Year A

Year / Autumn / Spring / Summer
1/2 / Belonging:
What does it mean to belong? / Festivals/Beliefs and Practices:
Why do Christians give gifts at Christmas? / Founders and Leaders:
Who was Jesus and who were his friends (disciples)?
Founders and Leaders:
Who is Mohammed and why is he important? / Festivals/Beliefs and Practices:
What is Easter and why is Palm Sunday important? / Founders and Leaders
Choose from Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism or Sikhism
Hinduism / Belonging:
Choose from Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism or Sikhism
Founders and Leaders:
Who is Mohammed and why is he important?
3/4 / Festivals:
Choose from Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism or Sikhism
Diwali / Festivals/Beliefs and Practices:
What are the symbols associated with Christmas? / Places of Worship:
What is a church and why is it important? / Festivals/Beliefs and Practices:
How is Easter celebrated in Church? / Places of Worship:
What is a mosque and why is it important? / Places of Worship:
Choose from Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism or Sikhism

5/6 / Festivals:
Choose from Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism or Sikhism
Diwali / Festivals/Beliefs and Practices:
How do we know about the Christmas story? / Expressions of faith through Art:
Thematic compare and contrast
Christianity, Islam
and one other / Festivals/Beliefs and Practices:
How far can the death of Jesus be seen as a victory in Christianity? / Worship in Practice:
Thematic compare and contrast
Christianity, Islam and one other

Year B

Year / Autumn / Spring / Summer
2 / Belonging:
What does it mean to belong?
Sacred Texts:
What is the Quran and why is it important? / Festivals/Beliefs and Practices:
How and why do Christians celebrate Christmas? / Founders and Leaders:
Who was Jesus and who were his friends (disciples)? / Festivals/Beliefs and Practices:
What are the key events associated with the Easter story?
Sacred buildings / Sacred Texts
Choose from Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism or Sikhism / Founders and Leaders:
Who was Jesus and who were his friends
Sacred Texts:
What is the Quran and why is it important?
4 / Beliefs and Practices
Choose from Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism or Sikhism / Festivals/Beliefs and Practices:
What are the journeys that take place within the Christmas story? / Sacred Texts:
What is the Bible and why is it important? / Festivals/Beliefs and Practices:
Why is Easter important to Christians? / Festivals:
What is EID and why is it important? / Beliefs and Practices:
What food, drink and leisure are important in Islam and why? 
6 / Beliefs and Practices:
What are the five pillars and why are they important?
 / Festivals/Beliefs and Practices:
What do the Gospel stories tell us about the birth of Jesus? / Expressions of faith through Art:
Thematic compare and contrast
Christianity, Islam
and one other
/ Festivals/Beliefs and Practices:
How do betrayal and loyalty feature in the Easter story? / Rites of Passage:
Thematic compare
and contrast Christianity, Islam
and one other

 / Extended
 / Different Year Group

Early Years

Year / Autumn / Spring / Summer
A / All Aabout Mme
  • Diwali
  • Harvest festival
  • People who are special to me
  • Nativity/Christmas
/ Growth
  • Ch’ing Ming
  • Easter
/ Out and Aabout
  • Vvisit to a religious building
  • Vivisit from a religious leader

B / People Who Help Us
  • The Good Samaritan
  • Harvest Festival
  • Nativity/Christmas
  • Rosh Hashanah elp Us
The Good Samaritan
Harvest Festival
Rosh Hashanah / Opposites
  • Life of Jesus (good/bad)
  • Diwali (light and dark)
  • Easter
/ Eric Carle
  • Christian Aid week
  • Visit to a religious building

C / Children From Around the WORLD
  • Ethiopian New Year
  • Harvest festival
  • NativitryNativity/Christmas
/ Materials
  • Discuss a variety of clothes, houses, food from different cultures.
  • Chinese New Year
/ All Creatures Great and Small
  • Noah’s Ark
  • The Lost Sheep