Orange County
Football Officials Association
July 20, 2016
Los Alisos Intermediate School, Mission Viejo
BOARD ATTENDEES: Mark Andrews Larry Clanton Wayne Clark
Gary Gilman John Holmberg Mod Vega
Forrest Werner Frank Werner Chad Wilson
Bob Yoakum
ABSENT: Steve Heyman
NON BOARD ATTENDEES: Paul Caldera Mark Graban
GUESTS: Don Ariosto Jeff Osborne
The meeting was called to order at 5:02 p.m. by President Frank Werner
Officials Forum –
Ariosto – Qualifications for crew to work 7 man games. Passing League requirement issues. Ariosto had conflicts with other conferences and could not attend. Was scheduled to attend Edison but SCCIAC conference held a mandatory weekend clinic on the same date. Heard there was an exception made last year and would like to have an exception to the passing league requirements.
President’s Report (Frank Werner)
CFOA Meeting – 2/2/2 – Format change. Andrews video. Recruitment.
By-Laws Meeting – 16 Officials showed up. Biggest concern was the cover so we changed it to not include the old pants. The board approved the amount of missed meetings to 4 in a row instead of 2. Non certified board member can only be appointed by certified officials.
Secretary /Treasurer’s Report (Clanton)
June 2016 Board Minutes
Motion to approve by Forrest Werner/ 2nd Wilson – Approved 9-0
Registration Update –
Reported that we have 226 officials registered as of July 20, 2016. Have currently 18 new officials
CIF State Accreditation –
Clanton indicated that the documents had been submitted but had not heard back from the CIF State Committee as of this date.
NASO Electronic Newsletter Request
Clanton indicated that NASO would like our list of officials email roster to correspond directly with our members on NASO items, updates, etc.
Motion to not approve in giving out the email list to NASO by Wilson/2nd by Forrest Werner. Denial Approved 7-1 (No-Gilman, Abstain-Vega & Yoakum)
June 2016 Financial Reports
Motion to approve by Holmberg/2nd Yoakum – Approved 10-0
OCFOA Board Minutes
July 20, 2016
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Vice-President (Gilman)
Pizza Party –
All-Star Pizza will not close down restaurant for private party event. Seating would be adequate – Followed up but the manager has not returned Gilman’s calls. Thinking more about the event, we will need to charge the members a nominal fee to keep track of the attendees. October 5th is the date. Will go back to BJ’s again to work out a detailed proposal.
Instructional Chairman (Wilson)
CFOA instructional meeting – only 3 minor changes. Officials and Administrators were really close in thought process but a disconnect with the coaches. Lots of admiration for Mark Andrews on the videos produced. Changed the numbers from 10 to 7 on years of service for State playoff assignments. Instruction starts tonight – Crean Lutheran passing league this weekend. Classification exam tonight in groups due to the lack of rooms. Instructors and positions met in late June to look at mechanics. A few mechanics are different between NHFS vs CFOA (example BJ watching wide player). Realize the future is cutting time down in the meetings using online internet and electronics for instruction.
Assignor (Caldera)
Have an adjustment list for 7 man mechanic games – 25 current games scheduled. Several 7 were changed to 5 because of the amount of varsity games on the Friday from second week. Ariosto crew is no longer on the list but added Bertolino and Douglass crews based on the minimum requirements to be selected. Schools have been making changes up to July 19th – New fields, some being redone is causing the issues. Some are dropping their JV programs – “Definitely Maybe”. Officials changes on mini crews, work schedules, etc. Readjusting. 7 man mechanics is complicating the assignment process. In the future, 4 permanent 7 man crews would be needed and evaluated. Keeping registration open for a few weeks. Passing League will be evaluated on how to go forward in getting out of the assignment of the tournaments. Gillman suggest late season games be held in open position until determination of quality of the games and outcome of leagues are reviewed.
Ratings Chairman (Heyman)
Golf Tournament Chad Wilson
Motion to advance $150.00 to the golf tournament by Wilson/2nd by Forrest Werner.
Denied – 2 -8 against.
Annual Award Selections Chad Wilson
Moved to executive session
NEXT MEETING DATE/TIME – To Be Determined – No Date or Time Set.
ADJOURNMENT – 6:15 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted
Larry Clanton
OCFOA Board Minutes
July 20, 2016
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Ariosto Crew issue –
Regarding 7 man mechanics. Entire crew did not meet the minimum requirements to be given the 7 man games as reported by Paul Caldera. Discussion followed and it was agreed to let Caldera handle the situation.