Eric H. Roth

3766 Redwood Ave.

Los Angeles, CA 90066-3506


OBJECTIVE: To help USC studentsdevelop, deepen, and strengthen their writing and speaking skills in English for both academic purposes and professional success.

Education Credits – UCLA Extension1995-2002

MA - New School for Social Research, New York, NY5/1988

Media Studies

Master’s Thesis: The Better World Society: Global Issues on American Commercial Television

BA - Wabash College, Crawfordsville, IN5/1984


  • Awarded Lilly Leadership Scholarship (full tuition, living expenses, travel stipend)
  • Presented with Senior Leadership Award


Master Lecturer, USC American Language Institute 6/2013 – present

  • Teach ALI 245, ALI 254, ALI 255, and ALI 280 courses
  • Co- presented “Exploring Aspects of American (LA) Culture” with ALI Faculty Nina Kang, & Jim Valentine. Global Public Health Program 8/22/16
  • Led “Biostatements Matter: Crafting Professional Documents that Work”. ALI/OIS Professional Workshop with ALI Faculty member Richard Jones 4/5/17
  • Led “Don’t Be Misunderstood: Mastering Email Etiquette:” ALI/OIS Professional Workshop w/ ALI Faculty member Richard Jones 4/25/17
  • Co-presented “Reconstructing and Customizing the American Language Institute (ALI) Program through Videoblogging and other Instructional Tools in Blackboard” at USC Faculty Forum w/ ALI Director J. Valentine, T. Tzoytzrakos, & J. Cunningham
  • Co-piloted new version of ALI 255 that met once a week for three hours
  • Co-piloted English Skills and Job Search Strategies for International Students
  • Created and piloted ALI 245 online summer class to new USC graduate students
  • Led two SOL Global Culture for Public Policy workshops (Spring 2013)
  • Evaluated USC Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship (ETA) applicants (2013-16)
  • Served on National Selection Committee for Fulbright English Teaching Assistantships and evaluated 70 national ETA applicants for Thailand & Laos (12/16)
  • Served on National Selection Committee for Fulbright English Teaching Assistantships and evaluated 63 national ETA applicants for Vietnam (12/15)
  • Mentored future USC Fulbright ETA applicants, including a Fulbright winner (2016)

Lecturer, USC American Language Institute1/2003- 5/2013

  • Taught ALI 145, ALI 245, ALI 254 and ALI 270 courses to USC students
  • Deployed hybrid teaching techniques in advanced and high intermediate courses
  • Helped conceive, develop, and market first set of online ALI courses
  • Presented “YouTube: A Workhorse in ALI 254” in USC Faculty Forum Series
  • Received two Teaching with Technology grants in 2011-2012
  • Added informational interviews and TED talks to the curriculum
  • Participated in International Student Exam testing of international USC students
  • Created alternative versions: intermediate(244) and advanced(254) oral skills classes
  • Held a minimum of three student conferences each semester for all courses
  • Advised the Conversation Partners/Groups program
  • Taught ITA Training Institute classes for potential ITA students

Acting Director, APU International School, Ho Chi Minh City, VietnamSummer 2009

  • Revised English as a Foreign Language curriculum for high school and adult students
  • Led teaching training workshops for high school English language teachers
  • Interviewed and recommended candidates for high school and adult education faculty
  • Wrote curriculum for future courses in the Academic and Practical English Program

Lecturer, USC Viterbi School of Engineering Writing Program08/2003- 05/2008

  • Taught WRIT 340 in the Engineering Writing Program to USC juniors and seniors
  • Focused on professional communication skills required in future occupations
  • Developed materials for WRIT 340 assignments: technical descriptions, professional ethics paper, and magazine articles for Illumin
  • Joined end-of-semester WRIT 340 grading and norming sessions
  • Guided students in preparing professional proposals for local non-profits as part of the WRIT 340community service requirement
  • Participated in the 2008 annual USC contest on Best USC Student Writing

Lecturer, USC Viterbi School of Engineering Overseas Program summer 2006 and 2007

  • Co-taught modified WRIT 340 courses in Madrid, Spain. and Paris, France
  • Taught writing, editing, and revising principles to USC students.
  • Helped students develop professional proposals adapting modern Spanish and French engineering practices to Los Angeles in group projects

Part-time Instructor, USC Marshall School of Business8/2006-12/2006

  • Taught WRIT 340 to undergraduate business students
  • Coached MBA PM students on public speaking skills

Instructor, UCLA Extension program, American Language Center 2006

  • Taught wide variety of English classes to international students in summer
  • Assigned Advanced and High Intermediate Practical English classes

Instructor, Cal State University, Long Beach Extension6/2003-8/2005

  • Taught summer session writing courses in the American Language Institute.
  • Assisted ESL students in developing their academic writing skills
  • Emphasized essay skills and research methods for short research papers

