Lord of the Flies Essay AssignmentNAME______

Compare/Contrast—Due Date Friday, Sept. 24th.

English I



This assignment is designed to help you familiarize yourself with both the process of character development and the relationships amongst characters in a given piece of literature. The essay will be an opportunity for you to examine both the similarities and differences between two characters from the novel Lord of the Flies. Characters may include, Ralph, Jack, Piggy, Simon, or Roger. This will also provide you a venue in which you can provide your own thoughts and opinions about the literature and its use of characterization and conflict.

Character Selection Disclaimer

For this essay you may only choose two characters to compare and contrast from the novel. Choose characters that you feel you know the most about and ones that you feel comfortable writing about. It will be beneficial to do a prewriting exercise such as a table, a character web, list, etc. All of these characters are given adequate space in the novel, so all of these are great choices for your paper. It is up to you which ones you would like to analyze.

Paper Description

In this paper it will be your duty to answer the following questions: How are these two characters alike? How are the two characters different? Why do they act this way? What are their motivations, relationships, character traits, etc.? It is up to you to thoroughly analyze both characters so that your reader can fully understand how they were developed by the author, as well as what specific purpose they each serve in the novel. Remember, specifics enlighten, generalities cloud—provide as many specific details from the text as possible.

Text Citations and Works Cited Page

You are required to use a minimum of three direct quotes from the text to support your ideas about the characters. (We will practice in-text citations in class.) Since you will be using quotes from the novel, it will also be important to include a Works Cited page with the information for the novel Lord of the Flies. (This will also be shown to you in class.) This is essential in order to avoid plagerism.

Paper Format

The paper should be typed, double spaced, in 12 point Times New Roman font. You should use proper MLA Format including the proper heading, page numbers, parenthetical documentation, and a Works Cited page. The length for this paper is 2-3 pages. Do not forget to submit your paper to Turnitin.com.


The paper will be graded using the 6-Trait scale with a greater weight on Ideas and Content. The paper will be worth 100 points.

Ideas and Content / /25
Organization / /10
Sentence Fluency / /10
Voice / /10
Word Choice / /10
Conventions / /10
Works Cited / /10
Parenthetical Documentation/MLA Format / /15