Plan of Action for Cabinet Pending Projects 2010-11
Plan of Action for President’s Cabinet Pending Projects: 2010-11Updated 11/8/10
Activity & Date Assigned / Assignment / Assigned to: / Strategy and Coordination / Timeline & Status Reporting / Next Report / Progress ResultsWeb-Based Approval, Document Sharing & Web Portal System
7-13-09 / The IT Division will develop:
a) An integrated active directory system
b) A form submission & approval “work flow” system
c) A staff and student portal
d) A document sharing repository
e) A training raining system / Web Task Force (Steve Renton, Tim Hollabaugh, Kristin Hollabaugh) / Create a web-based form-driven approval process using the Share Point application and Infopath Microsoft document creator.
Use Share Point as internal web portal to manage work flow.
Decided to use IQ Solutions & contract for services hours via a Service Level Agreement
Strategy as of October 13, 2008:
Develop a Q&A and Conduct Focus Groups
Continue Content Manager Training
Present at January Convocation and November Management Council
Review forms and convert to SharePoint: Steve R., Tim H. & VP for form area
Strategy as of October26, 2009:
Elaine Webb will facilitate update and conversion of all forms during 09-10 (Infopath will be used to integrate forms into workflow.)
Web Task Force will work with Elaine to create Form Guide and FAQ (plus use of Help feature on SharePoint)
All meeting agendas and documents will be distributed via SharePoint (Has been implemented as of Fall 09)
All web pages will be managed by SharePoint (Still developing timeline for replacing WebPoint 2.0)
SharePoint Internal Portal & Intranet system will be refined during 09-10 as needed
SharePoint External Portal and Internet system will be implemented Fall 10
Strategy added on December 14, 2009:
5 forms will be brought to each Cabinet meeting until all are reviewed. “Owner” of the form will prepare revised Word version and present 1) connection to AP, 2) data needed on form, 2) approval chain with meaning of each signature. / FA 07 Acquire Share Point software & Prepare the Active Directory
Revised strategy approved 1-28-08
SP08 Install software, pilot form process, use outside consultant, ramp up
Su 08 Implement student email system
FA08: Training; SP09: Implement Internal web site
09-10: Expand to External web
4-21: Agreement w/Denali to train & implement ($21 K)
5-13 First training session
Form Strategy:
- Elaine Webb will review forms with originating offices
- Signers will be reviewed as well as meaning of signatures
- Forms will be updated in Word
- Forms will contain date of update, sequence of approval, AP number
- Forms will be approved by Cabinet with input from originating manager
- Elaine will post approved forms on SharePoint
- Form Guide (What form to use?
- SharePoint & Infopath Training
Don Mast Report / Status, Oct 07: staff is becoming familiarized with product, server use is being implemented, integration with Banner is proceeding.
12-10-07 SolutionsIQ proposal reviewed ($40-$50 K)
1-28-08 Approved strategy
2-25-08 Eight pages one-click from front page do not have compliant format; task force will next review pages two clicks from front page; active calendar will be done in 1 mo
3-24-08 Decision made on Epsilen & IQ Solutions. Staff being trained now in use of updated SharePoint. Student email to be implemented for SU & FA reg—need marketing
9-2-08 Added to Strategy
10-13 Content Mgr Training begun
Home Page link established, key & travel forms in e-format progressing
11-24-08 focus groups planned on how portals will be used
1-12-09 Training by appt is on-goint. Gen’l training will proceed based on focus groups. IT staff is getting more training. On forms, focus group data is being analyzed. Form court reviews will be scheduled shortly.
3-9-09 Form Strategy developed
5-11-09 SharePoint Extrnet is in progress,
FAQ is started (videos under Help),
Training agenda work begun by Phillip,
WebPoint 2.0 gone by Fall 09—need FEC and PACE training workshops,
Admin Retreat is ready—a go,
Convocation will feather 5 min blasts at Division meetings
5/3-4/09 Mgt Retreat training successful
8/17/09 Connecting forms to APs, identifying forms with no APs, identifying “owners” of forms, identifying “approval chain” for each form
9-14-09 Process of associating forms with APs almost complete; next steps: verify that form complies with AP and review with department using the form.
10-26-09 Strategy and Needs updated. Forms are now associated with Admin Procedures. Moving ahead with three forms: Copy Request Form, Theatre Facility Use and Travel
2-8-10 Forms from A&R and HR were reviewed.