Instructor, Santa Monica Community College2/2000 - 6/2003

  • Taught numerous advanced English as a Second Language (ESL) writing courses
  • Helped adult students prepare for TOEFL and CASAS standardized exams
  • Led popular Conversation classes and developed original curriculum materials
  • Helped write two successful 231 federal grant proposals
  • Co-created an ESL placement test for non-credit adult students
  • Wrote SMDP op-eds favoring the retention of the non-credit ESL programs

Instructor, UCLA Extension program, American Language Center 1996-2004

  • Taught wide variety of English classes to international students in summer
  • Focused on developing academic writing skills and speaking skills

Instructor, Santa Monica-Malibu Adult Education Center9/1993 -2/2000

  • Created Citizenship adult education class for immigrants seeking naturalization
  • Taught Adv. ESL classespart-time for seven years
  • Coordinated and directed state-mandated CASAS tests to document student progress
  • Gave in-service workshops as CASAS test coordinator 1999-2000 school year
  • Wrote three successful federal 231 grants for supplemental funds in 1998,1999, 2000

Director, Adult Education, Community Enhancement Services1/1997-10/1999

  • Designed, wrote, and implemented comprehensive adult education curriculum
  • Created classes to meet the needs of refugees from the former Soviet Union, Iran
  • Hired and directed a teaching staff of seven bilingual adult education instructors
  • Wrote numerous successful grants (Emma Lazarus, 231 funds)
  • Assisted over 5,000 immigrants in becoming naturalized United States citizens

High School Teacher,Locke High School, LAUSD1/1994 - 6/1994

  • Taught Intermediate ESL classes of “at-risk” immigrant students
  • Taught 10th grade English to “mainstream” students
  • Encouraged “at risk” students to stay in school

Adult Teacher, Jefferson AdultSchool, LAUSD10/1993-6/1994

  • Taught Multilevel ESL class at night
  • Class sizes exceeded 50 students per class without textbooks
  • Coordinated independent study for English, Social Studies, and Science students

Department Head, Martin College of English1/1992 - 9/1993

  • Supervised 18 ESL teachersfor refugees from the former Soviet Union
  • Wrote life skills based curriculum to help refugees better adapt
  • Conducted classroom observations of all ESL faculty

Guest lecturer, New School for Social Research10/1988

  • Gave two guest lectures to Media and Politics graduate students on political ads in New York State elections to graduate communication/political science students.

High School Teacher, Bed-Stuy Outreach High School, New York City10/1985-6/1987

  • Taught “at-risk” students English and Social Studies
  • Started high school journalism class
  • Chosen as “Outstanding New Teacher” by high school faculty and students


Roth, E., Nguyen, T.X. (2016) Compelling Conversations – Vietnam: Speaking Exercises for Vietnamese Learners of English. 2nd Edition. Los Angeles: Chimayo Press.

  • Co-authored with Vietnamese-American professor
  • Designed book structure and wrote a majority of the chapters
  • Expanded second edition to include over 120 new pages
  • Received positive, 2-page book review in Nguoi-Viet (the largest Vietnamese-American newspaper) 3/23/17

Roth, E.,Ichinomiya, S.,Warner, B. (2015) Compelling Conversations – Japan: Questions and Quotations for High Intermediate Japanese English Language Learners. Los Angeles: Chimayo Press.

  • Collaborated with two English teachers with 20 years of teaching experience in Japan
  • Designed book structure and polished the final draft
  • Wrote majority of several chapters
  • Composed “Search and Share” webquests and oral grammar exercises

Roth, E.,Glynn, R., Treston, M. (2015) Compelling American Conversations: Teacher Edition – with Commentary, Supplemental Exercises, and Reproducible Speaking Activities.

Los Angeles: Chimayo Press.

  • Wrote majority of chapters
  • Designed book structure
  • Collaborated with two experienced Adult Education ESL teachers
  • Composed all webquests and word form exercises

Roth, E.,Aberson, T., Bogotch, H. (2012) Compelling American Conversations: Questions and Quotations for Intermediate American English Language Learners. Los Angeles:Chimayo Press.

  • Wrote majority of chapters
  • Excerpted in Easy English Times in monthly column starting in 11/12

Roth, E.,Editor (2012) It’s a Breeze: 42 Lively English Lessons on American Idioms.

Los Angeles: Chimayo Press.

  • Edited ESL book for low intermediate English language learners

Roth, E.,Aberson, T. (2011)Compelling Conversations for English Language Learners in Vietnam. Los Angeles: Chimayo Press.

