Dear Parents, Guardians, and Students,

Welcome back to a new and exciting school year! My name is Mrs. Hook and I am so excited to be your child’s teacher this upcoming school year. I hope that you have had a wonderful summer vacation and are ready to begin 5th grade. This year is going to be full .of so many new adventures and learning experiences and I cannot wait to embark on them with your child.

Some thing that you can look forward to this school year is a communication folder that will come home with your child every Friday. This folder will include all graded assignments, homework notices and school news/events that may need to be returned to school, signed.

This packet should answer any questions you may have about the policies and procedures of my classroom. If you have any particular concerns or questions that are not included, please contact me at , or call the school at 201-295-2900 and set up an appointment to meet with me.

I am excited for what this year holds and cannot wait to get this school year off on the right foot!

Thank you for your support of your child’s education!

Mrs. Hook

Policies and Procedures


·  It is important for your child to be at school on time everyday! Please make sure that your child is dropped off no later than 8:45. I pick up my class promptly at 8:45. If your child is late, he/she must report to the attendance officer in the office to receive a late pass.


·  Be sure that your child brings his/her backpack to school every day so that we can be sure everything makes it to and from school.

Technical Devices

·  No technical devices are allowed in my classroom (this includes cell phones, iPads, iPods, etc).

·  For a first offense, a warning will be issued. Second offense, the device will be taken from the student and handed over to the vice principal.


·  Good communication between home and school is important to your child’s academic success. If you would like to set up an appointment to meet with me, please email me at , or, call me at the school, 201-295-2900. Please make sure the appointment is made 24 hours in advance. Same day request for appointments will not be honored.

Dress Code

·  Please be sure that your child is dressed accordingly to the North Bergen uniform dress code. Any student in violation of the dress code will be sent to the vice principal.

Emergency Information

·  It is incredibly important that I have correct and up-to-date phone numbers for you if there is an emergency. I need to be able to contact you, so please let me know if your address or phone number changes during the school year.

·  Enclosed in this packet you will find an emergency contact form. I will be sending it home with your child. Please fill it out with the correct information and return it with your child the following day.



·  This year I will be adopting a new homework policy. The only homework your child will receive is unfinished classwork.

·  All classwork/homework assignments can be found on my website. This can be accessed through the North Bergen School District website.


Incomplete/Missing Classwork Notices

·  Notices will be sent home once a week in the student’s communication folder. Your child will receive a notice if he/she did not complete an assignment.

·  On the notice the missed or incomplete assignment will be listed. Parents/Guardians are expected to sign the notice, place it back into the communication folder and return it with the student to school the following day.

Communication Folders

·  Each student will bring in a folder to be used as his/her communication folder.

·  Communication folders are sent home every Friday. They must be returned on Monday.

·  In the communication folder, I will place all weekly graded assignments, incomplete/missing classwork notices, and other important notices from the school.

·  A parent/guardian has to sign any graded assignment that has a score of 69 or lower and return it with the folder. Any graded assignment with a score of 70 or higher stays at home and does not have to be signed.

·  Classwork notices have to be signed and returned.

·  The front cover of the folder also has to be signed.

Absent Work/Tests/Reports

·  If your child is absent and you would like to pick up or have me send the missed work home with a sibling or another student, you MUST call the office before 9:45 and let them know you plan on doing this.

·  I WILL NOT send the missed work home without advanced notification.

·  Missed work can be picked up ONLY at 2:30.

·  If your child is absent he/she has 5 days to make up the work. Any absent work not handed in will result in a 0.


·  Enclosed with this packet is a supply list

·  ALL supplies must be brought in NO LATER than September 11th. If you can get them earlier than the 11th, that would be great!

·  Please ONLY buy the items listed on the supply list

·  Supplies will run out throughout the school year and must be replenished IMMEDIATELY


·  Enclosed in this packet you will find my discipline plan letter. Please read, review with your child, sign and return.

Grading Policy

·  Classwork (including participation) = 25%

·  Homework = 25%

·  Tests/Quizzes = 25%

·  Class Participation = 25%

Mrs. Hook’s Discipline Plan Letter to Parents


Dear Parent(s)/Guardian:

In order to guarantee your child and all students in my classroom the best learning environment that they deserve, I am implementing the following Discipline Plan starting today.

My philosophy:

I believe all of my students can behave appropriately in my classroom. I will tolerate no student stopping me from teaching and/or any student from learning.

My classroom rules:

·  Raise hand to be called on and listen when others are speaking

·  Follow directions

·  Turn in all assignments, completed, and on time

·  Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself

·  Work quietly and do not disturb others

·  Show respect for ALL students, teachers, visitors, school and personal properties


·  No gum chewing

If a student chooses to break a rule:

·  1st offense – warning

·  2nd offense –lunch detention (parent will be notified)

·  3rd offense – referred to principal or vice-principal

I have read and understand the classroom policies. I have also discussed these policies with my child.


Student Name


Parent Signature Date

Emergency Contact/Student Information Form

Student Name:______Birthday:______



Home Phone Number:______

Parent Name (mom):______Email:______

Mom’s Phone Number:______Cell:______

Parent Name (dad):______Email:______

Dad’s Phone Number:______Cell:______

Emergency Contact Name:______

Relationship to Student:______Phone:______

How will your child get home from school? (circle one)

Car Walk Bus

Any other important information that I should be aware of?