2-22-10 Forms from VA and DRC
3-8-10 Five forms from Academic Svc were reviewed
4-13 Reviewed forms for student driving, travel requests
6-28 Plan to use Don Mast as facilitator and new Web Master at technical support plus clerical support from President’s Office
7-12 Don Mast approved as facilitator
Strategic & Action Planning
3/9/09 / Develop Strategic Plan (Goals, Objectives, Accountability Measures)
Develop Action Plan
(Activities, Timeline, Responsibility, Benchmarks, Reporting) / Director of Planning & Research, Tim Garner, Institutional Planning Committee, and VPs / Developing Strategic Plan
- Series of Campus Forums (Fall 09) to review existing plan, Self Study, Prog Reviews
- Cabinet will draft revised Plan
- IPC will review and revise Plan
- College Council will review & adopt
Objectives imbedded in Focused Plans developed by College Committees:
- Educational Master Plan
- Technology Plan
- Matriculation Plan
- Student Equity Plan
- Staff Development Plan
- Basic Skills Plan
- Five-Year Facility Plan
- Hanford/Tulare Center Plans
- Unit Plans thru Program Review
- Initiatives: FYE, ESC
- 11/12/10 – Committees/Teams/Units will have developed a timeline of tasks to be completed for implementing their goals and objectives and report to their IPC Liaison.
- 2/1/11 – The initial progress report on the Tactical Plan will be completed and due from Committees/Teams/Units. The Institutional Planning Committee will review these reports.
- 3/15/11 – The committee will review community comments and progress updates and modify the plan as needed. The modified Strategic Plan will then be put on the Academic Senate’s agenda for approval.
- 3/29/11– IPC meets and discusses additional feedback.
- Forums on Strategic Plan
- Review Focused Plans
- Develop metrics
- Review & Adopt Strategic Plan
- Develop timeline to update and reformat Focused Plans
- Complete Focused Plans
- Compile Action Plan
- Collect baseline data for metrics
- Annual Report to Board
Fall 2010 Move to Tactical Planning
Plan for Baseline Data by 12-6-10 / 3-9-09 Developed initial draft strategy
Tim & Jeff will cochair, members needed
6/3-4/09 Training at Mgt Retreat
8/17/09 Talking to stakeholders, about to set meeting schedule, environmental scan in the works
9/28/09 IPC met and adopted steps to develop strategic plan
11-9-09 IPC will begin holding charrettes soon
12-14-09 Charrette process reviewed, plans for Convocation finalized
2-8-10 Report on Convocation charette is being prepared: 6 functional areas within each of 6 goals; community charettes: 2/23, 3/4, 3/11.
3-22 3 of 4 community charettes done; format for each goal: Definition, Goals, Strategies; Still need measurable outcomes and benchmarks; out for review in April, finalize in May, to Board in June
4-13 Distributed “draft for review” strategic plan
10-11 Tim G & Duncan are creating a plan
10-25 IPC will discuss baseline data at 11/16 mtg
Technology Upgrades in Student Services
11-9-09 / Identify and implement technology tools that will improve services and accountability in student services. / Frances Gusman
Chris Knox
Tamara Ravaline
Tim Hollabaugh /
- Implement CCCTran
- Modify CCCApply to collect cell phone numbers, have students identify best means of contact, implement software to text message to cell phones
- Implement Degree Works:
- Implement electronic SEP
- Implement Degree Audit
- Implement Financial Aid Policy (require assessment, SEP, only course from SEP, and satisfactory progress to degree/certificate
- CCCTran by end of 09-10
- CCCApply by end of 9-10 & Text Messaging by 12/10
- Degree Works by end of 9-10, SEP by 12/10, Degree Audit by end of 2010-11, Financial Aid Accountability by Fall 2010
- Document Scanning
- Career Pathways
Review Plan to Implement / 11-9-09 Defined assignment and strategy
12-14-09 Received update
2-8-10 Career Pathways to be previewed end of Feb; Degree Works being acquired—also used at Mt SAC, Taft, Sierra.
4-26-10 April 15 Degree Works training went well. Will do phone review of Red Lantern product. Decision on which to buy done by end of Spring.
6-28-10 Meeting this week to make decision.
7-12-10 Decided on DegreeWorks. Implementation Plan being developed.