  • Received four-page,positive review in TESL- EJ September 2012 issue
  • Adopted by American Vietnam University for English courses
  • Used in APU International School high school ESL oral skills classes

Curriculum Writer –SEIU UHW–West and Joint Employer Education Fund 7/2008-9/2008

  • Designed and wrote curriculum materials for English workshops for nurses
  • Wrote materials to increase workplace communicative competency in English including “Workplace Culture,” “Safety and Patient Care,” and “Responding to Workplace Demands.”

Curriculum Writer – USC Viterbi Engineering Writing Program1/2006- 12/2008

  • Created lesson plans to accompany Illumin articles for high school science teachers
  • Written to national STEM and California State high school field requirements

Roth, E.,Aberson, T. (2006)Compelling Conversations: Questions and Quotations on Timeless Topics. Los Angeles: Chimayo Press.

  • Wrote majority of chapters.
  • Expanded conversation lessons used with adult and community college students.
  • Received positive review in English Teaching Professional (January 2009)

Editor/Writer(1998) Born to Rebel: Dani Herbert Joseph Roth. Tel Aviv: Admon Press.

  • A memorial book in honor of my late father.

Contributor (1996)Collaborations Series: Teacher’s Guide. New York: Heinle and Heinle.

  • Wrote sidebars with teaching tips for ESL textbook series.
  • Focused on cultural awareness and communication skills for high school and adult English language learners

Video/Book Reviewer. Social Studies School Service, Culver City, CA 1/1995-12/1996

  • Evaluated books, documentaries, and maps for high school and college teachers
  • Also reviewed materials for elementary and middle school materials
  • Wrote concise reviews with detailed summaries and background notes


Panelist, TESOL 2017 Panel, Seattle, WA3/24/17

Topic: What’s the Connection? Textbook Choices, Academic Theories, and Classroom Concerns

  • Sponsored by TESOL Material Writers Intersection (MWIS)
  • Focused on the widely noted gap between ELT research and ELT course textbooks, identified factors influencing adoption of global EFL textbooks, and implications for material writers
  • Appeared with Walton Burns (freelance writer), Kelly Sippell (University of Michigan Press, ELT executive editor), and Sharon Sarent (Oxford University Press senior editor)

Presenter, CATESOL 2016 State Convention, San Diego, CA11/20/16

Topic: Oral Language Solutions for Vietnamese English Language Learners

  • Examined differences between Vietnamese and English languages
  • Reviewed techniques and edtech tools to improve clarity and fluency
  • Presented with Cal State Fullerton Lecturer Teresa X. Nguyen


Panelist, TESOL 2016 Panel, Baltimore, MD4/8/2016

Topic: Are English Classroom Teachers and ESOL Publishers on the Same Page?

  • Sponsored by TESOL Material Writers Intersection (MWIS)
  • Focused on TESOL 2016 MWIS survey results of 69 ELT professionals, interviews with USC faculty, and criteria for adopting academic writing textbooks
  • Appeared with Ken Robinson (ELTJAM creator and former Cambridge University Press editor), Steve Jones (Community College of Philadelphia professor and ELT series editor), and Jayme Adelson-Goldstein (Oxford University Press author)

Speaker, 2015 CATESOL Convention, Anaheim, CA11/13/2015

Topic: CATESOLchat: The First Ever Live CATESOL Twitter Chat

  • Demonstrated how to create Twitter account and live chat
  • Presented with USC lecturer Brent Warner and EdTech.TV podcaster
  • Link:

Speaker, 2015 CATESOL Convention, Anaheim, CA11/14/2015

Topic: Helping Students Find Their Voice in English: Speaking Exercises to Improve Fluency and Clarity

  • Emphasized low-tech, simple techniques for short conversations/group discussions
  • Presented with USC lecturer Brent Warner and ESL author Mark Treston


Teacher Trainer, Inland Empire CATESOL Professional Development Workshop5/16/2015

Topic: Helping Students Find Their Voice in English: Speaking Exercises to Improve Fluency and Clarity

  • Led half day workshop with Mark Treston (consultant and ESOL author)
  • Attracted audience of over 50 ESL teachers and TESOL students

Panelist, TESOL 2015 MWIS Panel, Toronto, Canada4/7/2015

Topic: Crossing Into New Materials Writing Territory

  • Sponsored by TESOL Material Writers Intersection (MWIS)
  • Focused on TESOL 2015 MWIS survey results of 26 ELT professionals, interviews with USC faculty, and methods of adapting ESOL textbooks to fit student needs
  • Presented with Christina Cavage (Savannah College of Art and Design), Jayme Adelson-Goldstein (Lighthearted Learning), and Steve Jones (Community College of Philadelphia professor)
  • Drew an estimated audience of 80 ELT editors and English teachers

