:50 pm

Location:Walpole Elm Street School, 415 Elm Street, Walpole 02081

Fee: $150 (does not include cost of textbooks)

To pre-register, complete the form below and return it with payment tothe Center for Childcare Careers:

1.MAIL 2. FAX(credit card only) 3. ONLINE(credit card only)


Center for Childcare Careers (CCC)Training Registration Form

Name: ______ Home Phone: ______

Home Address: ______City: ______Zip: ______

Required: Active EECProfessional Qualification Registry # ______

Birth Date:______Last 5 digitsSocial Security# _______

Employer: ______Location: ______

Position: ______Email: ______

Work Phone: ______Phone (cell): ______

Are you from: 1) __Out of School Program 2) __Child Care Center 3) __Family Child Care 4) ___ Public School

  • Does your program accept Dept. of Early Education and Care child care subsidy?

1) ____ Yes - Contracted Slots 2) __ Yes - Vouchers 3) ___ No

  • Are you working on (check Yes or No): 1)College degree: ___Yes ___No 2)EEC Certification: ___Yes___No
  • Do you have a ____ GED or ____ High School Diploma?
  • Are you receiving the Early Childhood Educators Scholarship? ____ Yes ____ No

*Enrollment: CCC accepts students into the course based on Dept. of EEC professional development priorities. This fee will be returned 1) if you do not meet EEC’s professional development priority 2) if CCC cancels the

course due to low enrollment 3) if the course is full.

By completing this application, you agree to provide the following information:
___ Employer’s Release Form ___ In-Take Form ___ Signed College Release Form
___ Active Professional QualificationRegistry Number
___ Individual Professional Development Plan (IPDP)

Payment Options: By check or money order, payable toFSCM/Center for Childcare Careers

By credit card – Check one:Visa ___ MasterCard ____ Am. Exp. _____ Total Amount: ______

Card #: ______-______-______-______3-Digit Code: ______Exp. Date: ______

Name as it appears on the Credit Card: ______

Card Holder’sAddress:______Zip Code: ______

#EDU251 Child Growth & Dev. 9/11 – 12/18/14 Fee: $150 (does not include cost


College Registration Policies

Registration will not be processed without payment and an active Professional Qualification Registry Number.

Priority registration will be given to those programs that serve EEC subsidized children through contracts

or voucher.

Center for Childcare Careers retains the right to limit enrollment from a provider/center to 2 as space allows. In that case, additional providers or staff will be placed on a waiting list and enrolled on a space available basis. Contact CCC to inquire about available space. Only send payment for 2 staff at this time.

One week before the course begins; we will start taking registrations from our wait list.

CCC reserves the right to cancel course due to insufficient enrollment or to limit enrollment due to class size.

The Center for Childcare Careers will give refunds if the course is full or cancelled. You will be notified.

Withdrawal Policy: Educators who drop out before the first class do not receive the $50 registration fee back. If a student drops out after the first class, there is no refund. Students must follow the college withdrawal policy.

CCC will assess an additional $15 charge for returned checks.

The Center for Childcare Careers will send out email conformation before the first class.

Students are responsible for purchasing their own textbook(s).

Participant must agree to complete all necessary paper work

Cancellation information: The Associate Dean of Dean College School of Continuing Studies, or SCS personnel, will contact students by email or phone in the case of class cancellation. The decision is made by 3:00 p.m.