9-27-10 Steady Progress
Hanford Service Level Agreements
7-26-10 / Establish Written Commitments for Levels of Service to be Provided to Hanford / Acad: Graham
Stu Svc: Gusman
HR: Bratsch
Fac: Mittlestead
IT: Hollabaugh
Fiscal: Garcia
Market: Renton
Res/Data: Garner / Service Level Agreement Format
- Service Provided
- Delivery Mode
- Response Time Frame
- Responsible Administrator
- Evaluation
- Conflict Resolutions
Resolve any final issues / 10-11-10 Draft service agreements are done and being reviewed. Different formats but that is okay. Kristin will finalize with each unit and produce procedure documents for internal use at Hanford Center
Student Success #1
Mandatory Orientation
7-26-10 / Require a Robust Orientation of all New Students / Frances Gusman / To be developed / Fall 10 Pilot & Notification plus Research Model
Spring 11 Beta
Fall 11 Full Implementation / 8-23-10
Update / 7-26-10 Discussed Timeline
8-23-10 Capacity analysis looks solid. Need BP & AP
9-27-10 Chris Knox & Deborah Nolan working
Student Success #2
Required Student Success Course
7-26-10 / Require Successful Completion of HD 120 for 3rd Semester Probationary and 360/360 Assessed Students For Continued Enrollment / Frances Gusman
Chris Knox Sondra Bergen, Joni Jordan, Michele Hester-Reyes, Ross Rueger and Adrienne Duarte / Defined population:
- Students on 3rd Semester Probation
- Students assessed into both Math 360 and English 360
- Identification and direction of population
- Research model for measuring impact
- IT system for blocking disenrollments
Update / 7-26-10 Report from Chris Knox showed capacity exists and asked clarifying questions.
8-23-10 Planning to use Chaffey’s “Opening Doors” system for probationary students. GS 120 developed as 3 unit On Course curriculum. Continuing with HD 120 for non-On Course curriculum JUST UNTIL sufficient faculty are training in ON COURSE. IC will handle scheduling and faculty assignments.
Others to use GS 120/COUN 110 include EOPS, FYE, Puente, and SSS.
9-27-10 Scheduling to be done by Div Chair w/10% reassigned; Curriculum all done & approved.
11-8-10 Roberto Diaz visit was a success
Student Success #3
Require SEP to be Followed for Special Populations
7-26-10 / Require Students in Specified Populations to Enroll only in Classes in Their SEP / Frances Gusman / TBD
Initial Thinking on Special Populations:
- Financial Aid
Fall 2011: Pilot
Spring 2012 Beta
Fall 2012 Full Implementation / 8-23-10
Update / 7-26-10 Discussed timeline
8-23-10 Implementation team includes Lisa Brandis, Lisa Hott, and Greg Keen.
9-27-10 Bill’s meeting with counselors went well; task force is forming
Student Success #4
Mandatory First Day Attendance
7-26-10 / Limit Enrollment to Those on First Day Roster or on Wait List and Attending First Day / Duncan Graham
Duncan, Frank Tebeau, Michele Hester-Reyes, David Hurst, Stephanie Collier and Lisa Hott.
- Eliminate class-based add codes
- Replace with individual student add codes
- Adds must be accomplished by second week of class
- Academic Services will develop exception policy
Spring 11: collect data on impact on enrollment
Fall 11 Implement / 8-23-10
Review Final BP & AP / 7-26-10 Discussed strategy.
8-23-10 Still being discussed in IC. Need BP & AP
9-27-10 Process gradually being understood
10-25-10 IC discussion scheduled for 11/4. Cmte includes Frank T., Michele H-R, David H, Lisa Hott, Stephanie Collier.
11-8-10 Reviewed draft BP and AP
Student Success #5
Educational Schedule Planning
7-26-10 / Define the Roles of Counseling Technicians and Instructional Faculty in Educational Schedule Planning / Michele Hester-Reyes / TBD / TBD / 9-13-10
12-5-10 / 7-26-10 Exploration of this initiative assigned to the Academic Senate
9-23-10 Senate is beginning discussions.
10-25-10 Senate has committee and is doing a tactical plan.
