1 Arnoux

FoodShare Program Law

To start with, the FoodShare Program Law also referred as FSET i.e. FoodShare Employment and Training program is basically a free program which helps various FoodShare members to build specific job skills in order to find relevant employment(FSET, 2015). The FSET is based upon the concept of assessing the strengths, positive qualities, employment requirements as well as preferences of an individual that can help find a job (FSET, 2015). Once an individual is interested in benefiting from the services offered by FSET, they just need to contact their relevant agency in order to inquire and know more about the specific FSET services available in that region (FSET, 2015). Further, as of April 01, 2015, a specific set of adults (as per the conditions of the law described below) are needed to meet the work requirements in order to take advantage of the FoodShare benefits (FSET, 2015).

The FoodShare Program law even outlines the fact that if an individual is between the age of 18 and 49, and also do not have any kids who are under the age of 18 years (living in their homes) and who belong to the same FoodShare household, then there occurs a need for meeting the work requirements in order to avail themselves of the Foodshare benefits (unless in case of meeting the exemptions) (FSET, 2015). The three ways for meeting the work requirement are:

  • By working atleast a minimum of 80 hours per month
  • Being part of the allowable work programs like FSET, W-2 (Wisconsin Works) or other programs as part of the WIA i.e. Workforce Investment Act for a minimum of 80 hours on a monthly basis (FSET, 2015)
  • Thirdly, taking part as well as working in a work program that is allowable for an overall minimum requirement (FSET, 2015)

Further, for those failing to meet the work requirements, then only upto three months of FoodShare benefits can be used in a period of three years i.e. 36 months till the time, work requirement has been met or the period of 36 months is over or lastly, an exemption has been met (FSET, 2015). The law has been passed with intent to promote healthier living and reduce the healthcare budget, help fight hunger as well as improve the economic conditions and move towards the state of prosperity and dignity via work programs.

Moving ahead, the section below will now illustrate some of the main reasons behind why FoodShare Program law is beneficial. For instance, the law is a significant step towards promotional of healthier living and reduced healthcare cost, help remove hunger as well as attain prosperity for individuals. A detailed explanation on each of these is presented below:

  • Promotional of Healthier Living and Reduced HelathCare Cost – The FoodShare Program law prevents people from actually buying junk food using the public benefits. With people, especially lower level income group eating less junk food and more healthier food, the state will ultimately be spending a lot less money on their healthcare (Maclver News, 2015). The budget and cost of healthcare will decrease now as well as in the future. The law limits the food items that can actually be bought with the FoodShare benefits, also known as SNAP i.e. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance program. The objective of the law is clear and citizens will certainly benefit from it in the long run (Maclver News, 2015). People will have a much healthier lifestyle, healthier living and reduced insurance cost, which has currently taken a big hit (Maclver News, 2015).
  • Help Fight Hunger – The FoodShare Program law is an effort to help fight hunger and enhance the health and nutrition level of the citizens (FoodShare Wisconsin, 2015). The program helps individuals that are restricted on money to buy food that is important and health for them (FoodShare Wisconsin, 2015). People with low income or a small fixed income or even, those that have lost their jobs, are disabled or retired or maybe, not only able to work are most likely to benefit from the FoodShare Program law (FoodShare Wisconsin, 2015).
  • Path of Independence and Prosperity for the Citizens – The FoodShare Program law is committed to help move people from being dependent on the government programs to a dignity based independence level that actually comes from working from themselves, their health and survival. The program offers career and job training to individuals between the age of 18 and 49 (under specific conditions), so that they can work atleast 80 hours a month to benefit from the FoodShare Program law. It is an effort to improve the economic conditions and move towards the state of prosperity and dignity.

Furthermore, the opponents to the FoodShare Program law started to claim that it is just a measure to ban poor people from buying potatoes, shellfish and ketchup. Opponents even stated that the FoodShare Program law is simply a means to put additional burden on all those individuals who are often and almost struggling. The implementation of this rule is also associated with a huge cost in the millions to both the recipients and local food manufacturers hurt by these restrictions. Opponents even say that there will be more deaths due to hunger as people will not be able to benefit from the FoodShare Program law as they will not be qualified However, it is to be understood that the FoodShare Program law is not at all to burden or restrict any citizen but the objective is to promote healthy eating and help minimize the overall amount being spent on the Healthcare services and the health insurance plans. The law in no sense is a measure to ban poor people from buying potatoes, shellfish and ketchup but it is an act that bars food stamp recipients to buy shellfish or spend more than about one third of their total benefits on food items like ketchup or non white potatoes as these are considered to be both luxury as well as unhealthy food items. Assembly Bill 177 mandates that about two thirds of the food stamps should be spent on food items that are considered by the state as nutritious. The list of the nutritious food items as per the state include fish, meat, fresh produce, white potatoes while avoiding expensive or junk food items including lobsters, shellfish, shrimp, crab, baked beans, ketchup, and sauces (FoodShare Wisconsin, 2015).

Further, addressing the opposition viewpoint of dying from hunger to due to lack of job and inability to afford food. The FoodShare Program law is open to provide training and skills needs to get a job by working just for 80 hours a month

This requirement is not at all unreasonable for most able bodies people. Those people with disabilities or mental challenges are already exempt from the law (FoodShare Wisconsin, 2015). People should try to make efforts to understand how the law can actually be beneficial to them now as well as in the future. It is an effort by the government to reduce hunger, raise dignity and prosperity as well as enhance the overall economic conditions (FoodShare Wisconsin, 2015).


FoodShare Wisconsin (2015) FoodShare Wisconsin - A Recipe for Good Health, Wisconsin Department of Health Services [Online] Date Accessed: December 02, 2015

FSET (2015) FoodShare Employment and Training (FSET) [Online] Date Accessed: December 02, 2015

Maclver News (2015) New FoodShare Bill to Limit Junk Food Purchases, Encourage Healthier Living, Maclver Institute [Online] Date Accessed: December 02, 2015