Spring, 2010
Online full term session
Jan 11, 2010 - May 02, 2010
Instructor: / Alison Adderley-Pittman, MBAOffice: Online
Phone: Department Office: 407-582-1203
Course Information: / MAR-2011-25319
Laboratory Hours: 0
Credit Hours: 3
Course Description: / This course provides basic principles and perspectives of thefunctions, institutions, methods and problems of marketing goodsand services through traditional paths as well as through e-business.
Prerequisites: / GEB 1011 or GEB 1136
Course Objectives: / To give students an understanding of marketing and its integral role in commerce within a free society.
To demonstrate and discuss basic marketing concepts.
To study marketing concepts, marketing practice, and consumer behavior, and
To investigate the opportunities and professional rewards of a career in marketing.
Major Learning Outcomes: /
- Each student will be asked to demonstrate knowledge of Strategic Planning and its role in marketing though a written examination.
- Each student will identify and locate the target market,
- Each student will have an understanding of the implication of product.
- Each student will have an understanding of the implication of price.
- Each student will have an understanding of the implication of place.
- Each student will have an understanding of the implication of promotion.
- Each student will utilize knowledge by creating a marketing plan.
CLAST and Valencia Student Competencies / This course reinforces the following CLAST and Valencia Student competencies as outlined on pages 116-120 of the 2009-10 VCC College Catalog.
Textbook: / Kerin, Hartley and Rudelius, Marketing: The Core, 3rdEdition, 2009
Supplemental ReadingMaterials: /
- The textbook website contains links to valuable resources that will be referred to and used during the semester. To access the textbook website, go to
- You should have information in your text enabling you to gain access to the “premium content” for the course. You will need this access to view some of the videos we will discuss in the class.
- Other supplemental Materials may be used and will be provided on the course WebCT site.
Course Requirements: / 1.The course is divided into seven sections, each approximately 2 weeks long. (The section including the Thanksgiving weekend is actually 3 weeks!!)
2.You will have to respond to a discussion question for each of the seven sections. Each discussion will be based on that section’s topic, and will include POSTING YOUR RESPONSE TO THE DISCUSSION BOARD AND RESPONDING YOUR CLASSMATES’ POSTINGS.
3.There will be seven TIMED online assessments corresponding to the seven sections of the course. They are NOT proctored and may be taken at home, and you may use your textbook. They will be timed, however, and you may be penalized for exceeding the time limit. Only six of the exams will count. Your lowest score will be dropped. If you miss taking one quiz, there will be no penalty. That will be the quiz that is dropped.
4.There will be an ongoing Marketing Ethics Discussion.
5.There will be a PROCTORED Midterm and Final Exam.
6.You will be required to complete a Marketing Plan. Details will be posted
Grading: / Your grade for this course will be calculated using a point scale.
Quizzes (6 of seven quizzes, 25 points each)...... 150 pts.
Discussion Questions (7 sections, 20 points each)...... 140 pts.
Ongoing Ethics Discussion Board...... 60 pts.
Midterm Exam...... 100 pts.
Final Exam ...... 100 pts.
Marketing Plan...... 150 pts.
Grading Scale: / A: 90-100%...... 630-700 pts.
B: 80- 89%...... 560-629 pts.
C: 70- 79%...... 490-559 pts.
D: 60- 69%...... 420-489 pts.
F: below 60%...... 0-419 pts.
Expectations/Policies: /
- Be committed.Online classes require an ever greater expectation that you will prepare by reading all outside materials and completing all assignments.
- Check the WebCT class site regularly. Part of your grade is based on your TIMELY participation in class discussions. I will post questions regularly, but I expect your classmates will post questions/comments as well. You are expected to respond. I love to talk, but I certainly don’t want our discussion board to be a one sided commentary!!
- Unacceptable Behavior.
- Cheating, including unauthorized assistance, commercial use of academic material, plagiarism or assisting another student in any of the above.
- Falsifying information.
- Disruptive conduct, lewd or indecent conduct or conversation, deliberate interference with another person’s academic freedom or freedom of speech.
- Exam Make-Up Policy: The dates of the exams appear on the course schedule in this syllabus. Put them on your calendar NOW, and commit to them.
- Late Work: All assignments and exams are due on the date specified in this syllabus, or as announced in the WebCT classroom. You may, however, complete any assignment in advance of the due date. Late assignments will not be accepted.
- Extra Credit: I do not assign extra credit.
Spring, 2010
Online full term session
Jan 11, 2010 - May 02, 2010
WEEKS / DATES / MODULES / Textbook Readings1 - 2 / January 11 – January 24 / Learning Module 1: Part 1: Initiating the Marketing Process / Chapters 1 - 2
College will be closed on January 18thfor
Martin Luther King Day!!
To be completed online in WEBCT: Quiz 1 on chapters 1 – 2 must be completed no later than 11:59 PM January 24th!
3 - 4 / January 25 – February 7 / Learning Module 2: Part 1: Initiating the Marketing Process / Chapters 3 - 4
To be completed online in WEBCT: Quiz 2 on chapters 3 - 4 must be completed no later than 11:59 PM February 7th!
5 - 6 / February 8 – February 21 / Learning Module 3: Part 2: Understanding Buyers and Markets / Chapters 5 - 7
To be completed online in WEBCT: Quiz 3 on chapters 5 - 7 must be completed no later than 11:59 PM February 21st!
7 - 8 / February 22 – March 7 / Learning Module 4: Part 3: Targeting Marketing Opportunities / Chapters 8 - 9
To be completed online in WEBCT: Quiz 4 on chapters 8 - 9 must be completed no later than 11:59 PM March 7th!
MIDTERM EXAM: MUST BE PROCTORED!!! Midterm Exam covers chapters 1 – 9 and must be taken between March 1st and March 21st.
College will be closed March 8th – March 14th for
Spring Break!!!
Have a safe and peaceful vacation!!!
9 - 10 / March 15 –March 28 / Learning Module 5: Part 4: Satisfying Marketing Opportunities / Chapters 10 - 11
To be completed online in WEBCT: Quiz 5 on chapters 10 - 11 must be completed no later than 11:59 PM March 28th!
11 - 12 / March 29 –
April 11 / Learning Module 6: Part 4: Satisfying Marketing Opportunities / Chapters 12 - 14
To be completed online in WEBCT: Quiz 6 on chapters 12 - 14 must be completed no later than 11:59 PM April 11th!
13 - 14 / April 12 –
April 25 / Learning Module 7: Part 4: Satisfying Marketing Opportunities / Chapters 15 - 17
To be completed online in WEBCT: Quiz 7 on chapters 15 - 17 must be completed no later than 11:59 PM April 25th!
FINAL EXAM: MUST BE PROCTORED!!! Final Exam covers chapters 10 – 17 and must be taken between April 27th and May 2nd.