Katman Integumentary System Project: Skin Disorders

Due Date: 9/30/14

During our study of the Integumentary System, we take the time to do a project about skin disorders. Students are to choose a disorder from a list that I provide so there are no repeats. The project consists of two parts: “The Brochure”or Display poster board and “The Public Service Announcemen for extra credit..”

The Brochure: Each student makes a tri-fold brochure like those found in the health department and other health facilities (ex. doctor’s offices). The brochure is double sided with at least one photo of the disorder, description of the disorder, causes, cures or treatments, prevention, and any other information they think is specifically important to the disorder. Students are to include proper citation of their sources or they do not get credit for their project. No Plagiarism!

The Public Service Announcement: After completion of the brochure, students record a 10 to 30 second message about their disorder on the computer. The information must include what it is, how you get it, and possible treatments/cures. This is then put on our website with a picture of the student that recorded the information.

Note: some students do not have access to publishing type programs and internet so I schedule computer lab time and I accept hand written or typed and pasted brochures without penalty.

If you would like more information feel free to contact me at

Oakleaf High School

Anatomy & Physiology Reg/Honors /Health Sciences

Science Project: Public Service


A public service announcement (PSA) can be an effective

way to inform and influence people. The intent of some

PSAs isas basic as announcing the time and location of an

event, while others are designed to educateor persuade. In

this project, your task will be to create anaudio PSA intended

to persuade the public to take action on an outbreak of a skin disorder.

Common Skin Disorders-Skin Disorders Project

No repeats or 2nd chances…

  1. Skin cancer
  2. Eczema
  3. Shingles
  4. Corns and calluses
  5. Sebaceous cyst
  6. Ichthyosisvulgaris
  7. Lupus
  8. Acne
  9. Hemangioma of skin
  10. Cold sore
  11. Psoriasis
  12. Rosacea
  13. Seborrheic eczema
  14. Hives (Uticaria)
  15. Vitiligo
  16. Warts
  17. Necrotizing fasciitis
  18. Cutaneouscandidiasis
  19. Carbuncle
  20. Cellulitis
  21. Athlete’s Foot
  22. Impetigo
  23. Cutis laxa
  24. Decubitus ulcer
  25. Mole
  26. Diaper rash
  27. Fungal nail infection
  28. Pruritus
  29. Canker sore
  30. Herpes stomatitis
  31. Pediculosis
  32. Birthmark
  33. Alopecia
  34. Scabies
  35. Pustule