ParkwaySchool PTA General Membership Meeting
Thursday, May 28th, 2008
Call to Order:The meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm by Lisa Yoler and she extended a warm welcome to all who attended.
* An attendance sheet was circulated at this time
Motion to Accept the March meeting minutes: The reading of the Minutes from the March, 2008 meeting was waived. Lisa Yoler asked for a motion to waive the reading and accept the minutes. Yvonne Garino and Terry Cohen first and seconded this motion. These minutes are posted on the bulletin board (outside the Main Office).
Treasurer’s Report: Kim Kull reported that current account balances are as follows:
- Checking: $16,957.82
- Savings: $ 2,677.99
The following fundraising update was given:
- Walk-a-thon: sale pending
The year end accounting information was given:
- Total Income:$24,481.92
- Total Expenses:$22,557.37
A detailing listing of the total disbursements and expenses was given at the March meeting.
Correspondence Secretary’s Report: Linda Bopp shared thank you cards from the teachers for the Teacher Appreciation luncheon sponsored by the PTA. Lisa Yoler gave a brief description of what that week entailed.
Committee Reports:
- Apparel : Lisa Sallemi reported there is a limited supply of t shirts, sweatshirts, and sweatpants. There are child sizes of the dark grey hooded sweatshirts and sweatpants and hunter green t shirts available. Anyone who is interested in making a purchase should contact her.
- Cultural: Lisa Harris reported that 100 pieces were submitted by students to Child’s Play. The group performed two of those pieces at an assembly earlier this month. The top 15% of those submissions were acknowledged by the group at the assembly. Also, Slim Goodbodywill come to school on June 10th.
- 4th Grade Activities: Christine Rogalny thanked the following for all of their help during the 4th Grade Sleepover on April 4th:
Dr. EvangelistJo DePalma
Mrs. FreschiLoren Christie
Mrs. BonnerDenise Andersen
Mr. CalendaDiana Ruso
Mrs. Vander WeitAdrian Ciambrone
Natalie ScardinoYvonne Garino
Shilpa PujaraAngela Cameron
Victor & Inge DiPasqualeDanielle Navarro
Steve & Barbara RemesCathy Picarelli
Dwayne & Maria MattushikDiane Cella
Michelle BaumgardtSharon Ma
Alexia SakellakisLisa Barrale
Wendy SadlonArlene Gilchrist
Matt & Tracey IvanickiMary Shahsamand
Purna SirikondaMaureen Barile
Cindy LuJohn Migliaccio and the Paramus Substance Abuse Prevention Committee
Other upcoming events are as follows:
* 4th Barbeque will be held on June 19th: Applebees will be sponsoring the event as part of a community outreach program.
* The Bagel Breakfast will be held before the end of the school year.
* The Class Pennants are ready to be signed and will be handed prior to the last day of school.
The following recognition was also given:
* Thank you to Dr. E. , Michele Freschi, Maria Bonner, Larry Calenda, Elaine Vander Weit, PTA Executive Board, and all of the 4th grade parent volunteers for all of the help which made this a fun filled year for our 4th graders.
- Library Liaison: Chris Nafash reported that by the end of this week, all of the Books and Beyond medals would be distributed. She thanked all of this year’s library volunteers. Also, beginning on June 6th, volunteers would be needed to complete the annual library inventory.
- Teacher Liaison: On behalf of Michele Freschi, Lisa Yoler thanked the PTA for the Teacher Appreciation Luncheon and for its support throughout the school year.
New Business:
- “Paperless PTA” Info: Mrs. Hodson gave a brief overview of the Parkway School PTA’s new website. This service is utilized in the MontvaleSchool District, where her son attends school. As a parent she finds it extremely beneficial and sees it as very beneficial to teachers as well. The company’s owner, Mike Kerwin and Mrs. Hodson presented the new website in a Smartboard demonstration. This website will allow the executive board to electronically manage the business of the PTA. Questions were raised in regard to security. Mr. Kerwin explained the public and encrypted parts of the site. The site will be up and running for the upcoming school year. It will take time to get the website to efficiently meet our specific needs. It was also brought up that this is a step in the direction of environmental consciousness.
- PTA Board Member Election: Lisa Yoler presented for a vote the following slate of PTA Executive Board members for the 2008/2009 school year:
President: Lisa Sallemi
Vice President: Linda Bopp
Treasurer: Kim Kull
Recording Secretary: Christine Rogalny
Corresponding Secretary: Elisa Morin
By a show of hands, the vote was unanimous to approve this slate of officers.
- Sign-Ups for 2008-2009 Chairpersons: Lisa Yoler said that Lisa Sallemi will send a notice home for sign ups. If anyone is interested, he/she should see Lisa Sallemi.
- The following dates were given by Lisa Yoler:
4thPizza Day
6thIce Cream Day
13thIce Cream Day
18thPizza Day
19thFourth Grade Barbeque
24th1:10 Dismissal LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!
Dr. Mary Anne Evangelist’s Report:Dr. Mary Anne Evangelist reported the following information:
- She thanked the PTA for its help in making her first year at Parkway a good year.
- Kindergarten Orientation will be June 10th from 9:45-10:30 am.
- Next year will be Parkway’s 50th Birthday. Among the events planned is a “museum” in the school. People will be asked to lend memorabilia for the event.
- There are many rumors regarding class sections and teachers for next year. Due to the fact that classes are not solidified yet, it is not known whether some grades will have 2, 3, or 4 sections. Parents will be notified mid to late August regarding their child’s teacher for next year.
- Dr. Evangelist thanked the PTA for its support of the “Wee Deliver” program.
Lisa Sallemi presented a gift to Lisa Yoler on behalf of the PTA for her service as an officer for the past three years. Lisa Yoler thanked Dr. Evangelist, the Executive Board, parents, staff and students for all of their help over the past three years. She said that she has loved working closely with the children and watching them grow and learn.
Adjournment:LisaYoleradjourned the meeting at 8:50 pm.
Submitted by Christine Rogalny, Recording Secretary