Look Out, Lord Chamberlain’s Men!! You and your fellow students are responsible for starting your own fledgling theater company. The ultimate goal of your theater company is to successfully prepare and present a portion of a scene from “Julius Caesar” to your classmates.

Your group must do the following:

·  Name your Company

·  Assign group members to fill the following positions at your theater company:

o  Actors

o  Directors

o  Cue Card Makers

o  Costume Designers/Assemblers

o  Prop Designers

o  Playbill/Poster Creators

o  Set Designers

(obviously, each group member will assume more than one job)

·  Select a key scene for your presentation (the presentation should take between 3 and 5 minutes). As filmmakers and acting companies sometimes do, you MAY omit lines you don’t feel are absolutely necessary.

·  Plan your scene, decide where your actors will stand, rehearse the lines, timing, etc

·  Prepare props (if any), and put together basic costumes

·  Make a simple playbill for your audience with brief bios of your group members, and a summary of the scene you chose

·  Memorize (or at least APPEAR to memorize) key lines for dramatic effect

·  Perform your scene for the class!!

For this endeavor to be successful, you must work as a team and collaborate with other teams by putting your heads together on certain tasks. For example, you may need members of other groups to serve as extras in your scene.

This project will be due: ______