Annual Spring Show Bourse Application

Camp Jordan Arena March 2-4, 2012

TSNS will provide 8 foot tables with a backup table, chairs and electrical power for every booth. ‘L’ tables will have an 8-foot front and side table. Round-the-clock security will be provided by uniformed police officers. Dealer set up will begin at 1 PM to 7 PM on Thursday. Bourse will be open 8 AM to dealers and 10 AM to public Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Bourse closes 3 PM Sunday. Security ends 5 PM Sunday. Dealers agree to neither sublet nor share space without the permission of the Bourse Chairman. Any dealer offering altered; counterfeit or otherwise spurious material will be subject to expulsion without recourse.

____ 8 foot table 2 Badges per table $195

____ L table 3 Badges per L $295

____ 2nd L table 1 Badge per L $250

____ Extra Tables 1 Badge per table $160

Business Name ______

Street Address ______

City ______State _____ Zip ______

Telephone ______E-mail ______

All PERSONS behind the table Must have a dealer badge and be a member of TSNS excluding members of the same household (spouse and minor children). Badge limits above do not include spouses.

List all names for badges and TSNS membership number. PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY



·  Dealer Badges: changes or additions 30 days prior to the show are $25 each. Prior to 30 days there is no charge. Badges are not transferable and shall not be loaned or given to others. Violation of this provision may result in suspension of bourse privileges.

·  You must prepay your bourse fee in full for the next show at the end of the current show to hold your table location. Any table not paid by the close of the show on Sunday will be released to someone on the waiting list. Cancellations prior to 30 days before the show will have their full fee rolled to the next show. Those requesting a refund will forfeit table location. Any table not occupied by noon on Friday will be resold unless Bourse Chairman is notified of a later arrival. The tables of dealers leaving before 3PM on Sunday will revert back to the Bourse Chairman for reassignment or resale for the rest of the show.

·  Cancellations within 30 days of the show forfeit the Bourse Fee. All Bourse fees must be paid before entering bourse room. Seven Days prior to the opening of the show ALL CANCELLATIONS must be made on my cell phone 901 210-7669. This must be followed up with a letter.

·  Arena is Non Smoking and No Pets. Directions, motels, table layout at : http://www.TSNS.org

Order rental cases and lights directly from J & T Coins

Richard Hickman 706 858-0875 cell 423-421-1971 Amercoin @ Comcast.net

This application releases TSNS, the Host Clubs (Chattanooga & Chief John Ross), and the City of East Ridge from any and all indemnity for loss or damage during or subsequent to the show.

Dealer Signature Date

Gayle Pike, Bourse Chairman e-mail 901 327-1703 or cell 901-210-7669

P.O. Box 11705

Memphis,TN. 38111