Lothlorien Community (Rokpa Trust)

Corsock, Castle Douglas, Kirkcudbrightshire DG7 3DR

telephone : 01644 440602 (office) email:

Job Description

Job Title: Support Worker

Responsible to: The Manager, and Trustees of Lothlorien (Rokpa Trust). Direct supervision for day to day work will be carried out by the Manager.

Working Hours: 37 hours per week. The Support Worker will also be required to be on call, along with other members of staff.

Holidays: Five weeks per annum, plus any public holidays which fall within the working week.

Salary: The salary is on the NJC scale, from point 23 (£19,311) to point 30 (£24,201), paid monthly in arrears.

Main tasks

·  being a key-worker for residents, drawing up an appropriate personal plan for their stay and ensuring that such plans are implemented and reviewed as and when required.

·  offering individual support and providing emotional support during times of stress and crisis.

·  developing and maintaining good working relationships with mental health professionals, social workers and other professionals with a concern for the community members’ needs.

·  encouraging and supporting Roan Lodge residents to make contact with training, educational, employment and volunteering opportunities in the wider community.

·  offering practical support at Roan Lodge with the daily domestic routines, such as shopping, cooking, budgeting etc.

·  providing advice and support on practical and material problems within both households

·  helping new members to feel welcome as part of the community.

·  helping residents to prepare for independent living.

·  supporting community members who are moving on from Roan Lodge or Lothlorien and offering follow up support, if appropriate

·  facilitating community meetings in both houses along with other Core Group members.

·  encouraging community members to be involved in activities in the community garden by working alongside them

·  sharing responsibility for driving with other Core Group members

·  supporting co-workers in carrying out their role

·  participating as a member of the Core Group and helping to foster the development of an open, teamwork approach within that group.

·  attending relevant training sessions, seminars and conferences and communicating the ethos of Lothlorien to outside agencies.

·  dealing with enquiries and applications to join the Community