Education Service Center Region 10

Board of Directors Meeting

Friday, December 17, 2010

Dillard Board Room

è  è è 9:30 a.m.


I.  Call to Order and Determination of Quorum

II.  Recognition of Visitors

III.  Action Items

A.  Approve agenda

B.  Consider approval of minutes from the Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors held on October 27, 2010

C.  Audit Committee Report /Consider Approval of 09-10 Audit

D.  Consider Auditor Engagement Letter for 2010-2011 Fiscal Year

E.  Consider Approval of 2010-2011 Budget Amendments

F. Consider Approval of Financial Report and Report of Investments

G.  Consider Approval of Bids/Requests for Proposal

1.  RFQ #2010-11 Dual Credit, Online Courses for the Texas Virtual School Network

2.  RFQ #2010-12 TxVSN Professional Development for Inexperienced and Experienced Online Instructors

3.  RFP #2010-13 Processing USDA Commodity Donated Foods

H. Call Election for Board of Directors, Places 4 & 5 (Overton & Milstead)

I. Consider acceptance of Board Member Resignation

J. Consider approval for Region 10 ESC to serve as Fiscal Agent during 2011-2012 for ESEA Title I Regular and Migrant, Title II, III, and IV, ARRA, and management of Titles I and II for private schools on behalf of certain public schools – subject to funding continuation.

K. Consider approval of Head Start/Early Head Start Self-Assessment Improvement Plan (Exhibit III-K)

L. Consider approval of Head Start/Early Head Start 2010-2011 Self-Assessment Timeline (Exhibit III-L)

M. Consider adoption of the 2011-2012 Region 10 Calendar

IV. Discussion Items

A. 2010 Client Satisfaction Survey Results (Exhibit IV-A)

V. Information Items

A. Head Start/Early Head Start Update

B. Holiday Party Information and Map to Party Location (Exhibit V-B)

VI. Public Forum

VII. Executive Session: Executive Session will be held for purposes permitted by Texas Opening Meetings Act…..Personnel – V.A.T.C.S., Article 6252-17, Section 2G

A. Consider personnel matters

VIII.  Reconvene from executive session for action relative to items considered

during the executive session

IX.  Other

X.  Adjournment

