Lord of the Flies ~ Reading Questions Chapter 1

1.  What circumstances brought the boys to the island?


2.  What qualities about Ralph make him desirable as chief?


3.  Why is Piggy upset with Ralph? (pages 21 and 25) Use text evidence to support your answer.



4.  Why can’t Jack kill the piglet?


Lord of the Flies ~ Reading Questions Chapter 2

1.  Summarize the plan the boys have to be rescued.


2.  Why does Jack want “lots of rules?”


3.  How does Ralph make the boys feel secure? (page 36)


4.  How is Piggy’s point of view different from the rest of the boys?


Lord of the Flies ~ Reading Questions Chapter 3

1.  Why does Ralph feel it’s important to have shelter for the little one?

______2. Describe Simon. Why does he go off alone up the mountain?

______3. What are the various jobs assigned to the boys? Why don’t they do their jobs?


Why is Ralph frustrated? (pages 50-52) ______

Lord of the Flies ~ Reading Questions Chapter 4

1.  Why doesn’t the passing ship spot the boys?


2.  Explain the meaning of the title of this chapter (you will want to answer this at the end, once you’ve read the chapter). Symbolically, what does this show?


3.  What is the meaning of Jack’s statement, “You should have seen the blood”? What does this show about his character?


4.  How does Ralph reclaim his position as chief?


Lord of the Flies ~ Reading Questions Chapter 5

1.  How are things between the boys falling apart? Give 2 examples from the chapter to demonstrate.


2.  Why does Ralph need Piggy? (page 78 )


3.  What does Simon think the beast is? What does he mean by this? (page 89)


4.  What example proves Jack’s refusal to accept intelligent thinking? (p 89-91)


Lord of the Flies ~ Reading Questions Chapter 6

1.  Is there really a beast? How do you know?


2.  How does Ralph and Jack’s concern for the littuns differ?


3.  Cite a specific piece of text evidence from this chapter that proves Jack doesn’t think about things all the way through.


4.  The conch represents democratic order. Why does Jack say they don’t need the conch any longer?


Lord of the Flies ~ Reading Questions Chapter 7

1.  How is this time that the boys play the “chase the pig” game different from when it was played before? (pages 74-75 contrasted with pages 114-115)


2.  Why do you think Jack hates Ralph? Why won’t he talk it over with him?


3.  Who volunteers to go tell Piggy the rest will be late? Why do you think he volunteers?



4.  What evidence did the boys find to prove there is a beast? Why are they so gullible?


Lord of the Flies ~ Reading Questions Chapter 8

1.  What does Jack mean when he says “I’m not going to play any longer”?


2.  Why do the boys refuse to vote for Jack as chief, but slip off to join him later?


3.  What threat does the Lord of the Flies make to Simon? Does he really speak? Is Simon crazy?




Lord of the Flies ~ Reading Questions Chapter 9

1.  Why do Ralph and Piggy join the party?


2.  What does Simon realize when he’s on the mountain? (pages 146-147)



3.  Did the boys deliberately kill? Did they know what they were doing? Briefly explain.



4.  What happens to the boy’s body as it goes out to sea? (pages 153-154—read these last couple of pages very carefully) What does this symbolize?



Lord of the Flies ~ Reading Questions Chapter 10

1.  How does Piggy justify Simon’s murder? Why does he need to justify it if he didn’t kill Simon?



2.  How does Jack account for the death of Simon? (page 161)


3.  In what ways do Jack and his group act like savages? Use two pieces of evidence from this chapter as proof.



4.  Describe the attack: who was attacking? What did they want and/or take?


Lord of the Flies ~ Reading Questions Chapter 11

1.  How is Piggy blinded?


2.  What do Ralph and his group plan to do to when they go to meet Jack’s group? Why are they so concerned about how they will look? What do the appearances of the two groups symbolize?



3.  Explain what is meant by the line, “They understood only too well the liberation into savagery that concealing paint bought.”


4.  What is the symbolic meaning of the shattered conch?


Lord of the Flies ~ Reading Questions Chapter 12

1.  If Ralph asked Jack to join his tribe, do you think Jack would have let him? (Look at Jack’s past actions to support your thoughts)



2.  Explain what Jack does to force Ralph out of the thicket?


3.  Does the officer believe Ralph about the boys who are killed? What did he expect from British boys? Why would he expect that?

