Euro Examination Centre

Address: 1012 Tábor utca 5.

Tel.: (+36 1)797-1366, Fax: (+36 1) 797-1366


Account number: 10403181-31821647-00000000

Registration Form

Please fill in digitally, and send it as an e-mail attachment to the following address:

You will be asked to sign the printed form here later on the course.


Course Type / Oral Examiner Training
Course Dates / days / month / year
I would like an “ÁFÁ-s számla” for the following name and address:
Method of payment (please circle): / BANK TRANSFER

First Name
Last Name
Maiden Name
Place and Date of Birth
Mother Tongue (First language)
Present Address with postal code
Tel. & mobile number
E-mail address (with an indication of how regularly you check it) and/or Fax number
Present occupation & workplace
Work telephone number

University Degree(s) (please state where you studied and give the year and your exact qualification)[1] / Institution:
Other Examiner Training Courses
Other relevant qualifications


a)Working experience (years, workplaces, age-groups, levels, teaching materials)
b)Examining Experience
  1. Oral and written pre-course interview

Please be prepared for a 10-15 minutes’ telephone call from one of the trainers about your professional profile and motivations. The conversation will be in English.

ON A SEPARATE PIECE OF PAPER PLEASE WRITE (very briefly) ABOUT THE FOLLOWING in prose form, not in notes:

a.)Teaching Experience

Indicate your teaching experience in preparing students for EXAMS (either national or international exams), including things you liked and didn’t like about it.

b.)Reasons for and feelings about taking the Oral ExaminerTraining Course, including:

Reasons for taking the course

What you expect from the course

The emphasis you would like the course to have

What you do not want the course to deal with …

c.)Taking Language Exams

Write about your experience of taking language exams.

What do you think are the most important factors in being successful in the speaking part of the exam?


I have read and understand the General Information, Requirements and the Training Contract of the Oral Examiner Training Course.

Furthemore, I understand that I must pay the course fee by the set deadline.

NB Registration Form and course fee are due 5 working days before the start of the course:

Date: ………………………………………… / ……………………………………………….

[1] We will need to see your original degree, diplomas, certificates,

and keep an authorised copy of them.