Marburg State School
Louisa St / PO Box 42
Marburg Qld 4346
Phone (07) 5464 4218
Prep-2(07) 5464 4434
Mobile 0477 749 447
Marburg School Admin
P and C
Next Meeting-Friday 2nd February 2018
Will also be AGM
For Your Diary
Monday 4th - Report Cards go home
Monday 4th - Reading in the Hub (Hall) 2-3pm
Thursday 7th - Break-up Day
Friday 8th- Last day Term 4
Next Newsletter
Thursday 25th January
Because we care for the safety of
your child ……
We are now sending SMS when we havenot heard why a child is not at school, your child is
considered LATE anytime after 9:00am
PLEASE have your child at school and in class by 8:55am.
Principal’s Message
I would like to take the opportunity to thank all staff and families for your support during 2017 and wish all of you a very happy and safe Christmas and New Year. I look forward to working together in 2018. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Mrs Newton
Prep/1/2News Last newsletter for the year and how quickly it has flown by. We are still working though as the students will tell you. There is always something to learn and precious time to learn it in. Many of the students have made fantastic progress in their reading levels and this has been the result of lots of focussed learning by them. The automatic recall of sounds, helping them to decode rapidly and therefore becoming more fluent, by nearly all the students, is great. I am very proud of them all. I sent home the booklists last week, so I hope you have received them. If they have been misplaced, do not hesitate to ask me for another one. I will be sending home your child’s headphones. They are on all my booklists for next year, so do not buy new ones, as they are all in working order. I would like to thank all my parents and grandparents for their support this year. It means a lot, both for me and the students, to see that there is such interest in what is happening in the classroom and what they are learning. The only thing left to say is that I wish you all a very happy and safe Christmas and New Year. Enjoy the time with your children, it is precious, and I look forward to seeing you next year. Buon Natale. Ciao Gail Ducci
3/4 News
Hello Everyone. The last newsletter of the year has arrived. The final rush to the end has begun and we have completed all of the assessable work for the year. So what does the class do for the last week? We consolidate concepts, which are a bit shaky, usually in the form of our favourite educational games. We reflect on what we have learned through the last semester and discuss ways to make it more effective next time. The students enjoy the opportunity to have this input into planning and it is often very insightful. Naturally we also pack up the room and take home any belongings. Finally we have some fun with activities based on the Christmas theme.
Report cards will be issued next Monday 4th December. If your child’s does not arrive home please let me know as soon as possible.
Please be aware that students have received a break-up day permission form which needs to be filled in, signed and returned promptly. It looks like our lovely teachers-aides have a terrific day planned for everyone.
Didn’t the children do a terrific job with their concert songs. While a small class is wonderful for more individual and intensive learning, it does pose a few issues when voices are collectively needed for a concert item. Two age champions in swimming is also an achievement for such a small class. Well done to all the competitors on the day.
As Christians, all over the world, celebrate the birth of Christ, I wish you a slow, calm and peaceful festive season. I hope Santa brings you the thing you most cherish, a happy safe Christmas with your family by your side.
Thank you for all the support throughout the year. I look forward to working alongside the students and their families again in 2018. Take care all. Kind Regards Marina S
5/6 News
Well hello and welcome to our last newsletter for the year. As I look back over the year I am suitably impressed with the diligence, creativity and team work that the year 5/6 class have developed and nurtured throughout the 4 terms. We have participated in a variety of learning episodes that have at times tested their courage and higher order thinking. I am proud of their achievements both academically and socially and know that they are prepared for 2018 whether it be in year 6 here or for the seniors, their next step to High school. We have all grown and it has been a pleasure to be their teacher in 2017. I look forward to next year with my year 5 students and the year 4 students coming up. I would like to take the opportunity to thank the parents for their support throughout the year and look forward to working with you again in 2018. I hope you all have a very happy and safe Christmas and see you when I see you!!
A couple of reminders for the last week-:
- Report Cards will go home on Monday 4th December after Reading in the Hub.
- There will be no homework in Week 10
- Our class party is next Wednesday 6th December so please remember your Secret Santa present/ shared plate of food and technology item you would like to bring for the day
Merry Christmas from Year 5/6
Until next time Mrs N
P&C News
It was wonderful to see the happiness on all the children's faces as they performed at presentation night and thank you to everyone who brought a plate to share for supper.
Our last fundraiser was a sausage sizzle on Election Day, we received lots of yummy baked goods for the stall and we managed to raise $480! Thank you to Mrs Ducci for running the stall on the day and to all the parents who were able to give her a helping hand.
The uniform shop will be open on Friday 19th of January 2018 (this is the Friday before school returns) between 10-11am. Order forms are available from the School Office and payment is due on pickup. If you have any uniform related questions please contact Jacky Barnes (Uniform Convenor).
We would like to take this opportunity to wish all of our families a very Merry Christmas and a safe and happy New Year. Thank you for your support throughout the year!
Please feel free to contact a committee member should you have any questions regarding P&C matters. Enjoy the time with your children over the school holidays!
Canberra Fundraising - Last Saturday we held our first fundraiser for the 2018 5/6 Canberra Trip. The day was a huge success with lots of fun and bargains galore. Through tickets, raffles and commissions from sales we were able to raise approximately $1900! Thank you to everyone who attended this Warehouse Shopping Tour or purchased raffle tickets.
Our raffle winners were:
1st prize: Diane Leschke 2nd prize: Amy Cross 3rd prize: Carla Cross 4th prize: Bo Herman
Please note new contact details for P&C Committee: Email: Facebook: Marburg State School P&C
Jacky BarnesPresident/Uniform Convenor0421 964 937 Brenda McDonald Vice President 0403 177 484 Karla Nuffer Treasurer 0400 327 744
Reading in the Hub
The next Reading in the Hub will be in the hall and will be Christmas themedon Monday 4thDecember and will run from 2:00-3:00pm. We MAY have someone ‘special’ coming for a visit this time, so we hope you all can make it!
Christmas Lights
The following is a link to:
The BEST Christmas Lights driving route maps in your local area for families. FREE!
Have a Safe and Happy Holiday and hope to see you all in the New Year.