Speaker, TESOL 2015, Toronto, Canada4/8/2015

Topic: Specialized Job Search Courses Fill a Vital Niche for University ELLs

  • Shared experiences, materials, and reflections on pilot USC ALI 280 course
  • Presented with USC ALI Senior Lecturer Kimberley Briesch Sumner

Speaker, Technology in ELT: Challenges and Remedies, Gujurat, India11/23/2014

Topic: Flip Your Classroom: Deploy 'Search and Share" Homework Activities to Build ELL Fluency

  • Delivered remarks and took questions via Skype to Indian teachers of English
  • Emphasized advantages of communicative approach for adult & college students
  • Spoke to an estimated audience of 140 teachers and students

Panelist, USC Faculty Forum9/19/2014

Topic: Reconstructing and Customizing the American Language Institute (ALI) Program through Videoblogging and other Instructional Tools in Blackboard

  • Emphasized the development of several versions of ALI 245 for distinct audiences
  • Demonstrated how to adopt and adapt Blackboard tools for different students
  • Presented with Jim Valentine (ALI Director), Tessy Tzoytzoyrakos (Master Lecturer, ALI), and Jim Cunningham (Program Manager, ALI)

Panelist, TESOL 2014, Portland OR3/27/2014

Topic: Passion and Persistence: Independent ESOL Authors Tell their Stories

  • Emphasized the perils and pleasures of self-publishing ELT materials
  • Shared “good mistakes” in writing niche conversation books
  • Attracted an estimated audience of 80 English teachers and Material Writers

Presenter, LA Regional CATESOL 2014, Cal State Northridge3/8/2014

Topic: Hedging Language: An Essential ESOL Skill for Sustained Academic Success

  • Reviewed use of hedging language
  • Outlined techniques to teach hedging language to high school & university students

Presenter, LA Regional CATESOL 2014, Cal State Northridge3/9/2014

Topic: An Open Secret: ESOL Students Need Informational Interviews

  • Described use of informational interviews in USC programs and ALI classes
  • Detailed steps in informational interviews assignments and advantages
  • Advocated adding this best practice to more adult, high school, and college courses

Panelist/ Presenter, USC Faculty Forum Series1/25/2013

Topic: Creative Classroom Strategies: Tools from Language Instruction

  • Presented YouTube: A Workhorse in ALI 254
  • Detailed many ways to deploy YouTube in the language classroom
  • Sponsored by USC Center for Scholarly Technology

Presenter, 2013 LA Regional CATESOL Conference, USC3/2013

Flip Your Classroom with Search and Share Fluency Activities

Presenter, 2013 LA Regional CATESOL Conference, USC3/2013

Informational Interviews Help ESOL Students Succeed and Connect to Jobs

Panelist, TESOL 2012, Philadelphia, PA3/30/2012

Promoting Understanding across Cultures in the EFL Classroom through CALL

  • Presented: Views, Reviews, and Interviews: Deploying TED Talks, This I Believe and Mock Job Interviews in Class, Online and Across Borders
  • Invited to join the international 2012 TESOL panel

Teacher Trainer, CES College, Burbank, CA07/2011

Led workshop: Creating Compelling Classroom Conversations

Presenter, LARegional 2010 CATESOL, Cal State Fullerton10/2010

Informational Interviews: Practical Glimpses into Possible Tomorrows

for ESL Students

Presenter, 2010 State CATESOL conference, Sacramento, CA4/2010

Informational Interviews: A Practical, Illuminating Speaking Assignment

Presenter, 2010 State CATESOL conference, Sacramento, CA4/2010

Creating Autotelic English Language Learners

Panelist, 2009 State CATESOL conference, Santa Clara, CA4/2009

Experiences on Self-Published ESL Authors

Presenter,2009 State INTESOL Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis10/2009

Informational Interviews: Adding a Best Practice to More ESL Programs

Panelist, 2009 State INTESOL Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis10/2009

Panel Discussion: Finding ESL Positions Abroad

  • Invited to join panel of English language professionals

Participant, English Language Trainers, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam7/20/2009

  • Attended 2009 national conference for English language trainers in Vietnam

Presenter, APU International School, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam06/2009

Creating Autotelic Learners in English Classrooms

Presenter, 2008 LA Regional CATESOL,Biola University10/2008

Making Workplace English Programs Work for Students and Employers

Presenter, 2008 LA Regional CATESOL, Biola University10/2008

Techniques for Creating a More Democratic Classroom

Presenter, 2005 LA Regional CATESOL, USC 10/2005

Creating Compelling Conversations in the ESL classroom


Member, Fulbright National Screening Committee, Denver, CO 12/5/2015

  • Evaluated 63 Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship applicants for Vietnam
  • Nominated 20 Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship applicants for Vietnam
  • Accepted invitation to rejoin National Screening Committee for Southeast Asia

Proposal Reviewer, TESOL 2014 International Convention 8/2013