Louisiana State University

Department of Foreign Languages

Chinese 3101, Advanced Chinese

Fall 2007

Instructor: 周老师

Office: 312 Hodges Hall

Office Hours: WF 11-12:30 pm



CHIN 3101 is designed for students who have completed Beginning and Intermediate Chinese or have similar speaking and reading proficiency of the Mandarin Chinese language. It is a course aimed at helping students to continue developing reading, writing and speaking skills. Different from Beginning and Intermediate classes, this course emphasizes written Chinese as well as the use of relatively sophisticated structure and vocabulary. Students are expected to read, discuss, write about the materials dealt with in Class, and there will be composition assignments. Students will also be introduced to authentic materials on a variety of topics in traditional and modern Chinese culture, and to Chinese films and websites. Relevant cultural issues will be introduced and discussed.


Tao-chung Yao and Liu Yuehua, et al, Integrated Chinese, 2nd ed. (Boston: Cheng & Tsui, 2005), Level 2


· Attendance and preparation, 15%

· Quizzes, 10%

· Presentation and skits, 10%

· Unit tests, 15%

· Homework assignments, 15%

· Mid-term exam, 15%

· Final exam, 20%

A: 90-100

B: 80-89

C: 70-79

D: 60-69

F: 60 below


Successful progress in a language course requires that students keep up with the assigned materials. Class discussions and exercises are also essential. Students need to come to the class on time, well prepared, ready to participate and perform. Unexcused absences and lack of preparation will have a negative impact on your grade.

Comprehensive unit quizzes/tests will be given at an announced time. No make-up quizzes/tests unless the student concerned has a medical excuse.

There will also be mid-term and final exams. Both exams are comprehensive. Only under extenuating circumstances will a student be granted permission to make up an exam, and only if he/she notifies the instructor ahead of time and make arrangements to take the make-up exam.