COMPLETED Actions for President’s Cabinet Projects: 2010-11
Activity & Date Assigned / Assignment / Assigned to: / Strategy and Coordination / Timeline & Status Reporting / Next Report / Progress ResultsBenefits Cost Control
2-8-10 / Develop and Implement a Set of Options for Control of Benefits Costs / John Bratsch
Executive Cabinet / Legal Counsel will provide input on options. Executive Cabinet will evaluate options to recommend to Board. Board will give direction for negotiations. / Review legal options and staff recommendations at Board Retreat. / 2-8-10
POSTPONED / 2-8-10 Reviewed legal opinions
2-22-10 Presentation designed for Board Retreat
4-12-10 Reviewed strategy
5-10-10 RFP to be issued; bids by Mid June
6-28-10 Working with two brokers to finalize bids
7-12-10 Board delays action for one year on self-insurance. Acts on negotiation strategy.
Hanford and Tulare Educational Plans
11-9-09 / Update Hanford Center Ed Plan
Create Initial Tulare Ed Plan / Duncan Graham / Academic Deans and affected faculty and community members will collaborate to update plans. / Report monthly, complete by March 1, 2010 / 12-14-09
COMPLETE / 11-9-09 Set the task
12-14-09 Hanford Plan updated, Tulare Plan still in the works
2-8-10 Work on Tulare Plan to be ready in draft for Board Retreat
2-22-10 Tulare: Anchor programs: Ag, Arch; for GE/Basic skills: move courses from Visalia; no on site staff for first year
4-12-10 Nothing New
5-10-10 Updated Tulare Plan Reviewed
Need Hanford at 1000 FTES for Base $$$
8-23-10 Initial Tulare Plan in plane
Accreditation Preparation
2-8-10 / Assure Adequate Preparation for Accreditation Self Study and Visit / Duncan Graham /
- Implement SLOs to the Level Specified by ACCJC
- Implement a Documentation System for Each Substandard
- Crosswalk Strategic Plan Objectives and Measurable Outcomes to Accreditation Sub-Standards
- Crosswalk Tactical Plan Focused Objectives to Accreditation Sub-Standards
Fall 2010: Identify chairs
(4 of them, 20% reassigned each for F11, S12)
Spring 11: Organize teams
F11-S12: Write Self Study
Su12: Edit
Fall 12: to Board / 2-8-10
COMPLETE / 2-8-10 Established strategy.
3-22-10 Set up timeline and status reporting
8-23-10 Editor and chairs selected. Plan for document archive and connections to Strategic Plan are in place.
Student Success #6
Required Petition for Third Enrollment / Define a Faculty Role for Approving Petitions for Third Enrollment / Michele Hester-Reyes / Current policy requires an approved petition for 3rd enrollment for either two substandard grades (Catalog, p 21, top left) or two withdrawals (Catalog, p 22, bottom left) / TBD / 9-27-10
ABANDON / 7-26-10 Exploration of this Initiative assigned to the Academic Senate
9-27-10 Senate is fine with existing review by Director of A&R and Dean of Student Services
Transit Initiative
4-26-10 / Provide Subsidized Tulare County Buss Pass to Students / Frances Gusman
Debbie Douglass
Stephen Tootle /
- Negotiate deal with TCAG, meet with cities/county
- Pass student transportation fee
- Implement Spring 2011 through ASB Card
Fall 2010: Pass student transportation fee
Spring 2011: implement through ASB Card / 4-26-10
DONE / 4-26-10 Stephen Tootle reported that TCAG approved $2/student/semester fee for subsidized buss pass
Structure of initiative was set up. Will discuss this with Visalia City Council on 5/10 and with County Supervisors in June.
5-24-10 TCAG is supportive; move to planning to implement in Spring 2011
6-28-10 Debbie Douglas met with Monty at City of Visalia. A dollar amount will be forthcoming. COS student election will be 3rd week. Still need to talk to TCAG and KART. System will be based on T-PASS Rider Card.
7-12-10 City of Visalia preliminary cost estimate is $70K per semester. Need to pursue TCAG subsidy and KART involvement.
8-23-10 Student vote will be on 9/23. Fee will be $5. Student leadership class is doing the promotion.
9-13-10 Reviewed Ed Code & Legal Opinion. Fee will be $5 for students with 10 units or more. PT students will pay proportionally less. Fee will be charged for all terms: FA, SP, SU. No waivers.
9-27-10 Transit Fee passed student vote. Debbie D to develop BP and AP and pursue MOU with TCAT
10-25-10 Reviewed and approved BP & AP. Going to Board on 11-8. Leangela is working on $$$ with TCAT. MOU should go to Board in December.
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