Secondary Literacy


Ellen Pomella, Coordinator: 310.354.3548 Rosa Britt, DRWC Specialist: 310.354.3448

Linda Powell, ELA Specialist: 310.354.3457 Lena Kay, DRWC Expert: 310.354.3488

Joan Wang, ELA Advisor: 310.354.3454 Jahnell Jones, DRWC Expert: 310.354.3450

February 14, 2007

University of California A-G Requirements
High School English – 4 years of college-prep English that include frequent and regular writing, and reading of classic and modern literature. No more than one year of ESL-type courses can be used to meet this requirement.
Visit https://pathways.ucop.edu for list of courses specific to your school. View the 2007 Guide to A-G Requirements & Updating Your School’s List: www.ucop.edu/doorways/guide
Professional Development – Help with DATA
The Secondary Literacy Team has been trained in “Data-Driven Dialogue,” and we offer our services to you. We can meet with your PD planners/facilitators to help your school work collaboratively to connect data to school improvement.
UCLA Lesson Study
Literacy Cadre members continue to meet, plan, implement, and assess UCLA lessons to improve student writing and thinking skills. UCLA team members are visiting schools to follow up with teacher training. More training is scheduled for March and April. Please follow-up with Cadre members on their progress.
Literacy Cadre Members
English teachers who are Literacy Cadre members now must keep a log of their activities in support of the UCLA lesson study.
Curricular Guides for 7th Grade
The toolkits and materials for the 7th grade intended lessons on Persuasion have been delivered and we have tentatively scheduled teacher training for March 21, March 22, and March 24. Teachers need only attend one day-long session.
/ Periodic Assessment - Extended Construction Response (ECR) –Middle Schools
Training for 6th grade teachers is set for Tuesday, February 22 at Taper Delta. Training for 7th and 8th grade teachers is scheduled for Monday, February 26 at Fleming Middle School. Both sessions run from 8 am to 3 pm. LD8 will cover substitute expense. Teachers will return to their schools to conduct PD with their department.
Periodic Assessment - Extended Construction Response (ECR) –High Schools
Training for 10th grade teachers is set for Tuesday, March 6 at Taper Delta from 8 am to 3 pm. LD8 will cover substitute expense. Teachers will return to their schools to conduct PD with their department.
Williams Textbook Counts
Have department chairs and/or textbook clerks keep accurate data on the number of books you have. According to Williams, every student must have a book in hand for all academic classes. We will be accepting orders for textbooks later this semester. Please be prepared.
The DRWC team has trained Secondary Literacy Coaches on how to administer the Degrees of Reading Power (DRP) to students scoring Far Below Basic in ELA on the CSTs. This assessment will determine student placement into the DRWC. Please work with your AP, SCS and Literacy Coach to accommodate next year’s DRWC students in the master schedule.
Literacy Coaches
Please continue to work with Literacy Coaches in planning and implementing professional development, observing and coaching teachers, and supporting Periodic Assessments.